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Did Sod Create Life, The Universe And Everything?


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"Anything which seems idiot-proof has not yet encountered a sufficiently determined idiot".

Sod, sometimes known as Murphy, or Finagle, may be the one law that governs and binds life, the Universe and everything. The "whatever can go wrong, will go wrong" theory ties in well with recently developing String Theory, Chaos Theory, science, technology, the various global religions, politics, society, everyday life, death and, perhaps, Creation itself. If it is a true saying that no-one is perfect, is it not therefore reasonable to assume that something went wrong at some point? Perhaps at more than one point, at several points in time, or indeed, at a constantly fluctuating rate? Is life on Earth nothing but a mistake? A freak accident that should never have happened, but Sod's Law dictated that it did? Or part of some diabolical deity's devious display of dirty deeds done dirt cheap? Do we simply deceive ourselves into believing the best can happen, will always happen in fact, at the best possible moment? Are we doomed to one day finally somehow get it right, only to be entirely wiped out by some random giant asteroid, or otherwise unpredictable event? It happened with the dinosaurs, supposedly, which of course works somewhat in our favour, in that we don't have Tyrannasaurus Rex roaming the streets at night, but it didn't do them any favours, did it? Que sera sera? Shit happens? Just something to muse over while I stick the kettle on and roll another one. :oldtoker:

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Guest grandad

the universe is 3.5 billion years old. it took million of years for the dynosaurs to evolve, they were here for millions of years. then it was millions of year for us to evolve.

lets say that another planet in a distant universe, where life also evolved, but with a great mentality than the dino's. say they evolved over millions of years, into great intelects, but during there evolving they had damaged there own planet. after search the galaxy's a planet was discover, had everything they needed, apart from a species not evolved as themselves.

the plan was to destroy the atmosphere killing all life on the planet. it would take some millions of years before the planet was livable on, but they calulated they had that time. when the time passed, the new settles came back to inhabit there new planet. they brought great power with them, knowing it would not last, the elements needed for power were not to be found on the new planet. on the approach to the new planet the scanners showed life had survived, and with features not unlike there own. there were only 2,000 of the visitors, on observation the dwellers of the new planet, they gave them the name human, were extremely hostile, and if they did not destroy them they could not survive with safety.

one came up with an idea, gain control of the ground through fear, show them power like they never seen before. so they put the new stratagy into place, they called it Ground Order Defence. G.O.D. to be continued

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the universe is 3.5 billion years old

Funny that because Earth is at least 4.3 billion years old...

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I think Sod's Law is a tad off the mark. I think "what can go wrong, may go wrong" is more accurate. Think about it - not everything you do fucks up. Fuck ups only happen occasionally. If "what can go wrong, will go wrong" were true then everything that you've tried to do would not work: Eg - using your computer, it can get a virus but may never. It's only due to our lack of knowledge we invoke Sod's Law - we can think of hundreds of things that can go wrong, maybe thousands, but we can never list them all.

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Thanks for the replies folks. Good points raised, all very valid and insightful but, on the whole, would you say there was more things going right than there are go wrong? What about the Butterfly Effect (I don't mean the film, though of course it probably ties in somewhere)? Just because something seems to go right for us one day, does it perhaps set us up for a bigger fall tomorrow? Do we, by an extended period of things seemingly going right, get lured into a false sense of security? Does the fact that things are going right for some of us necessarily mean that they will go wrong for others?

e2a@ Father McPot - pretty much everything I do fucks up at some point. :yep:

Edited by Nettle-Grower
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I'm not sure anything ever does go wrong as such, it's all cause and effect. Our brains are simply too feeble to compute the effects so we are a bit surprised when shit happens but probably shouldn't be.

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Thanks for the replies folks. Good points raised, all very valid and insightful but, on the whole, would you say there was more things going right than there are go wrong? What about the Butterfly Effect (I don't mean the film, though of course it probably ties in somewhere)? Just because something seems to go right for us one day, does it perhaps set us up for a bigger fall tomorrow? Do we, by an extended period of things seemingly going right, get lured into a false sense of security? Does the fact that things are going right for some of us necessarily mean that they will go wrong for others?

e2a@ Father McPot - pretty much everything I do fucks up at some point. :wink:

Well just because something is random/unpredictable, that doesn't mean it's 'wrong'.

'wrong' can mean 'not as desired' or 'incorrect' (among other definitions). For example, when you made a post, there was a chance of you making a spelling mistake. The spelling mistake is an example of the post 'going wrong' to you, but you didn't make a spelling mistake - So the post didn't fuck up/go wrong.

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The interesting thing iv always thought is that if you were dead then you would have no possible awareness of time therefore it would mean that whether it took a million or a thousand years to create life it would be spontanious because we would have no awareness of how long it took.

Iv always thought that life after death is fact, based on thousands of people undergoing hypnosis and recollecting past history and lives and facts which couldn't be known to the subject.

The one case being a 7 year old girl who had never been to America yet kept asking her father who is this person and so fourth, we used to live at this address, why did we move daddy and so fourth.

He basically questioned her over and over and they ended up flying to America where she had never been and she gave him information as to the location and house she lived at, various carving she did as a child on a tree in there yard we also there, she named people who lived at this address and what her previous name used to be. Which after they arrived the people had moved but they used to live at that address, according to records shown they moved after losing a child several years before.

One story of countless tens of thousands, must be something to it, cannot all be fake, past life regression is very popular.

This would also explain child geniuses and people who are way more intelligent than your average joe, in a sense they still have rembrants of knowledge known consciously where as most of us have that information trapped in the subconscious and cannot access this information on the conscious level from past lives, including information, intelligence and so fourth.

So basically when we die we almost instantly are reborn back into exsistance which may or may not take years but because we are no longer in the physical body and the brain shuts down we have no sense of time let alone rememeber what happens when we do die.

The only question which iv always wanted answered is why cannot we remember the crossing over phase of death, what aspect of the self blocks out this and why, is it simply a problem which is imbreed in the makeup on human beings, perhaps to make it easier and less painful just before death.

I think it people knew for a fact that life exists after death on a cycle then perhaps people who are not happy with there current exsistance might end it in order to create a better exsistance in the next life.

Whether it took millions of years for exsistance is rather here nor there, simply as it would feel like a split second due to having no concept of time.

Some people claim there were born in the 1930's whilst living in the 90's at 30 or so years old, so perhaps some form of regeneration is in the mix before people are reintroduced to the world and start over.

The soul simply moves from one body to the next and leaves the shell behind.

God im rambling.

:::: Walk away from the spliff and do not look back :wink:::::

Edited by potsmoker93
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Interesting enough theory Potsmoker, but wouldn't that mean there are no new souls ever created, that the actual number of souls is limited to a reincarnated list? There's been times when there's been more people on Earth and times when there were fewer - or is it a mix of old and new? Some new souls get created all the time, whilst some older ones are used over and over again? Why, when people are regressed to a previous life, do they only seem to recall one previous life and not a string of them? Will we be doomed to watch Phillip Schofield over and over again for generations to come (a shuddering thought)?

@ Father McPot - the benefits of a preview post and edit function. :guitar:

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"Anything which seems idiot-proof has not yet encountered a sufficiently determined idiot".

Sod, sometimes known as Murphy, or Finagle, may be the one law that governs and binds life, the Universe and everything. The "whatever can go wrong, will go wrong" theory ties in well with recently developing String Theory, Chaos Theory, science, technology

I think it is more along the lines of what can go wrong will go wrong if the mindset is programmed in such a way from repetition, there are countless cases which people believe in which sets up the subconscious within them and effects reality based on how they think.

An example or two would be, lucky charms, superstition, a person breaks a mirror and his mind set it gears through superstition that he will have bad luck for 7 years, he repeats this daily, hourly perhaps, worrying about it and attributes every minor problem with it. He programs his subconscious so much so that the subconscious effects the mundane world and make it reality the more he interveins and takes this as gospel.

An another old gypsy favorite would be the evil eye, cursing, not really occult cursing as that is more, well wont go into that but just the notion of telling an individual who has wronged you that you have hexed them, cursed them, if taken on board and constantly thought about by the victim will effect the subconscious of the individual and bring about his/her demise.

Every mortal thought and emotion bought into daily thinking patterns effects the whole day, constant repetition over years are harder to break, hence people are basically stuck in a rutt due to not understanding how subconscious patterns work.

Hard to break patterns of behaviour, daily routines, thinking patterns negative or otherwise, not even aware in some instances how much effect it has on the outcome of situations, i never have any luck, I cannot lose weight, examples of millions of speach patterns and habbits which over time are difficult to break because of programming the subconscious to act in response to a situation which that person has created.

The only difference between that and magick as in witchcraft is the practitioners through ritual magick and altered states taps into the subconscious and energy which passes through each individual and programs it as they see fit. In some cases obtaining DNA of the person, blood, hair, clothing, handwriting, symbolism, which links with the target in question, effects the subconscious and in effect the target or person is effected.

Whether we like it or not we are all linked to this energy whatever it is, goes by several names, all a matter of harnessing it in my opinion, control it rather than it controlling you through actions, thoughts, emotion, routines, patterns of behaviour, etc.

Some other instances of people telling people they are shy, in some cases since childhood, they remain shy as a result of subconscious programming over many years, excepting this fact, had nothing been said of this it probably wouldn't be so.

Another favorite of mine is bad luck comes in three's, how many times have you seen people say to themselves what else could go wrong, and even stating to other people trouble aways comes in three's, first this blows up, now that has go wrong, what else is going to happen, thats two then the third pops up a day or so later when the subconscious can get around to manifesting it. :yinyang:

It quite fun to watch, done it myself time and time again and always say why do i do this, simple habbit, getting better though.

Or the Neo Wiccan who has proformed some negative act of magick and because he/she is following a so called religion stating whatever you do comes back in three's wonders why every negative act of magick scorns them as a result of negative magick. Whats even more amusing is Gardnerian Wicca has no concept on threefold it's only adopted in mainstream Neo Wicca which has nothing to do with the Wicca religion. It like a religion made up of authors and doesn't resemble authentic Wicca. :rofl:

Anyway that's my interpretation of it, it also fits perfectly with NLP and hypnosis, metamorphosis techniques to improve lifesyle and the self, you are how you think so to speak depending on how much subconscious interference is done depending thought and actions, subconscious states.

It also interesting to note that every human being is in a altered state atleast 4 hours a day, mostly when the subconscious is most active and suggestable to effect daily life and thoose around us.


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Interesting enough theory Potsmoker, but wouldn't that mean there are no new souls ever created, that the actual number of souls is limited to a reincarnated list?

I did respond to this in detail but post was lost, I think allot of the basic theory is that some people never cross over, stuck in the void so to speak, hence the soul remains and we have what is commonly reffered to as ghosts.

They may not even realise they are dead hence they think it is a dream and not realising they need to move on, to late, trapped so to speak, they may not want to reincarnate and try and find people who have passed over in the spirit world assuming they to have not passed over, not uncommon.

Also interesting that top mediums state they often stay in the same time period that they died in, some cases repeating the truma daily, perhaps time is stuck for them until someone helps them cross, some medium, spiritualist, occultist, etc.

Perhaps souls can be created through child birth, its all speculation, we can only ever have theories, nice to hear different theories though for sure, I don't think I would move on, perhaps stay in the spirit world for a while and roam depending on conditions and freedom and being able to come back.

I never forget meeting a women at a lodge I attended a few years back, she stated that in my previous life i used to be a social worker, I said at the time thats funny because in this life iv always wanted to do just that, extremely good with people and often are the agony aunt to most people i meet whilst im out.

Some of the things iv been told I cannot believe they would speak with me about, very intimate things which they dont even tell there partners, even when they are hurting because of it, bloody weird, different sex to me as well, as in female. Why on earth would they tell someone they hardly know in such a small town.

Life is baffling but atleast this spliff has kicked in lol

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Guest grandad
the universe is 3.5 billion years old

Funny that because Earth is at least 4.3 billion years old...

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I think Sod's Law is a tad off the mark. I think "what can go wrong, may go wrong" is more accurate. Think about it - not everything you do fucks up. Fuck ups only happen occasionally. If "what can go wrong, will go wrong" were true then everything that you've tried to do would not work: Eg - using your computer, it can get a virus but may never. It's only due to our lack of knowledge we invoke Sod's Law - we can think of hundreds of things that can go wrong, maybe thousands, but we can never list them all.

thats for that.

the last estimate i seen was not so long ago. i think it was bbc's planet earth. the 1st estimate of the planets age was taken from the bible, 4,000 years old, then they took the earths inner core temperature, estimated the cooling point and came up with 20,000 years. then the realisation, the earths temperature dont cool. but now with computers and satelites and telescopes, we have magic. when i was a kid, i was told the earth broke away from ther sun..

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In reference to your earlier post, Potsmoker, regarding the sub-conscious, I have read stories of witch doctors who curse people and tell them they are going to die on a certain day, which they actually have then done (died on that day) - is the power of suggestion that powerful do you think, or indeed or own sub-consciousness? As for how old the universe is, we have no way of accurately dating it, as much as we don't know how reliable carbon-dating is, it can be out by quite a bit, but what's a few billion years between friends, eh? :rofl:

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@ Father McPot - the benefits of a preview post and edit function.

Ok. but you are bound to have made posts in the past that went exactly as planned without error. C'mon admit it. :rofl:

thats for that.

the last estimate i seen was not so long ago. i think it was bbc's planet earth. the 1st estimate of the planets age was taken from the bible, 4,000 years old, then they took the earths inner core temperature, estimated the cooling point and came up with 20,000 years. then the realisation, the earths temperature dont cool. but now with computers and satelites and telescopes, we have magic. when i was a kid, i was told the earth broke away from ther sun..

No problem, grandad. It is a bit hard to keep up, I suppose, with the rate at which technology is advancing.

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In reference to your earlier post, Potsmoker, regarding the sub-conscious, I have read stories of witch doctors who curse people and tell them they are going to die on a certain day, which they actually have then done (died on that day) - is the power of suggestion that powerful do you think, or indeed or own sub-consciousness?

I think people in general underestimate just how powerful the subconscious is, you only have to look at hypnosis, three to four sessions to quit smoking after years of abuse and will power consciously battling to quit for some.

This is why i think shrinks have missed the point entirely on other subjects, they are dealing with emotional issues and trauma's by reliving them through sessions, making the subject repeat these fears, truma's, bad childhood whatever over and over. All this is doing is escalating the problem, making it more vivid, more detailed from questioning and making it harder to deal with. Instead they should just eliminate that experiance by way of hypnosis, NLP, RP, or or methods.

Iv read countless books on the above with some people seeing shrinks and paying thousands of pounds over and up to 20 years in some cases when all that was needed was to remove it from the conscious level. Granted these shrinks love it, they make shit loads of money from it.

In regards to death by magick certainly possible, no question about it, some people are better than others in relation to different types of magick, some are very good at healing, some cursing/smiting, the latter method is much more severe and procise. Just the same as you have other people who are better at football, other sports, endevours, some people practice harder, magick requires allot of time and effort, study and mentor to get any good at effecting the mindane world, hence most do not master it.

All magick is done in a altered state, some Goetic magicians will tell you that they are interacting with demons summoned at will, what most fail to also mention is that the ritual act in itself is producing altered states, the triangle or arte, the circle which you sit in, incantations, candles, sound, verbal tones used to summon demons, ritual daggers, swords, costumes.

You are basically battering your consciousness where it is possible to see almost anything which you percieve a demon to look like and most goetic magicians research to the max on what they are supposed to look like hence the subconscious projects that image sometimes.

In that state of mind using your subconscious you have the world at your feet, some rituals being harder to manifest than others based on human interference, will power, and the shift in energy needed to achieve your result, in some cases effecting several people and slightly going off target.

You also have to take into account the magician/witch as well and how well versed they are in morals, knowing how to let go, especially when using black magick, reason for countless problems for some, backfire, for some death by misadventure for the magician.

I think once people understand programming the subconscious consciously magick becomes a doddle, you even find yourself doing magick by simply chanting an intent over and over sat in a cafe. Or pulling a napkin from the table and drawing symbolic images then the magician projects that image or sigil within minutes and goes about his buisness.

The more people do magick the more you are in and out of consciousness, altered states, it's also easier as a result to do just that because of practice.

One again im rambling but happens to be a passion of mine, or rather a spiritual art form.

Edited by potsmoker93
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In reference to your earlier post, Potsmoker, regarding the sub-conscious, I have read stories of witch doctors who curse people and tell them they are going to die on a certain day, which they actually have then done (died on that day) - is the power of suggestion that powerful do you think, or indeed or own sub-consciousness?

I think people in general underestimate just how powerful the subconscious is, you only have to look at hypnosis, three to four sessions to quit smoking after years of abuse and will power consciously battling to quit for some.

This is why i think shrinks have missed the point entirely on other subjects, they are dealing with emotional issues and trauma's by reliving them through sessions, making the subject repeat these fears, truma's, bad childhood whatever over and over. All this is doing is escalating the problem, making it more vivid, more detailed from questioning and making it harder to deal with. Instead they should just eliminate that experiance by way of hypnosis, NLP, RP, or or methods.

Iv read countless books on the above with some people seeing shrinks and paying thousands of pounds over and up to 20 years in some cases when all that was needed was to remove it from the conscious level. Granted these shrinks love it, they make shit loads of money from it.

In regards to death by magick certainly possible, no question about it, some people are better than others in relation to different types of magick, some are very good at healing, some cursing/smiting, the latter method is much more severe and procise. Just the same as you have other people who are better at football, other sports, endevours, some people practice harder, magick requires allot of time and effort, study and mentor to get any good at effecting the mindane world, hence most do not master it.

All magick is done in a altered state, some Goetic magicians will tell you that they are interacting with demons summoned at will, what most fail to also mention is that the ritual act in itself is producing altered states, the triangle or arte, the circle which you sit in, incantations, candles, sound, verbal tones used to summon demons, ritual daggers, swords, costumes.

You are basically battering your consciousness where it is possible to see almost anything which you percieve a demon to look like and most goetic magicians research to the max on what they are supposed to look like hence the subconscious projects that image sometimes.

In that state of mind using your subconscious you have the world at your feet, some rituals being harder to manifest than others based on human interference, will power, and the shift in energy needed to achieve your result, in some cases effecting several people and slightly going off target.

You also have to take into account the magician/witch as well and how well versed they are in morals, knowing how to let go, especially when using black magick, reason for countless problems for some, backfire, for some death by misadventure for the magician.

I think once people understand programming the subconscious consciously magick becomes a doddle, you even find yourself doing magick by simply chanting an intent over and over sat in a cafe. Or pulling a napkin from the table and drawing symbolic images then the magician projects that image or sigil within minutes and goes about his buisness.

The more people do magick the more you are in and out of consciousness, altered states, it's also easier as a result to do just that because of practice.

One again im rambling but happens to be a passion of mine, or rather a spiritual art form.

Projection of will, but remember what you put out will return having grown in power, so dont mess with magick unless you know how to protect yourselves,which you dont, The beast 666.

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