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hi guys,most peeps know i/ve quite a nice crop of mazar in g/h,in the spec they give 60/70 days nothing for natural light flwering ,any of you guys out there got the answer by the way mazar is pure indica does this mean early start to flwer cheers guys regards twinkle :smoke:

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Punctuation, would of been nice, but look whos complainin :smoke: . Indica means smaller than sativa but bushier. Also indica means stoned mashe instead of high mashed. Now wehter it means earlier flowering, I can't confirm this, but i think sativa/indica roughly have the same flowering time.


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fuck the punctuation detox you got the message didnt yer,joking of course cheers detox regards twinkle :stoned:

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I dont think anyone knows for sure, what the comosition of the origional maxar-i genetics are, They are ugly, scwawny, tough looking panlts. DP then crossed it with a skunk to make there 'Mazar' offering. Sooo, it is not 100% pure indica, could be closer to 50-50.

Sativas generally take longer to flower than indicas. 70days is a long time for an indica to flower, although there may be pure indicas that flower that long, i dunno.

I'm not an outdoor grower but I would guess that Mazar would finish mid oct in southern england, in scotland i thing you might struggle to finish it before winter, i dont know for sure though.

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Are you force flowing your ladies or they growing of their own free will? If force flowering them with a 12/12 cycle follow the guidlines that are on the seeds. Ie. for an indoor grow, as you are simulating roughly the same light cycle as an indoor grow.

If you cant force flower, use a magnifying glass and keep an eye on those trichomes. Ive got one and i think its probably one the best toys ive ever bought!! :) When they sit up on stalks and have a clear colour to them its time to lop those girls down!

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hi guys,really appreciate your input,myh,i thought indica!, ie the 18 i have growing in the g/h,[i am not growing outside by the way] would start flowering about end july and finish sept?wrong. i live on the isle of man, what difference that would make i dont know re latitude etc etc etc,jammin these babies are growing naturally in a g/h ,cheers guys regards twinkle :)

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Forgot to say, some strain are more resistant to bad climate which can greatly imporve grow time. Some sativa are more resistant and tolerant to the odd cold, whereas most indica fear it. Alas, with all notions, there are a few buggers that don't respect the general rule. Take Holland Hope/Hoop for exampl, mostly indica (upto 80%) and yet mold resistant and doesn't shiver infront of cold. But I'm not really complining, I got 4 of em growing ;) . Just hope they're are males or the dreaded hermies :blub: .


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From what I have read... there are actually 3 types of cannabis plant, there is sativa, indica and another called ruderallis (or sommit like that)... this type of cannabis flowers in 18/6 but isnt very potent or with big bugs.

I think that this plant is actually a cross of indica and this type, not pure indica

Anyway... good luck and try to let us know what the results are

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Well looks like I learned sumit new today. But wonder why no one, until now, has mentioned a third type. Even if it wasn't very potent peeps would still of asked stuff bout it. bah might research it a bit later. Cheers NB!


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Well looks like I learned sumit new today. But wonder why no one, until now, has mentioned a third type. Even if it wasn't very potent peeps would still of asked stuff bout it. bah might research it a bit later. Cheers NB!

Hmm, shouldn't that be "I will do some research now and might post later". i.e. when you have something to say ;)

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*shrug* ;)

Ruderalis :

Only weakly psychoactive, wild plant that flowers automatically regardless of photoperiod. Unfortunately this trait is linked to other undesirable traits, such as low potency, making it difficult to breed with.

Seems to be popular in Canada. Can purchase some here : http://www.bullmall.com/cannabis/cannabis3.htm


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Hey, detoxed, sometimes 'less is more' m8 :smoke:

Thanks for the info on Ruderalis, at least I know how to spell it now ;)

Cheers MYH :moptop:

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hi peop,s. i got a ruderalis plant on the go at the minute, one of my white russians started flowering under 18/6. i was baffled so i put a pic on the site and ot1 told me it is a ruderalis. i am gonna keep it in veg with the rest till i flower them. heres a pic..... sonic.


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