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Biobizz Grow Schedule


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Thanks ot1 ;)

IIRC, a fair proportion of the nutrients in All Mix come from the Pre-Mix which is added to it.

I know Bio Bizz recommend adding Pre-Mix to your All-Mix if you want to re-use it, I was just wondering if you could add less pre-mix and use stronger nutes during the grow or, alternatively, use a bit more pre-mix and less nutes during the grow?

Also, is there any advantage to using pre-prepared All mix as opposed to making your own compost from 20% peat moss, 35% garden peat, 10% worm castings, 30% perlite and 5% pre-mix (which is, supposedly, exactly what All-Mix consists of)?

Edited by chez
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chez the garden peat is called sedge peat in the uk.

Its also worth noting that the last allmix I looked at also seems to have coir in it as well, I think they are reformulating it.

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thanks again ot1.

Just found this on the Growell site -

" When using Bio Bizz Pre Mix to make your own soil mix a suggested mix (by Bio Bizz) is 50% potting compost, 30% perlite, 15% worm fertiliser and 5% Pre-Mix. You could of course experiment with these mixes and we would probably suggest you put in 35% potting compost and 15% coco fibre coir instead of just 50% potting compost.

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Ello all,got a question regarding how often 2 add then nutes on bio-bizz schedule,every watering or every other watering,have a nice 1 & be lucky.

Edited by buddly
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In the chart above they are recommending it every water then nothing but water for the week before harvest. Its not how I do it.

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thanks oldtimer yer a gent,if i could bend your ear once again,if i was to veg for say 6 or 7 weeks,do i carry on using just grow or should i add a touch of alg,thanks again.

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The chart above is for cuttings not growing from seed and the needs are different.

From seed in allmix I would tend to raise the grow to 3 or 4 ml to the litre a week or two after getting to the final pot size. This is the problem with fixed charts, every plants var needs slightly different nutrient values. Personally I don't like alg as a product so don’t recommend it but thats only me others seem to like it. To maintain vigorous growth and all over health from seed I would tend to use a combination of grow and viz. The problem is I don't go by a formula but from how I felt the plants are doing.

Take a look at an old thread of mine called 48 baby cuts in growroom pics. It should sort of give you an idea of my growing philosophy. I know its a cuttings grow but the pictures should tell you about the health of plants. At some point in time I’ll do a seed grow series in the same way, I just don’t have the time right now.

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At some point in time I’ll do a seed grow series in the same way, I just don’t have the time right now.

No pressure, but that is definitely something to look forward to :blushing:

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Hi all

OT1 the viz stuff your are talkin about.is that the product now called fish mix.are these the same .also you say you don't like the alga-mic.is there a specific reason for you not using it



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Yep Viz = fish mix. Most people don't like it because of its smell.

Seen people completely kill their plants or have extreme lock out using alga-mic, I’m not talking about one or two growers but dozens. Could be something to do with our local water, dammed if I know. It was before the water ring main was installed round the gla.

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OT1, why do the hydro stores as well as bio bizz nl suggest not using fertiliser during the vegetative stage? i use the growell method of 30% clay pebbles and 70% Allmix plants grew well, way better than conventional dirt i did buy bio bizz BLOOM, to finish them off, but really you don't need to waste your money on grow, its already in the bag.

uglybudly sorry for not getting back before I’m not to well. For years BioBizz originally said that Allmix had all the fertiliser it needed for complete growth and flowering but that flowering could be enhanced with the addition of some bloom. Recently from members comments here this is obviously not true as far as the Allmix they have been selling so far this year. You can also see from the chart above that they are changing their recommendations big time, I would ask them why! A compost either supplies all the needs or it doesent.

I know they are putting up some of their products for soil association certification. I suspect they have been playing with the formulation of allmix. Why do you say allmix has no coir in it? I know they say it consists of 20% sphagnum peat moss, 35%garden peat, 10% high quality organic worm manure, 30% perlite and 5% Pre-Mix.

I took a look at a sample recently under a microscope and there was a considerable amount of coir in it, maybe there was a mistake in the mixing department but I don’t think so.

Composts nutritional ability to grow good plants firstly depends on having x = amount of nutrient reserves. As in JI No1 having 1 x measure of JI base fertiliser per volume of compost mix. JI No2 and JI No3 have twice or three times the amount of base added to the same volume, JI seedling has a half of the base added. The second thing is what the actual compost mix is made of. ie how much is totally inert and how much is mineral based or organic product. A natural top soil or good organic compost is full of micro organisms, [“the micro flora”] these constantly break down organic matter and minerals, react with the the plant roots etc. The more the compost make up is inert the more supplementary feeding will be needed.

The myth that cannabis grown in pots needs huge amounts of drainage is total nonsense. It came about because in the USA when growing puff indoors first started. The people growing knew nothing about growing plants or gardening. They tended to overwater, ie as soon as the top of the compost was dry. Also they tended to plant little seedlings into very big pots often 10 gallon or more. Natural soil outside is in constant contact with the subsoil and even when saturated tends not to get anaerobic but tends to stay aerobic due to constant drainage and capillary action. But compost in pots can get into an anaerobic state very easily and the compost go irreversibly sour if not treated properly. Rather than learning from their mistakes and looking at standard horticultural growing practises ie: potting on and the wet dry cycle, the puff growers reinvented the wheel. They added more and more drainage until they often had 50 or 60% inert drainage products as part of the compost, this means more watering/feeding per volume of compost and is halfway towards hydro/chemical growing methods. This carries on today the grow shops replicating and enhancing the myths. It means puff growers don’t have to learn to understand gardening or even think about it.

Thats partly why we are here, its in the interest of hydro stores and the fertiliser manufacturers interests to sell more product. Its a sad state if to grow puff in allmix you now need 4 or 5 liquid fertilisers as well, when 4 or 5 years back you needed none or only a little bloom and grow mixed..

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Excellent post OT :)

Be interested to know what BioBizz have to say on the current state of their Allmix.

Hope you're feeling better btw OT :)

ps. Have we lost that chart? Could we put it into the faq at all?

Edited by Mr.Bishie
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