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Did Sod Create Life, The Universe And Everything?


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But wouldn't or at least couldn't that all be just some form of self-hypnosis? While it may work for a witch doctor to tell a tribesman he'll die on such and such a day, the tribesman is perhaps superstitious enough and believes wholeheartedly in the power of the witch doctor and will take to his bed to await his day of death accordingly, whereas if the same witch doctor told someone from a different society the same thing, they'd probably just look at him funny. I know of stories of shaman etc who can sit in the snow for days, shutting down bodily functions to a level where they could be almost pronounced dead, mind over body that sort of thing. The mind is a very powerful thing, but is it the only thing? Is most of what people believe simply figments of the imagination, perhaps manifesting themselves in sub-conscious to conscious thought?

@ Father McPot - although a post may be worded correctly doesn't necessarily mean it won't have an adverse effect. It is perhaps feasible that my posting anything at all, or indeed our mass use of the internet, other technology and the energy required to do so, is somehow contributing to the downfall of the entire planet, or indeed upsetting someone else. Just because we can, does it mean we should? :guitar:

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Projection of will, but remember what you put out will return having grown in power, so dont mess with magick unless you know how to protect yourselves,which you dont, The beast 666.


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perhaps manifesting themselves in sub-conscious to conscious thought?

It is probable, power of suggestion, after all if taken on board as fact then there is little resistance in the subconscious, more likely and achievable, so I say yes, but that would fall not really under authentic magick, as in ritual format, however just as effective in my opinion.

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perhaps manifesting themselves in sub-conscious to conscious thought?

It is probable, power of suggestion, after all if taken on board as fact then there is little resistance in the subconscious, more likely and achievable, so I say yes, but that would fall not really under authentic magick, as in ritual format, however just as effective in my opinion.

Aliester Crowley study his work.

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But isn't it possible that the rituals are just "setting the mood" for the practitioners? :guitar:

Edited by Nettle-Grower
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@ Father McPot - although a post may be worded correctly doesn't necessarily mean it won't have an adverse effect. It is perhaps feasible that my posting anything at all, or indeed our mass use of the internet, other technology and the energy required to do so, is somehow contributing to the downfall of the entire planet, or indeed upsetting someone else. Just because we can, does it mean we should?

One of the purposes of the post you had just written was intended to be read by me (hence the "@ Father McPot). It met that criteria and therefore did not go wrong (in that particular area). However, it may not have appeared in text as you desired it to have appeared, and therefore may have failed in that area.

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Interesting point Father McPot (hope I didn't word it in such a way as to offend, for that was never my intent). Would you consider it therefore to be like the yin yang symbol :wassnnme: - taken by some to represent peace, but in actuality is one of balance? There is a little of Heaven in Earth (or Hell), a little of Earth (or Hell) in Heaven, a little good in evil and some evil in good, etc? The circle of the yin yang represents the eternity of it all, without beginning, without end, as far as I remember. Thanks again for posting btw folks - some truely fascinating insights.

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But isn't it possible that the rituals are just "setting the mood" for the practitioners? :wassnnme:

Exactly what they are doing, whether it be Hoodoo, Voodoo, Goetia, Enochian, High magick, others, they all have elements which are used in ritual magick, the stage, tools however different, symbology again maybe different, tools, robes, Athames, Wands, doesn't matter, they all link.

They all produce altered states because of the way they are designed, it would be simple to create your own, infact alot of mine are created rather than borrowing rituals put forward, obviously it is better to percieve demons, gods as real as the effect is more drastic especially with invocation, taking on the mindset that they are real and you are involking gods and demons.

Iv always been in two minds simply because not point in dismissing them as aspects of the subconscious because it has benifits thinking of them as real is certain aspects and ritual magick, at the end of the day it doesn't matter because the job is done.

We are all gods in our own right, rather than children of god.

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But isn't it possible that the rituals are just "setting the mood" for the practitioners? :wassnnme:

Exactly what they are doing, whether it be Hoodoo, Voodoo, Goetia, Enochian, High magick, others, they all have elements which are used in ritual magick, the stage, tools however different, symbology again maybe different, tools, robes, Athames, Wands, doesn't matter, they all link.

They all produce altered states because of the way they are designed, it would be simple to create your own, infact alot of mine are created rather than borrowing rituals put forward, obviously it is better to percieve demons, gods as real as the effect is more drastic especially with invocation, taking on the mindset that they are real and you are involking gods and demons.

Iv always been in two minds simply because not point in dismissing them as aspects of the subconscious because it has benifits thinking of them as real is certain aspects and ritual magick, at the end of the day it doesn't matter because the job is done.

We are all gods in our own right, rather than children of god

If we are all Gods and you percieve the demons you make uu are real then doesnt that demon now exist in your mind a mind full of demons ? I say again you do not know how to protect yourself do you really know what you are doing playing games with your mind? 666

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Isn't that just fooling oneself into believing what one wants to believe though? Would it not be appropriate to say rather that we are gods in our own minds? Perhaps even prisoners of the mind? This, of course, would open the discussion up to things like astral projections and out of body experiences, etc, but in reality, just how real are they?

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Interesting point Father McPot (hope I didn't word it in such a way as to offend, for that was never my intent). Would you consider it therefore to be like the yin yang symbol :ninja: - taken by some to represent peace, but in actuality is one of balance? There is a little of Heaven in Earth (or Hell), a little of Earth (or Hell) in Heaven, a little good in evil and some evil in good, etc? The circle of the yin yang represents the eternity of it all, without beginning, without end, as far as I remember. Thanks again for posting btw folks - some truely fascinating insights.

:russian: No, you didn't offend at all. I was just getting at the minor, original question, clearly you want to develop it (which I'll contribute another time because I'm knakered just now :wink:) into its fullest form.


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I say again you do not know how to protect yourself do you really know what you are doing playing games with your mind? 666

Perfectly yup. :P

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Excellent thread Nettle-Grower

The more I think about these things the less I realise I know

I think for what it's worth that there's problems with 'Sod' as well as with 'God'. As Father Mc Pot says, sometimes things go right (whatever 'right' is). Sometimes things go just as planned. Not very often:rofl: Even once is enough to call into question the thought that everything can be attributed to Sod's law though

It may of course be that we're misconstruing things when we think they've gone 'right'

Good illustration of the intentions of a given post as compared with the reception of said post - like I'm genuinely appreciating your thread and the responses to it, but I've no idea how I come across :yinyang:

- I'm quite straight but you're question has stopped me in my tracks and made me think

better go away till I think of something coherent



e2 render a bit clearer

Edited by Arbuscule
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Food for thought Arbuscule? The other part of the question though is, just because somethings appear to go right, or according to plan, can we be sure it's our plan, and not part of some greater plan to mess things up further down the line? Take astrology, for example, a theory pretty much debunked these days, but historically it was something that kings, pharoahs, emperors, etc relied upon, how far has its usage perhaps led us astray, if at all? Were the astrologers somehow right in a way and we're now wrong in our own way, as we follow the ways of modern science? History has led us to this point here in time, thousands of years later and we, the human race, are still nowhere near "getting it right".

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In my understanding there is 100% free will in this lifetime but theres also an amount predetermined "fate" aswell. This fate is likely to include the major life events, who you marry, your family, perhaps where you live, etc. You have 100% free will, although no matter what you decide some decisions will lead to a particular predestined event, which cannot be avoided, the ultimate of which is death.

Like potsmoker said, the evidence for reincarnation is overwhelming, and not just from past life regression (in which, btw, people can be regressed through many lifetimes, and even inbetween lifetimes- a brilliant book called Otherwhere - A guide to non physical reality by Kurt Leland is highly recommended reading documenting just that) but also from Near Death Experiences, NDEs and OBEs.

Which brings me to my next point which is that you exist as an energy which penetrates this physical vehicle. This energy can access other planes of existence or reality as you do unconsciously every night as you dream. This can be taken to the next level with some dedication (or natural ability, for those adults who manage to live in modern society but still retain an open but discerning, learning mind and strong will-the stuff that we're born with but gradually gets drummed out of us as we grow up). This vehicle CAN be left behind whilst you are alive, as in an out of body experience. The phenomenon is widely documented, and there for you to decide for yourself if it's real.

In my understanding souls on earth are here for learning and growth and to determine their spiritual orientation, be it service to self or service to others. We as a race are composed largely of new, service to self, or undecided souls, and thus the negative world we see today.

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