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the great blueberry conspiricy..


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Ayup P-man,dint see ya there..:smoke:...too right tho eh!

n thank you duder..i do try ocasionly..;)

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The pics I've seen of DJ Short's 'True Blueberry' make me want to grow it for the way it looks alone, beautiful plant.

yes, everything around here is 'Cheese' at the moment :smoke: I think there's a lot of 'Blueberry' just west of me... funny because it's all the same.

Got to love ze buzz words innit.

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I didn't even read more than 2 posts.

Tell your dealer to stop taking you for a dickhead and insulting your intelligence.

Punch him in his face if you have to. Knock him out if you can (The one blow).

Some of them only learn this way.

You will know if its street Cheese if your educated on Cannabis.

If you don't like it don't buy it simple.

And if you wont do that, you cannot look after yourself and your letting people disrespect you and rob you.

I remember when there was no high grade around and i had to get some normal haze and i didn't wanna take it cos it was coming to small.

And then he tried to rob me for my £££!

Don't have it! knock every single one out that gives you grief and i find they are courteous, polite, and give you a nice deal next time you see them again.

I don't promote violence.

I don't like fighting.

Everybody ive ever hit always got knocked out. But some don't learn ANY other way.

Sorry about my rant but you guys need to sort your dealers out!

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Tell your dealer to stop taking you for a dickhead and insulting your intelligence.

Punch him in his face if you have to. Knock him out if you can (The one blow).

Some of them only learn this way.


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Or alternatively just don't buy it if it's shit. That's what I do (cos I'm not growing at the moment). That's why I maybe have a smoke once every couple of weeks at most at the moment, when there's something worth smoking on offer.

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i dont have a choice what i smoke, dealers r a bit crap wer i am, take wat i can get. they do sumtimes say 'awsome skunk' but i think that when they say this they r reacting from the newspapers stories to just state that its really strong. doesnt really seem that strong though, just the same as most of the rest....

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Guest easthead
I didn't even read more than 2 posts.

Tell your dealer to stop taking you for a dickhead and insulting your intelligence.

Punch him in his face if you have to. Knock him out if you can (The one blow).

Some of them only learn this way.

You will know if its street Cheese if your educated on Cannabis.

If you don't like it don't buy it simple.

And if you wont do that, you cannot look after yourself and your letting people disrespect you and rob you.

I remember when there was no high grade around and i had to get some normal haze and i didn't wanna take it cos it was coming to small.

And then he tried to rob me for my £££!

Don't have it! knock every single one out that gives you grief and i find they are courteous, polite, and give you a nice deal next time you see them again.

I don't promote violence.

I don't like fighting.

Everybody ive ever hit always got knocked out. But some don't learn ANY other way.

Sorry about my rant but you guys need to sort your dealers out!

:spliff:... You are funny.

Specialy the last few sentences.

I don't promote violence.

I don't like fighting.

Everybody ive ever hit always got knocked out. But some don't learn ANY other way.

Sorry about my rant but you guys need to sort your dealers out!

All you talk about is using violence to get your own way. Been out of jail long have you?

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I'm 19, Never been arrested or even got a criminal record never mind jail...

I once had a tour of Pentonville, that was enough to change my ways...

Please don't tell me violence doesn't solve nothing, because it does.

It doesn't mean its the best option.

But some people don't listen any other way.

The only way i survived school was to fight every bully and work my way up the Hierarchy

Not the way i wanted it but it was back in that school.

And if you couldn't tell i was trying to add a bit of humor to it too.... :spliff:

Edit: Typo error

Edited by serious_fky
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Punch him in his face if you have to.

Then he whips out a piece and busts a cap on your ass. You the look pretty stupid laying on the floor bleeding to death :spliff:

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Punch him in his face if you have to.

Then he whips out a piece and busts a cap on your ass. You the look pretty stupid laying on the floor bleeding to death :nazi:

:rofl:.....seriously serious-dude...:)...like ya style tho gotta say...:yahoo:!!!...:D

But ya gotta also watch ursen ul end up gettin proper fucked!!..ya cant go about knocjkin folk out coz they gi ya a dodgy deal!..:D

Any how on a lighter note!..

..i had to go score again today...the dude who went to see the dealer for me got back in my car n his first words to me.../N i honestly had to laugh out loud when he said it....hu-hum..,wait for it...'ITS BLUEBERRY MAN<BLUEBERRY!!!!'...:D...lol...i was cresed over laughin at him...he's like what ya givin it man???...just said i was glad to FINALLY score some BB!!....lol

ended up bein a good score again but BB??!!!!...lollollol

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Everybody ive ever hit always got knocked out.


:rofl:...:)...'SCARFACE'...that is just like perfect comic timing...:yahoo:....still gigglin five mins later!!...lollol

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you cannot look after yourself and your letting people disrespect you and rob you.

u r obviously bullet proof. aint no AK's gonna get in ur way. until the day i become bullet proof, im not gonna be knocking out everyone who pisses me off like u suggest.

u r dam funny thu :D

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