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Hi Guys

So for someone who is a keen smoker and a keen defender of all things natural you may be surprised to learn that as far as gardening and that soil stuff is concerned, I am a blank book. I mean really blank. I've never grown a thing in my life, wait maybe a sunflower in Infant school but I'm guessing it died.

I'm really keen on growing my own but I like to know where I'm going rather than fumble in the dark and I kind of figure the rudiments of these things would be a good place to start. Obviously, with this being the Organics thread, I'm keen to be as natural as possible.

So....! Would anyone be up for some hand holding, I'm sure there are one or two of you with a great passion for this and I'm a good student, honest!



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Guest stoner_boy

well for a beginner i recommend getting hold of a few seeds and just plant them in the ground (just as an experiment). or start like this:

1. Put the seeds on moist tissues.(on the first sheet of moist tissue put the seeds on the put another layer of moist tissues over the top and put the two moist tissues on a plat)

2. Cover the plate with another upturned plate.

3. Put the covered seeds in a warm place (around 21 degrees)and keep them moist.

4. The seeds will open and the root becomes visible.

when the roots becpme visible the plant them.

i recommend while the germination progress is happening read up a lot on overgrow.com it's got all u need to know on growing.

really as a beginner just get a few plants together so u can c the progress for yourself and then u'll know how to look after them and care for them etc.

it's to late to start growing now unless you grow inside.

well that me finished jabbering on hope that helps u, c ya later man and good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

i agree that if you don't know anything (like me a few weeks ago) then stick to one stage at a time. first learn how to germinate the seeds, then move on to how to grow the seedlings., this way your brain doesnt' get too overloaded with loads of info!

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I would recomennd getting yourself a book, the Indoor Bible and European cannabis cultivator are both good reads, loads available in the UK420 shop!

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My method of laerning is read read read a good few weeks studying put your ideas on a bit of a note book then fire away a few questions on the boards then when you think youve got a bit of an idea have a go start small and as your confidence grows so will your knowledge and your grow :headpain:

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yeah man, as saldo1 says, read, read, read - get confused then post your questions on the board.

Everything is here @ uk420 for your growing needs.

Have fun,

Freeda Urbman

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