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Hydrotops biOpOnic EARTHbloom


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I when to my local grow shop to pick up some canna terra flora, but it was out of stock.

The person in the grow shop said Hydrotops biOpOnic EARTHbloom would work the same and that i should try different ferts to find out wich one i like but........

Is it anygood? Who uses it?

Im concerned it to much of a generic ferlizer and not as specific as the Canna one.

I guess all im after is some reasurence that my plants or not getting lesser quality fert.

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thanks for the link saldo but,

they make it sound very good But, there is alot about hydroponics and im using it in soil is this wise as the canna terra folra is espcially for soil and this product seems to be for hydroponics???

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Ah found the info i wanted thx man. I dont no why i didnt go to the hydroptops website in the 1st place.

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hi imp,

hydrotops do an earth grow and bloom and Bactivator for soil....... :stoned:

so as long as it's got earth written on the bottle.....

did you get your free books from the growshop,

(you should get 3 free books if you bought their nutes)

they are a really good read, and explain all stages of growing...

some growshops sell them for £1.50 each without the nutes.........


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