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Twilight BAD NEWS


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:( Hi outdoor growers - just to let you know that it has become apparent due to the brilliant weather that 3 out of our 5 twilights are male...sob sob sob...

Cant believe it...pictures on the problem page....we (first time growers duh) thought that the top pic was the goodies and the bottom pic a hermie...but tis the other way round....

Can anything be done with the male stuff rather than just chuck it in the bin?

Peace (and calm!)

Mossy............. crying profusely into my coffee :blub:

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You can harvest the males and smoke the bud.

It'll taste like crap and give you a headache though ;)

Or you could make some very weak (and very little) hash/oil.

Or you could just throw 'em away :( I know it's painful but it's the right thing to do.


- BD :blub:

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Doing anything with males is strongly not recommended. I mean It can do serious damage to your lungs. Best to throw away even if it hurts (it will hurt less than when you have to call the doctor)


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Doing anything with males is strongly not recommended. I mean It can do serious damage to your lungs

Smoking anything will damage your lungs!

If they're big then give butane oil extraction a go, may give you a spliff or two, better than nothing! If they're small, probably best to bin em!

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plant em in a forest, be kind, its not their fault they have balls. you wudnt be happy if ur mum chucked u in the bin at birth cos she was hoping for a baby girl. u cud get a wild population growing :blub:


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That was a cool idea Rocky...I like...but it is too late...I have binned them. It took a big chunk out of my soul to cut them down...I had to use a hacksaw they were so big and strong lol

I have not been so gutted for a long while....enough!

We will persevere...we have two ladies still going and four newones at about a foot high (although I think we may end up having to finish indoors). We will be sexing as soon as possible this time!! Need to get some cuttings....is there anyway to take cuttings when you know the sex (without having a PHd in botanics...) or do we need to let them flower and then take cuttings?

I have read that cuttings need to be taken before flowering...and that is dodgy cos it is really difficult to tell early on I think....

Thanks for your comments, sympathies and encouragement. You guys are ace and this board is cool.

By the way - our seeds where DP and femminized.....no stress....total blackout....what went wrong????????

Comments? Crap Product?....lot of cash for ten seeds...only nine survived and so far three males...can't be right? :unsure:



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It is best to take cuttings before flowering, saying that you shouldn’t have any problems if you take them 2 or 3 weeks or even later so you can be sure of the sex but they will take few weeks longer to convert back to vegative and they may not go back completely, growing what look like preflowers just one or two at the base of the branches and the leaves may look a little mutant for a while. And when its time to go 12/12 again around Sept 21st autumn equinox if your growing outside early or later depending on the strain (or you force flower them) they will then go back into full flower mode with no trouble at all.

I grew some DP standard Twilights seeds under lights with good results, finishes very dark shade of purple with a liquorish / aniseed taste and smell took a little getting used to and had a heavy hitting high and very resinous to.

Personally I just don’t trust buying feminised seeds at twice the price, and as you have found out there claims of all females aren’t always true often high hermaphrodite problems, though some people swear by them.

No I say just grow out your normal seeds flower them and chuck out the males as soon as you spot them, unless you want to try your hand at some very basic breading.

All the best to you and your girls!

Bud Brother. :unsure:

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hey guys,i/m one of "them"who swears by feminised seed,20/20,thats not a bad deal,maybe i/m just lucky,the seed i use is d/p,femmed mazar,regards twinkle :unsure:

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