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Guest djdavid4u

this is intresting

im goin to start a vote to see if phychidelics have any part to play with the belief of god or reincarnation

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im goin to start a vote to see if phychidelics have any part to play with the belief of god or reincarnation

I reckon they do... Plus ignorance and superstition.

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Guest djdavid4u

Well i just posted but made it about god

I do belive in reincarnation as there is evedence to prove it as many of people remeber past lifes

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What if Drugs do something to your brain that allowed your subconscious to temporarily become the dominant part of the brain, Showing you a world outside the "Real" world.

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Guest djdavid4u

well Psychedelics do bypass the filter of the brain so that is the case

also I was thinking that everything that gets you high the body makes natrelly in one form or another

what is geting high is state of healing?

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I do belive in reincarnation as there is evedence to prove it as many of people remeber past lifes

First of all, evidence does not prove a theory - it supports it. Someone may say that they remember aliens abducting them, talking to God, meeting the 'devil', remember living as a king hundreds of years ago (notice that they rarely remember being a serf who trudged through shit all day); but these things cannot be true, simply because of memories (which are fallible in themselves, anyway). The 'evidence' is negligible because it cannot be 'taken' as it were, and examined.

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Anyone think there could be such a thing as genetic memory?, that could explain the reincarnation idea.

Well now that is interesting. The human genome has been unravelled and been found to be incredibly complex. Scientists say that only 2% of our genes have anything to do with making proteins - the functional building blocks in our cells - along with patches of DNA that control, or regulate, the genes. The other 97% or so of the genome was said to be made up of "junk" DNA - so called because it had no known biological function......yet.

I personally know a few people that had have had near death experiences and they telll very convincing stories of being in another dimension.

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Guest djdavid4u

I think in neer death expirences and when you are born your brain pumps out loads of DMT from the 3rd eye of the brain the pinal glane

the myans belived that the sole sits and joines the body of a baby at 49 days of develoment

and apprently babys do delevlope pinal glands at day 49

how did they know this?

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yeah the dmt ingestion route is obviously the easiest. or you can learn astral projection. lucid dreamings a more realistic starting point though.

Hello Holly,have you experienced the DMT ingestion route,if so,how did it compare to your astral projection,lucid dreaming.


hello matey

no i havent experienced dmt via the ingestion route, other psychedelics yes, but i must point out that most of the drug taking occurred at some point after the obe's started for me. ive done shrooms a handful of times, but my most powerful experience was lsd (for the first and probably the last time) a couple years ago - way after the bulk of the obes had happened.

the lsd didnt give me an obe but it did give us (me + 3 friends i was with) major telepathy amongst other awesomeness lol. all in all good times, ha.

i must just also point out that although i practised lots of lucid dreaming and played with a lot of meditation and inbetween states before the obes started happening i could not and still can not go from a waking state directly into a "mind awake body asleep" mode from which to project. i randomly tend to become concious or "wake up" into that in-between state of mind awake body asleep during a nights sleep (usually in the morning), from which i can project if i choose. the best i can do to try and make it happen is rearrange sleeping habits/nap more often/will it to happen. all of those have worked st some point for me in the past.

i still occasionally wake up in a inbetween state nowadays (some might recognise this personally as sleep paralysis) but usually fear takes over and i will myself to wake up, instead of using the opportunity to go OB.

sorry for taking discussion off topic

im goin to start a vote to see if phychidelics have any part to play with the belief of god or reincarnation

I reckon they do... Plus ignorance and superstition.

i like you dude but im mildly offended by that. you have made your mind up, sounds a lot like closing your mind to any other possibilities...which can be equally equated to ignorance and superstition imo.

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the lsd didnt give me an obe but it did give us (me + 3 friends i was with) major telepathy amongst other awesomeness lol.gif. all in all good times, ha.

That seems to tie in with what i've said in earlier posts......Our subconscious mind being able to pick up on others thoughts past and present.


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i like you dude but im mildly offended by that. you have made your mind up, sounds a lot like closing your mind to any other possibilities...which can be equally equated to ignorance and superstition imo.

My mind is far from closed, and I certain don't rule out possibilities of things such as God, afterlife, reincarnation, etc. All I say is that, by looking at their origins of these concepts, they are unlikely to be true. However, we won't ever actually know if they are true or not, since they are metaphysical concepts (they cannot be tested by experiment or observation).

Ignorance: Thousands of years ago, we knew bugger all and needed answers to the questions about the world around us (diseases, earthquakes, etc).

Superstition: We made up what seemed to be rational answers to the big questions (If you say x about y then disease will break out, if you do z then it will rain upon the crops).

These beliefs developed and evolved into what some people believe today.

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i like you dude but im mildly offended by that. you have made your mind up, sounds a lot like closing your mind to any other possibilities...which can be equally equated to ignorance and superstition imo.

My mind is far from closed, and I certain don't rule out possibilities of things such as God, afterlife, reincarnation, etc. All I say is that, by looking at their origins of these concepts, they are unlikely to be true. However, we won't ever actually know if they are true or not, since they are metaphysical concepts (they cannot be tested by experiment or observation).

Ignorance: Thousands of years ago, we knew bugger all and needed answers to the questions about the world around us (diseases, earthquakes, etc).

Superstition: We made up what seemed to be rational answers to the big questions (If you say x about y then disease will break out, if you do z then it will rain upon the crops).

These beliefs developed and evolved into what some people believe today.

thats fine, i just dont agree with ya.

ignorance and superstition are concepts/words you have chosen to define what people believe today, negative ones, which are inaccurate imo.

thousands of years ago there were cultures in existence which understood disease and any earthly natural occurances such as quakes thoroughly. and they also understood unearthly phenomena too until most of that knowledge got burnt overnight on a stake (in england, at least, other places over the world experienced equally appalling tragedies)

'superstition', in a similar vein, was also brought about after the witchhunts in medieval times and used in opposition to any belief that wasnt christianity

and wiki quotes it as

often used pejoratively to refer to supposedly irrational beliefs of others, and its precise meaning is therefore subjective.

ignorance and superstition are definitely not the 'origin' of metaphysics (or the metaphysical concepts discussed, i should say) . sorry.

Edited by deckthehalls
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