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Zinc suplament


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uhh...something with zinc in it? :mashed: Well, anyway zinc supplement, and for the proud parent, think supplement ;) Good luck!

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uhh...something with zinc in it?
A joker in the area ummmm

A lot of things contain zinc but all wouldn,t be good for cannabis. Anyone with a bit savy would of understood my question Proud parents who were bad spellers but good teachers when it comes to dealing with jokers lollol:wassnnme:

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In that case it is very unlikely you have Zn deficiency, I have never seen it. In cases where it does occur it is better feed with a balanced fertiliser that has Zn in it, as applying it on its own tends to lock out other micros, it is very toxic and even a slight overdose can kill plants very quickly..

A small pinch of mixed chelates in a can of water will solve the problem without messing the compost balance. Or a level teaspoon of zinc sulphate dissolved in a gallon as a foliar spray. I just don’t think this is your problem or the answer.

I suspect you may have another problem. Do you have any pics?

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You are probably right but im getting self same symptoms i know it could be mg but ive been giving the plants epsomsalts for the last 3 waters/feed and things dont seem to be getting any better. Ive been a bit lapse with water ph so im now keeping my water round about 6 to see if this makes a difference its not a big problem but it seems to be on the new growth Cheers for your input Ot1

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Hmm one or two waters with epsom salts 3 to 5 weeks apart into compost is enough for a whole grow, otherwise it will lock up other nutrients in the compost. It is better to apply additional Mg as a foliar spray if more is needed.

It is always better to feed the plants a balanced fertiliser. I suspect that often people mistake insufficient nitrogen for Mg probs.

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Ive gave me plants two doses 1 teaspoon 2L water

Ot have you got a copy of the biobiz grow schedule and if so what do you make of it

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