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plant height


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hi guys,my mazar are exceeding expectations in the height stakes!but i dont want snoops seeing my grow,? have they now started flower cycle,or is it still ok to tip them without lowering yield?many thanks for all help,regards twinkle :wassnnme:

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Right trying to make sense of your wordin :smoke: but if i understand correctly you want to know if you can pinch without lowering yield. You can do it befroe flowering that is (correct me if im wrong) but do rmemeber you will get exact same yield amount (if done correctly). So if you preventing it from growing vertically, it's gonna gorw horizontally. Hope that helped somehow.


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hey twinkle...

i very much doubt they are flowering, its only just past the summer equinox and most plants don't start flowering till theres less than 14 hours light a day... altho its not impossible that they have started flowering, if its an early strain. you can calculate when the plants will start to flower by getting the flowering time and harvest date for your strain from a seedbank,and substracting the days of flowering from the date... so if your plants finishes on the 1st of october and flowers for 30 days, it will starts flowering on the 1st of september [approx]...

The German

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hi guys,plants are mazar,so if cut now new lateral growth will still replace cutoffs?regards twinkle

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It's nmot really alteral gorw, just two head will gorw instead of one. They will be smaller then if you only had one (half the size if you want specifics). so more of bushy effetc than pure alteral grow.


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lateral thinking (apologies to edward de bono)

o k why dont you bend them over and tie them down if you are concerned about pinching , you will encourage lateral growth and keep the plants height low without worrying if you have 'damaged' them .

c f

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