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here's some interesting observations from a muslim scientist. it's heavy stuff but stick with it.

We exist, consciously.

We stand on the surface of the Earth, seemingly fixed, motionless.

But in truth we are spinning around with the Earth at more than a thousand miles an hour, the Earth itself is orbiting the Sun at around 19 miles a second, and the Sun is orbiting the galaxy at about 140 miles per second, while the galaxy is rushing out from the centre of the universe at about 1250 miles per second, you may think this is the end of the story, but it is only the beginning, the fact you are moving in at least four directions simultaneously whilst standing still is a commonly accepted truth, upon explanation.

In a materialistic point of view (Conventional physics), you could ask what does our entire Universe consists of?

Is it baryonic, ordinary matter - the stuff of stars and of people - this makes up just over 4% of the energy and matter in the universe if viewed as a gravity driven universe, but the universe is not gravity based. We exist within an electro-magnetic electrically charged plasma-based universe. Plasma is ionised gas; it is a good conductor of electricity and reacts to a magnetic field, this means (if you exclude the incorrect conventional physics) 99.9% of the universe is simply plasma and baryonic matter beyond gases is only a tiny fraction of the energy pattern, we exist within an energy system free of gravity, powered by energy attractions and repulsions.

Put another way the matter density of the universe is extremely low. On average, there might be one atom per cubic meter of space.

Conventional physics creates fantasies to explain its errors, it tells us approximately 30% of the missing matter of the universe is dark (unobserved) matter (not emitting detectable energy). The remaining two-thirds, Conventional theorists believe (or mislead), is a mysterious ‘dark energy’ or ‘quintessence’ - a large-scale antigravity-like effect that is making the universe expand ever faster, simply a theory created to manifest the vision of a materialistic universe, absolutely unproved and in fact impossible to prove, as the weak force of gravity, if the universe was powered by gravity, would require 96% more matter than has been observed, but not in a electro-magnetic plasma universe.

So many rationalisations based on the belief in a gravity driven universe have been established, the concept of black holes a theory without merit, (as the theoretic idea of gravity is an instantaneous force, a fact that immediately breaks the Conventional laws of physics, which state nothing can travel faster than light, although some energies do), a poor attempt at a rationalisation of a materialistic fundamentally flawed gravity universe; the concept of a star as a nuclear reactor makes no sense, where the surface is only about 6000 C while the atmosphere above it is about 2000000 C, but this would be expected if the star was a plasma ball, fuelled with electro-magnetic energy, producing electro luminescence.

So is matter itself energy; Energy = Mass x the speed of light squared (E=Mc²) which expresses matter as energy, which is true, but not exactly accurate, it should be E=Tc² which will become clear as you read on, as only time mass exists, so if the material Universe is simply energy, what is energy?

Curiously we do not know what energy is, absolutely nothing is known, no theories have been conceived, no understand glimpsed, only the flow and interactions of energy to a limited degree are understood, we don’t even know exactly what charge is, only what it does. Or, equally significantly, what it does not do.

The very expression ‘energy source’ is actually a misnomer, nothing can be an energy source, or sink, devices we call energy sources do not create energy, they convert it from not suitable for our needs to a form that is suitable, a form we can do work with.

This physical universe is an open energy system, exchanging transduced energy across boundaries allowing both the special energy of Matter (time mass), and all other forms of energy, to transform, or interact, or remain in space time. (nothing except energy exists, absolutely nothing) as all physical matter is ultimately positive and negative energy in conflict or attraction, but you might say energy cannot exist without the fourth dimension of time; so what is time?

At any moment time exists everywhere simultaneously throughout the universe. In short, time is a multiple connection in three-dimensional space. All electromagnetic energy in three-dimensional space comes from the time domain locally and returns to the time domain locally, in a giant negentropic (Negentropy is reverse entropy. It means things becoming more in order.

Time in science is defined as the direction of entropy. This makes it very hard to talk about ideas of time that would apply to negentropy or its effects.

Life is considered to be negentropic because it takes things in less order, like dead food, and turns it into things in more order, like cells in the body, tissues, and organs.) circulation. Time is compacted by the factor c (speed of light), so making it the same energy density as mass, but the highly compressed spatial energy has been rotated into the time domain to ‘produce time’ rather than remain in three dimensional space to ‘produce mass’.

In other words the entire Universe is emanated from a dense highly concentrated infinite sea of energy, without spaces, no vacuum, no void, only energy (a tiny fraction observable, the physical universe, but almost all virtual), of which we know nothing, so this means Energy = Time x the speed of light squared (E=Tc²). This infinite ocean of energy is so dense, in every single cubic centimetre is held more energy than all the visible universe combined, consider it this way, it is estimated (if you accept the milky way as an average galaxy holding approximately 500 billion stars) there exists, extrapolating out, taking from an average of the available observations (approximately 500 billion galaxies), approximately 250,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars, if you allow a single grain of sand 1mm³ to represent one star, the visible stars of our universe would conservatively have a mass, of approx. 250,000,000,000,000m³ ( 250 trillion m³), possibly considerably more as the number of stars can only be roughly judged, and mans knowledge of the universe grows ever greater as man delves ever deeper, so around 250,000 cubic kilometres of sand, each grain representing a star, and all that energy is held within each and every single cubic centimetre of infinity, this gives you both a perspective of the scale of the universe and the scale of Allah, please note the infinite energy of Allah is beyond our ability to observe so only the energy concepts understandable within our universe are described, Allah is beyond comprehension.

Time energy, or electromagnetic spatial energy, is required to drive a mass through time, just as spatial energy is required to drive a mass through space. Mass continually moves through the energetic of space-time, and interacts continuously with it.

Space-time is charged, but with observably massless (virtual) charge, meaning energy outside of our ability to detect it practically.

The photon is the transport system of time, this means that electro luminescence (light) is the key to time and the existence of the physical universe, it consisting of two types of energy: a weak spring (decompressed energy), and a very stout spring (time energy). When a mass absorbs a photon, the component is compressed spatially by the speed of light, turning it into an extra amount of mass, so that the mass becomes mass time by photon absorption.

Mass alone does not exist in time, but mass time does exist in time, the state time mass is an excited, time-charged state, excited by very dense time-energy.

What happens when we think we see an ‘observable moving through space’ is a continual series of very fast three spatial snapshots observations, one after the other in serial fashion (much like the individual frames of a motion picture film). The human brain and mind processing have ‘always interpreted’ this serial set of iterative operations occurring in the eyes and in the physical senses - and continually recalled and processed by the mind - as an ‘observable persisting in time,’ which it is NOT.

The implications of the observation process, which yields a frozen three-dimensional space snapshot existing only at a single instant. Thus any three-dimensional space energy existing there in that frozen instant had to just come from four-dimensional space (from the time domain via the giant negentropy process, if we take the view that ‘the past exists only in time itself’). In other words Allah manifests all of creation into existence instant by instant, without the energy of the infinite making manifest all physical reality nothing would be apparent, to understand this universe consider that the illumination of existence is the expression of the imagination of Allah physically rendered, each fraction of a millisecond like a pervasive 3D energy distribution, fixed, followed by another pervasive 3D energy reorganisation, fixed, and so on, generating the passage of time.

Time itself is only highly compressed energy, so again only energy exists, absolutely nothing else.

The energy of time holds every instant of every point of space within a permanent record, even the memory and conscious thoughts of the human mind are held within this energy, not within the human brain, every memory and thought is held within the energy of time, within Allah, manifest as the electro-magnetic field.

No vision can encompass Allah while Allah encompasses all vision. Allah is Subtle, Unfathomable, and therefore beyond physical perception. Allah is Aware of the minutest details (Surah 6:103)

However the illusion of space exists, but what is voluminous space?

Space is not smooth and continuous but instead comprises indivisible chunks just 10 -35 meters in diameter. Space-time can be defined as a network of abstract links that connect these volumes of space, rather like nodes linked on an airline route map, these links can wrap around one another to form braid-like structures possessing length and width which can twist together to form particles and can twist clockwise or anticlockwise along their length to produce charge (positive one way, negative the other) you can understand this in considering the Universe as a giant quantum computer, where each quantum of space is replaced by a bit of quantum information. These bits of information named, ‘qubits’ demonstrate resilience, preserving the quantum braids in space-time, and this explains how particles could be so long-lived amid the quantum turbulence, so this can be understood as a web of information.

And if all the trees on earth were pens, and the sea were ink, with seven more seas yet added, the Words of Allah would not be exhausted (Surah 31:27)

Allah emanates the conscious energy of all creations, from the nucleus of everything out, so consider this rather than any concept of a God or human shaped personification.

We exist in spatial dimensions generated by a web of information, knowledge if you will, within an ocean of virtual energy, so the first three are well known, length, width and height, three dimensional space, the fourth dimension is time, all held and emanated from a universal manifold, but seven other spatial dimensions exist simultaneously surrounding yet inclusive of both our physical universe and the manifold emanating this physical universe, meaning that we exist within eleven dimensional space (the ocean of energy is eleven dimensional), as expressed in membrane theory. However as described previously space is not a fixed point, it is a very fleeting point, so fleeting it could never be observed, spinning in many directions simultaneously, this system allows no truly fixed point in space, possibly so it can be pooled at a far greater density within the manifold.

Allah it is who has created seven Highs and their seven Lows. Through all of them descends Allah’s Command. (This is said) for you to know that Allah is the Powerful Appointer of Allah’s Laws. Allah has gauged everything, and that Allah encompasses all things in Allah’s Knowledge. (Surah 65:12)

And We have created above you seven layered heavens, and never have We been of (Our) creation unaware. (Surah 23, 17)

Yet another element of this verse points out that Allah has created Adam, the world, the universe, the seven layered heavens, and all they encompass, but Allah is greater still, as Allah exists even beyond this creation, having created this from Allah’s infinite knowledge demands Allah be greater, creating all from a location before creation.

The concept of infinity has just become redefined; the universe is in fact a multi infinite multi-verse. Consisting of an infinite number of energy membranes expanding outwards, like the currents of an ocean. (If you feel daunted by the scale of the universe, the universe is truly daunted by the scale of Allah in equal measure.) To amplify this infinity of multi-verses to even more incredible proportions we only utilize a few fields and frequencies of the energy mass, of the theoretical infinite diversity available, this means within the same four dimensional space, above and beyond the universes of the additional spatial dimensions, an infinite number of universes exist within our universal space, this of course is assuming Allah is in every possible facet infinite.

In truth the physical is an illusion, holographic in nature as an analogy, as we employ only a cubic centimetre of an infinite mass, of the energy of Allah, dispersed over infinity as a back drop to our interactions and understandings, we are unaware of reality, we dream in consciousness, culminating at the conclusion of the human experience, simply as the sum of our actions linked with their intensions held fixed as an indelible record within the energy of time, held to account from the conviction of our beliefs, the result of which is the product of this physical journey, the transformation of your emotional energy, from entropy to negentropy.

However, we have consciousness that is separate from the energy you may think. No.

Our unique, organic, electromagnetic field (expressed as the soul within religion), mathematically construct objective reality by interpreting a minuscule fraction of the frequencies and fields of the energy, using our physical senses, reality is ultimately projections from another spatial dimension as described above, a deeper order of existence that is beyond both space and time, as the linear time we are aware of, has no bearing on the sea of infinite energy which exists within all time simultaneously, we record every event we are exposed to, forced to carry out, premeditated to or reacting within this brief life, in the essential conscious electromagnetic energy we all possess (in truth we are electromagnetic entities, our energy field circulates through the heart).

It is the fire of Allah, (eternally) fuelled, which mounts directed at the hearts. (Surah 104, 6 - 7)

The infinite seas of infinite energy is conscious, the actions and interactions of the entire system are a conscious creation, the imagination of the multi infinite multi-verse energy (Allah). Making consciousness simply another facet of the energy, as absolutely nothing else exists, additionally every individual is unique because they are a space-time path rather than merely a physical object.

The Qur‘an describes Allah as follows. ‘Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of Allah’s light is, as it were, as a pillar (or niche) on which is a burning wick-the burning wick is in a glass (lamp), the glass is as it were a shining pearly white as a radiant star-lit from a blessed olive tree, neither eastern nor western, the oil whereof would well-nigh give light, though fire touch it not-light upon light. Allah guides to Allah’s light whom Allah pleases. And Allah sets forth parables for men, and Allah is knower of all things.’ (The Qur’an 24:35)

All energy is conscious at some level, if viewed from its source, consciousness so subtle as to be almost unperceivable, yet all are on a journey of evolution, energy is in a constant state of flux, as change is the fundamental state of reality.

The concept "ALLAH" is completely different from any concept of “GOD”, as the proof of modern science makes clear there is not a duality of “an ALLAH” and “a separate universe”, ONLY ALLAH EXISTS.

The meaning of the statement “La ilaha ill-Allah” constitutes the basis of Islam and must be understood:

‘There is no God; there is only the conscious multi-infinite multi-verse energy (Allah).’

Not ‘There is no God; there is only God,’ which is obviously, wholly simple-minded.

The fundamental state of a person who attained the Truth is his removal from faith as a basis, since one need not have "faith" in what is already apparent!

‘There is No faith, there is only belief.’

‘There is No Worship, there is only submission and servitude.’

‘There is No religion, there is only deen or erudition of existence (Guidance and comprehension originating from the singular consciousness discernible within the text of the Qur‘an (Devine energy))’

‘There is No following blindly, there is only searching out the truth’.

We have been created for knowledge alone.

Allah has no beginning and Allah has no ending. Allah is the Evident in Allah’s Attributes and the Hidden in Allah’s Nature. And Allah is the Knower of all things. (Time and Space are Allah’s creation the totality of which is beyond the grasp of human intellect). (Surah 57:3 )

Abdun Núr J. (The Servant Of The Source Of The Light)


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