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im lucking for a cheap way of growing weed under lights this autumn. Im only wanting 1-2 plants. Iv got a 150watt bulb and was wondering if this would be ok in a wardrobe sized grow room? Its a bearnet fitting, but will it fit in any any bearnet lamp or wil it have to be one especially for 150watt bulbs.

im not looking for a massive yield and im hoping not to spend any/much money. Im currently growing my first crop outside. Im planning to grow some sk#1 and ak47 from seed.

if i buy a 250watt bulb will i need to buy a full light kit or will it fit in a lamp or room fixture?

remember IM POOR! so please help me find a solution.

thnx alot


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Its going to depend on what kind of light you get, and what kind of 150w bulb you have.

Normal light bulbs, for example, are no good whatsoever for growing weed - the light is the wrong spectrum - same goes for halogen lights.

You can get cheap MBFT lights that just plug into a normal bayonet fitting, that go up to 250w, but they are really only good for cuttings. You will get bud from them but the buds will be small and probably quite stretched out, because you are simply not getting the lumens from it, and there is not enough red in their light output to flower properly. They are much better for vegetive growth

Another option could be the energy saving bulbs. If you get enough of those in a wardrobe, you could get a crop from them, but again, they are better for cuttings or vegging your plants, and by the time you buy enough of them to get the correct amount of lumens, you could have spent the 100 quid to get a high output flourescent lamp.

Basically, its going to depend on what you want, and how much you are going to be able to spend on the setup.

Flouro's are good for keeping the heat down, and will produce bud, but are not anywhere near as good as a decent son - t lamp.

Whichever route you go down, you are going to be looking at around 100 quid for a small light (1 high output flouro or a 250watt sodium with reflector). The MBFT lamps are a lot cheaper, about 45 quid for the light and reflector on a 250w setup or about 15 quid for a 160w bulb only, but are nowhere near as good, and will not give you a particularly brilliant yield.

Also, don't forget that you are going to need some way of getting fresh air into your wardrobe and the old, hot air out. If you don't bother with fresh air, your plants will probably just die.

Hope that was some help anyway

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yeh thanks thats helpful

The MBFT lamps are a lot cheaper, about 45 quid for the light and reflector on a 250w setup or about 15 quid for a 160w bulb only, but are nowhere near as good, and will not give you a particularly brilliant yield.

yeh that sounds ok to me, cheap but ok. I dont mind a small yeild iff it doesnt cost me much to grow. can i just buy a bulb then?

where can i get an MBFT light from?



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Not many places stock them. Infact, of the different growshops I use, only planet hydro in Leicester does them.


Bloke is OK - just don't mention weed on the phone, or he will think you are a copper.

Just bear in mind that these things are designed for cuttings, not for flowering. They are not ideal, but will do for your first crop - you can always get a better light after your first one finishes.

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nice 1 m8. webby is under construction atm but il check it later.

iv been reading other posts on similar subjects, a few people have used energy saving fluros from Tescos etc.

also these babies:

70w sodium security light

cheap cheap :smoke:

what do you think?


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You could try eBay, some people selling lights - the types with ballasts connected to them... prices as cheap as £55 plus PnP for a 400 HPS.

worth keeping an eye on, hope it helps.

Edited by Nagual
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His website is always under construction. he has a pdf document with his prices on up there tho, and his email link works. No online ordering system tho - Dan does not like the idea of them - too easy for plod to access his sales records if they wanted to.

Hmmm, that could work. 70 watts is fuck all though. Spectrum should be OK though, and for 20 quid, its almost worth trying it. Work it out for the amount of power you would get from a normal 600w light tho, and you looking at an equivalent price of 200 quid plus. I would have thought you would need a few of them in your cupboard to get enough light to make it worthwhile though. Also, normal grow lights are high pressure sodiums. Not sure what the difference is between normal sodium and HPS. As long as the light is the same wavelength, then there should not be too much of a problem - just, as I say, 70 watts is not going to really be much good for anything, and if you are going to get 3 or 4 of them, you would have been just as well to buy a 2nd hand 400w system from somewhere.

Ebay is worth a try, just make sure you buy from someone who has a good feedback rating, and make sure that they package the bulb well, and that they do not ship it with the ballast, or you will probably end up with a load of powdered glass instead of a bulb. Also bear in mind that ballasts are heavy bastards, and so you may get stitched up on the postage. Much better if you can go round, see it working and take it away with you.

Oh yeah, and growbulbs deteriorate over time, so find out how much use the bulb has had. I personally use a bulb for 2 - 3 crops max, and then put it out to pasture (or rather, keep it out the way incase of emergancies).

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im getin a m8 to bid on a tastey lil 400w hps which is currently under £20. David Dickenson, eat your heart out :smoke:

hope the price doesnt rise much, hope i get it. not a very high user rating tho.

theres another iv seen which im gona bid on later.


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theres a guy on here that uses a 70W hps in a little cabinet grow room. my GR is the size of a small wardrobe and i use a 150W hps to good results.

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