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Keeping Those Slugs At Bay


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I heard a good tip the other day for keeping the little b*****ds away from your babies onions and nasturtions planted in between and around your crop you guys have probably heard of it before but for those that don't maybe worth a try you can never have enough protection.

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salt kills slugs drys em out not that yad want to pour salt in ur plants but around them might work ?? or it might not work feck knows but i know salt does kill slugs

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bran as well apparently slugs love it they gorge themselves on it and it expands in there stomachs and kills them that will teach em

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I knew some real nasty stuff when I was in asia. Some yellow powder strong enough to burn boa constrictiors thru their skin. It was sued to protect residences from dangerous snakes comming in their homes during the night. You could use sumt like that a prevent anything from gettin trhu maybe even you :ouch: .


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