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I personally think that although Christianity,Islam and Judaism are basically the same, I think maybe Christianity is more advanced........To the point where many people born Christian have now moved on so to speak, to a society where religion is no longer so relevant in today's world and many leaving the faith altogether.

I also think religion stifles and holds back its followers and this can be seen by the way the Christian west have through their letting go of religion shown their freedom to express themselves with its modern and forward looking outlook using the latest technologies. ( Though whether this is better is open to debate ? ) Whereas other faiths cities and societies would undoubtedly remain the same as they have done for centuries......And i think this could be where the clash lies.

Well its probably a load of b@llocks but it is a view.


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Guest roger

Another thing Christianity and Islam have in common is that they were both spread by the sword in the name of saving souls.

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I personally think that although Christianity,Islam and Judaism are basically the same, I think maybe Christianity is more advanced........To the point where many people born Christian have now moved on so to speak, to a society where religion is no longer so relevant in today's world and many leaving the faith altogether.

I also think religion stifles and holds back its followers and this can be seen by the way the Christian west have through their letting go of religion shown their freedom to express themselves with its modern and forward looking outlook using the latest technologies. ( Though whether this is better is open to debate ? ) Whereas other faiths cities and societies would undoubtedly remain the same as they have done for centuries......And i think this could be where the clash lies.

Well its probably a load of b@llocks but it is a view.


Your right mate, it is bollox. If it wasn't for the Islamic way of thinking there would be no such thing as things like Trigonometry, Algebra and complex math........Architecture, physics etc Religion on the contrary, true religion, implores its followers to seek knowledge as much as possible.....that to me sounds like its trying to move forward.

Another thing Christianity and Islam have in common is that they were both spread by the sword in the name of saving souls.

not just those two.

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Your right mate, it is bollox. If it wasn't for the Islamic way of thinking there would be no such thing as things like Trigonometry, Algebra and complex math........Architecture, physics etc Religion on the contrary, true religion, implores its followers to seek knowledge as much as possible.....that to me sounds like its trying to move forward.

This is true. We owe lots to the Islamic world, The Islamic/Arabian countries lead the world but this was in a different age of free thinking. More recently that creativity and ingenuity seems to be stifled in the name of Islam rather than encouraged. Could it be said that the things you said came about because religion didnt stop them, It seems to me that mans greatest discoveries came when free thinking was not discouraged by religion raher than when it was activley encouraged by it. It would be as incorrect to give the credit for discoveries and breakthroughs to religion as it is to say that religion is the cause of war.

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93...firstly i have to agree with SolarChild..think Suspects getting a little suspect. Everyone has agenderz! :yes:

Secnd: Austin Spare putting more succintly than i ever could;

'Hostile to self-torment, the vain excuses called devotion, Zos satisfied the habit by speaking loudly unto his Self. And at one time, returning to familiar consciousness, he was vexed to notice interested hearers-a rabble of involuntary mendicants, pariahs, whoremongers, adulterers, distended bellies, and the prevalent sick-grotesques that obtain in civilisations. His irritation was much, yet still they pestered him, saying: MASTER, WE WOULD LEARN OF THESE THINGS! TEACH US RELIGION!

And seeing, with chagrin, the hopeful multitude of Believers, he went down into the Valley of Stys, prejudiced against them as FOLLOWERS. And when he was ennuye, he opened his mouth in derision, saying:-

O, ye whose future is in other hands! This familiarity is permitted not of thy-but of my impotence. Know me as Zos the Goatherd, saviour of myself and of those things I have not yet regretted. Unbidden ye listen'd to my soliloquy. Endure then my Anathema.

Foul feeders! Slipped, are ye, on your own excrement? Parasites! Having made the world lousy, imagine ye are of significance to Heaven?

Desiring to learn-think ye to escape hurt in the rape of your ignorance? For of what I put in, far more than innocence shall come out! Labouring not the harvest of my weakness, shall I your moral-fed desires satisfy?

I, who enjoy my body with unweary tread, would rather pack with wolves than enter your pest-houses.

Sensation . . Nutrition . . . Mastication . . . . Procreation . . . ! This is your blind-worm cycle. Ye have made a curiously bloody world for love in desire. Shall nothing change except through your accusing diet?'

....Belief Systems ay, who'd have em?! lol

excuse me for being more flippant than i'd like to be. :D


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Looks like you didn't watch that programme on Ch4 last night about the Qur'an. Quite illuminationg, especially the bit about America giving the Saudis $100 billion to spread their version of extreme fundamentalism.

I don't really have an agenda about religion but running your life according to an incoherant text from the dark ages doesn't seem like the smartest thing to do.

The biggest beef I have against Muslims and Jews, however, is how they seem to think it's OK to genitally mutilate their kids, boys everywhere, girls in Africa. What is that about? Didn't God make man in his own image? If he did why chop the ends of kids' dicks off? Leave the kids alone.

If I "chopped the end of your dick off" I woud get arrested for beheading.

its called a foreskin. most muslims and, I suppose the israelis as well live in a desert environment, the hottest places on earth. now, which part of your body gets the least exposure to air and is most susceptible to infection and disease ? correct the piece of skin that covers your bell end. People who live in these places have always circumcised their kids to spare them pain from the inevitable infection they will get at some stage of their lives from living in searing heat.

I never once felt hard done by that my parents gave me the snip as a nipper, but I probably wouldnt put my kids through that because they live in the uk - a nice temperate climate and there is no hygienic need for it. However if I moved back to Morocco and had a kid over there - I wouldnt hesitate to "cut the end of his dick off"

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93...firstly i have to agree with SolarChild..think Suspects getting a little suspect. Everyone has agenderz! :spliff:

What do you mean by that?

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Dont think suspect has an agenda at all. I think he has a viewpoint that may be different from my own and knows a lot more about this subject than me.I should imagine we agree on more things than we disagree however. I have my own views about Islam and religion but am well aware that a lot of what i believe may well be wrong. Discussions like this are a way to learn and understand. I come from a liberal secular point of view and i may never agree with somethings and others i may well change my mind, if you arent open to discussion then you are just like the extremists that unfortunately seem to represent the worlds religions in many peoples eyes. :(

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93...firstly i have to agree with SolarChild..think Suspects getting a little suspect. Everyone has agenderz! :rofl:

What do you mean by that?


...what i mean Suspect is i'm sick to death with this poor memory of ours, this ill conceived notion that somehow the dross will seperate and we will be left with the real true religion or whatever. I appreciate your arguments though i believe they are trite,as they are a party trick for some, a way of hiding things for a more powerful few but more

importantly a deadly nightmare for most....Talking about it in this manner amounts to just that, talkin! It's f-useless!

There ARE solutions, these are conveniently avoided. You must KNOW that being a smoker! :rofl:

You have to get 'inside' these peoples heads to truly change things and teach by example(actions) not by force(arguments). One is arguments in action the other actions without argument One is more real than the other. Can you guess!

1st Test: Spend all day being an absolute wanker the ultimate bad ass religious/politician/dude. You choose the religion/political philosophy. Alternate. Take notes.

I find a lot of these arguments circular, as are most of this ilk! These are the 'games people play'. You seem like an intelligent sort, why you would fall foul of this bait i don't know.

They are'nt necessarily the 'Real' facts, as these are a strange rarified breed anyway. Your time would probably be better spent thinking more laterally rather than linearly. History is a lie against Wo[Man] anyway.

As if the worlds religious differences were ever solvable looking at the Pro's and Con's over a cup of tea. Where's the real work?! Black, White are we so 'MENTAL' that we're prepared to slaughter gruesomely for the right to be one of these two 5 letter wor-l-ds.

My reason for saying be Suspect about Suspect was completely innocent and tongue in cheek dude. Though i find politics but more, politicians extremely limited in outlook so i can't bear this form of masculine debate about whose the most righteous or whose been hurt the most. Its a 'Red Herring' in avoidance ov a better world.

As you can no doubt tell i believe in the existence of occult conspiracies, you, 'maybe', believe in what you are told. Will we murder each others families to protect our individual visions? ....i doubt it.

"Are you Deep enough to be Shallow" Antero Alli

Cheesy :rofl:

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Dont think suspect has an agenda at all. I think he has a viewpoint that may be different from my own and knows a lot more about this subject than me.I should imagine we agree on more things than we disagree however. I have my own views about Islam and religion but am well aware that a lot of what i believe may well be wrong. Discussions like this are a way to learn and understand. I come from a liberal secular point of view and i may never agree with somethings and others i may well change my mind, if you arent open to discussion then you are just like the extremists that unfortunately seem to represent the worlds religions in many peoples eyes. :upside:


... :rofl: sorry solarchild did'nt mean to imply that you shared my suspicions that suspect was suspicious. :wink:


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I think they are all a 'big con'

Without meaning to sound un educated by the statement above, you can trace routes of these religions/icons and symbols back to early egyptian era's. All religion is meant as a population control measure. Simply put, the main religious themes align themselves with peaceful living....although some may wonder into extremism. Again, the collective forces being at the applied are that of a political / power gain.

It bemuses me when the major faiths such as catholism split, agruing over minor details of a religion based on unproven facts. The facts often themselves twisted over the generations, their symbols stolen from pre pre pre christian / Islamic religion and texts over the years (Especially christian) filtered and rewritten to move the power balance over the years.

Mary Magdeline, theres a laugh...public apology from the pope...2000 years late.

Islam has been more true to itself over the years, possibly due to its nature. Similar to devoted followers of budha, etc.

There are bound to be similarities, they are both evolved from the same past religions of years gone by. Just evovled in different parts of the world.

This can be seen laughably with the church of England, One man wants a divorce...So created a new sector of an established church.

Me, Im waiting for the ET's to come back and give me some advanced growing technology!!!!

Area 50bong... :upside:

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Guest roger
Spend all day being an absolute wanker the ultimate bad ass religious/politician/dude. You choose the religion/political philosophy. Alternate. Take notes.

this is a fun game to play. geology is blasphemous you know...

eta: in this spirit of understanding I suggest an new thread in the Theology, Metaphysics & Philosophy section where we all take the opposite view to that witch we normally hold and argue that view as dearly as if it were our own....

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Your right mate, it is bollox. If it wasn't for the Islamic way of thinking there would be no such thing as things like Trigonometry, Algebra and complex math........Architecture, physics etc Religion on the contrary, true religion, implores its followers to seek knowledge as much as possible.....that to me sounds like its trying to move forward.

Hmm are you sure your not using a touch of plagiarism in your answer ?

I mean the items emboldened were invented waaaaay before Jesus, Mohamed etc and have very little if any relevance to the Islam as we know it under the Qu'ran .......So the question is still what has Islam done to progress in the last 2000 years if it hasn't been suppressed ?

I personally don't believe in any religion and i like to think this allows me to look at the world around me with my eyes wide open.

But hey i'm only human and prone to making mistakes.

Peace to you


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