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how much bud will i get from four plants if i am using 56w fluoro lights using a pukka home made reflector made from foil?

cos i am using a low lighting system is there anyway i can maxamise my yield?

thanks in advance.tinche8

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H'mm not easy question .

It is not really the done thing but I have seen it many years ago , are you using a particular strain of plant or just seed found in weed ?

The way I would maximise yield is buy flowering as many small plants as possible in a "Sea of Green"

It is not really possible to say how much you will get as there are so many variables .

While you are having your first attempt , I would suggest investing a good book such as "The Closet Cultivator" all be it american with american measurements and the like it is probably the most appropriate book for most peoples uses .

With a small amount of investment £400-£500 i have set up many systems for friends who on their first harvests have yielded a minimum of 5oz , this has been done using nutriculture NFT troughs(the smallest) new nutrients , 250w ballast with sodium and metal halide bulbs , mylar . 2x clip-on fans , an RVK 5" fan for blowing air in and a wickes bathroom extractor for extraction . ( The fans used in this way , more powerful fan blowing in rather than out as this reduces risk of insects and other pests)All of this is based around the biggest wardrobe you can get your hands on .

Keep up the good work .

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i have a most the things u mentioned in ya thread but i dont really wanna use my mom electricity cos it hard bein a single parent n all... u fee my drift? ya c my mom dont mind me growin, but she dont want me using up alot of electricity cos she feel that it will look blaitant as our lec'e bill has never reached over £30 since she moved in (moved in 1982)

i currently have 4 kc33 from kc brains seedlings (8 days old). wen u say screen of green wot exactly do u mean and how tall should my plants b wen u say small?

does the "closet cultivator" book thing'e comes as a computa file aswell, if so can u send me a PM on where 2 get a cracked version of sum sort

P.S I dunno if this makes it any easier 4 ya but when i said how much wll i yeild, i ment how much will i get if i veg jus for over a month


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if ur going to grow using fluros use as many as u can fit in and also u might consider scroging ur plant using a frame with chicken wire abouve ur plants so that when they grow up into the mech u can bend it through the mesh and form a canopy as close to the fluros as possible but be aware u wont get a massive yield from fluros they lack in light penetration but if u scrog u can get an even canopy right up to ur lights close which means all ur light is directed onto bud sites and not filtered between plants and wasted but u will get some bud but not lots i feel for yer mum it is hard being a single parent i also grew up with me mum alone its tough ur doing the right thing by not using yer hps cuase its hard enough without bigger leccy bills top bloke hope ive helped some peace out

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Lo PPL! B)

If u have got 4 plants that dont seem like much light to get them well veggin! i used 4 compact fluros for one plant which was 80Watt,when i first started growing and that went fine inside a waldrobe with lots of foil! ( be sure to use the dull side as the reflector and the shiny side facing the wall because the shiny side cause heat spots and may damage ur leaves!

So the foil sounds gud but u could do with getting some more Watt for ur plants! www.growell.co.uk is gud or www.growlighting.co.uk thats got some bargains on complete sets for some gud lights! But if u also want to keep going at low budget u could just buy some more compact fluros at about £2 each! That should make ur bud get to atleast a reasonible size!

Unlike if u keep one where u will get quite a small crop!

Ne hope that helped alittle! Greg lol

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As for sea of green type growing i would suggest taking cuttings from the 4 plants that you have and trying to achieve maybe 4 cuttings of each off them , in which case take 6 cuttings off each of them , you might lose one or two .

Pot them in 2l pop bottles with the top 3rd cut off . that way you can get lots of plants stacked close together . Flower them when they are about 18" tall and you might get a nice 1/4 oz off each of them . Then when you start flowering look out for females / males etc , throw the males away , take one female plant back out of flowering room and put it back to veg , that way you take as many gauranteed female cuttings as you wish for next time .

Follow Greg's advice above .

If for example half your plants are female you should end up with about 2-3 ounces in total at best .

As for closet cultivator book I have'nt seen it as a computer file , but books are always good as reference guides , specially when designing new home systems .

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