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Ill-prepared grower


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Right first off, this will be me first outdoor grow (that's a first ;) ).

Now I've done a LOT of research (even bought guerilla outdoor growing book) spent like months learning even had a m8 who started inddors and had success. Although I cant get hsi help since he's in England and I moved to Switzerland. Ok well I'm going to do a guerilla outdoor grow. I have germed some baggie seeds before but they must of been odl or sumti because they died halfway thru vegging. Anyway I bought a proper bag of seeds (I bought Dutch Passion Fem Purple #1, but they got crushedi n the mail =/, so now i'm broke). What I got was some high quality seeds :Afghani Hindu Kush. Now in the shop and on the official high quality seeds website it says they are suitable for outdoor growing, indoor and greenhouse. BUT on the packageing, it has logo showing that its good for indoor, greenhouse but not outdoor. So here goes me first question should I germ em considerin that I'm already late and that the site says yes and that only other seeds i can afford is DP (which i dun really want to get)?

Next when I was germin I noticed that with the paper towel technique the medium dried out too often meaning that while I sleep i end up with dry paper towel and therefore potential to kill my seeds. what should i do ?

Next, the water where I live is a bit dodgy (at least I think so, but could be me) and I was wondering if using evian water would kill me seeds or at least dampen their growth (considering the high amount of minerals). If it's ok can i use it for vegigng and once i transplantedo utdoors ? or should i mix 50% with tap or 100% tap britta filtered or just plaiin friggin tap ? (i know im edgy on this but I can't afford failure with so little cash and such a lack of weed :blub: )

Next, what soil medium should I use ? I was thinkin an all mix which is sold and me local hemp grow shop includes perlite, coconut , and some other stuff and was told best to use. I have a list of what the shop sells :

BIO BIZZ Potting soil ALL-MIX complete 50 L. 25,00

Eco Logisch Potting soil all mix 50 L. 20,00

Eco Logisch Potting soil 50 L. 10,00

Vegetal potting soil neutral 80 L. 16,00

CANNA Coco soil 50 L. info 15,00

CANNA Coco slabs 1 m info 7,00

CANNA Coco start blocks 10x10 cm, pce, new 0,75

CANNA Cogr slabs 1m info 6,00

Perlite 100 L bag 35,00

Perlite 1 litre 1,00

HAAN Bio Supermix 5 L. 17,00

BIO BIZZ Premix 5 L. 17,00

BIO BIZZ Premix 10 L. 30,00

BIO BIZZ Premix 25 L. 60,00

Worm casting 25 L. 25,00

Bat Guano pure 1,5 kg 18,00

Natuurfosfaat 2,5 kg 11,00

Hydrokorrels bag 50 l. 25,00

Rockwool slabs 1 m 5,00

Rockwool in bulk, bag 20 kg 55,00

Start blocks 7x7 cm small hole (rockwool) 0,60

Start blocks 7x7 cm large hole (rockwool) 0,60

I can't rmeember which medium in that list is the coconut one (could be bio or canna or any other sorry).

Now another big question :

After vegigng I need to transplant the plants from pots to forest ground. I have a site and the dirt looks too whitish/yellowish for my liking so I'm going to dig a hole and fill it with the previously mentioned ssoil. Now is it ok if i just dig a hole put all the soil and next day come dig a hole (in the big soil filed hole) big enough for the pot size and but the plant ?

And finally, do I have to use fertilizer only when theirs a deficiency (nitro, phospho, pota, iron, etc..), or do I have to apply some during vegging and permanent outdoor ? Again I don't live in england and if i do need some heres the lsit of what i can get :

CANNA Terra Vega 1 L. 15,00

CANNA Terra Vega 5 L. 49,00

CANNA Terra Vega 10 L. 79,00

CANNA Terra Flores 1 L. 15,00

CANNA Terra Flores 5 L. 49,00

CANNA Terra Flores 10 L. 79,00

CANNA PK 13-14 0,5 L. 10,00

CANNA PK 13-14 1 L. 18,00

CANNA PK 13-14 5 L. 75,00

CANNA PK 13-14 10 L. 130,00

CANNA Rhizotonic 0,25 L. 17,00

CANNA Rhizotonic 0,5 L. 25,00

CANNA Rhizotonic 1 L. 42,00

CANNA Rhizotonic 5 L. 162,00

CANNA Cannazym 0,5 L. 14,00

CANNA Cannazym 1 L. 21,00

CANNA Cannazym 5 L. 90,00

CANNA Coco A+B 2 x 1 L. info 18,00

CANNA Coco A+B 2 x 5 L. 52,00

CANNA Coco A+B 2 x 10 L. 82,00

CANNA PH- croissance 1 L. 15,00

CANNA PH- floraison 1 L. 15,00

CANNA PH- Acide Organique 1 L. 15,00

CANNA PH - Substrat 1 L. 15,00

CANNA PH+ 1 L. 15,00

CANNA Trichoderma poudre 10 gr. 21,00

CANNA Trichoderma granulés 250 gr. 85,00

CANNA N 20 % 1 L. 18,00

CANNA P 20 % 1 L. 19,00

CANNA K 20 % 1 L. 18,00

CANNA Ca 15 % 1 L. 19,00

CANNA MgO 7 % 1 L. 17,00

CANNA Fe plus 1 L. 19,00

CANNA Trace Mix 1 L. 23,00

BIO BIZZ Bio Grow 0,5 L. 12,00

BIO BIZZ Bio Grow 1 L. 18,00

BIO BIZZ Bio Grow 5 L. 60,00

BIO BIZZ Bio Flower 0,5 L. 12,00

BIO BIZZ Bio Flower 1 L. 18,00

BIO BIZZ Bio Flower 5 L. 60,00

BIO BIZZ Alg-a-Mic 0,5 L. 15,00

BIO BIZZ Alg-a-Mic 1 L. 25,00

BIO BIZZ Fish Mix 0,5 L. 13,00

BIO BIZZ Fish Mix 1 L. 20,00

BIO BIZZ Top Max 0,5 L. 22,50

BIO BIZZ Top Max 1 L. 42,00

BIO BIZZ Top Max 5 L. 160,00

BIO BIZZ Root Juice 0,25 L. 21,00

BIO BIZZ Root Juice 1 L. 70,00

BN supermix soil 1 L. 17,00

BN vitrasol 1 L. 25,00

BN X-cel 1 L. 47,50

BN N-P-K 12-18-11 % 1 L. 34,00

BN N 27 % 1 L. 25,00

BN P 20 % 1 L. 25,00

BN K 20 % 1 L. 25,00

BN MgO 8 % 0,25 L. 9,00

BN Spoermix 0,25 L. 27,00

PLAGRON Alga Groei 1 L. 17,00

PLAGRON Alga Bloei 1 L. 17,00

PLAGRON Roots 0,25 L. 25,00

PLAGRON Phytamin 0,25 L. 20,00

B'CUZZ soil A+B 2 x 1 L. 20,00

B'CUZZ soil A+B 2 x 5 L. 59,00

B'CUZZ soil A+B 2 x 10 L. 89,00

B'CUZZ booster soil Sku 1 L. 38,00

B'CUZZ booster soil Sku 5 L. 159,00

B'CUZZ booster soil Indi 1 L. 38,00

B'CUZZ booster soil Indi 5 L. 159,00

B'CUZZ booster soil T44 1 L. 38,00

B'CUZZ booster soil T44 5 L. 159,00

B'CUZZ coco A+B 2 x 1 L. 20,00

B'CUZZ coco A+B 2 x 5 L. 59,00

B'CUZZ coco A+B 2 x 10 L. 89,00

B'CUZZ booster coco Sku 1 L. 38,00

B'CUZZ booster coco Sku 5 L. 159,00

B'CUZZ booster coco Indi 1 L. 38,00

B'CUZZ booster coco Indi 5 L. 159,00

B'CUZZ booster coco T44 1 L. 38,00

B'CUZZ booster coco T44 5 L. 159,00

B'CUZZ booster floraison 0,5 L. 30,00

B'CUZZ booster floraison 1 L. 55,00

B'CUZZ booster floraison 5 L. 219,00

B'CUZZ PK 13-14 1 L. 14,00

B'CUZZ Atazyme 1 L. 14,00

B'CUZZ Stimulateur racines 0,25 L. 35,00

CANNA Aqua Vega A+B 2 x 1 L. (pour circuits hydro fermés) 20,00

CANNA Aqua Flores A+B 2 x 1 L. (pour circuits hydro fermés) 20,00

CANNA Aqua Vega A+B 2 x 5 L. (pour circuits hydro fermés) 45,00

CANNA Aqua Flores A+B 2 x 5 L. (pour circuits hydro fermés) 45,00

CANNA Vega A+B 2 x 1 L. (hydro) 20,00

CANNA Flores A+B 2 x 1 L. (hydro) 20,00

CANNA Vega A+B 2 x 5 L. (hydro) 57,00

CANNA Flores A+B 2 x 5 L. (hydro) 57,00

BIO BIZZ Bizzy hydro 2 x 1 L. 15,00

BIO BIZZ Bizzy hydro 2 x 5 L. 45,00

CANNA Cogr Vega A+B 2 x 1 L. info 18,00

CANNA Cogr Vega A+B 2 x 5 L. 54,00

CANNA Cogr Vega A+B 2 x 10 L. 89,00

CANNA Cogr Flores A+B 2 x 1 L. info 18,00

CANNA Cogr Flores A+B 2 x 5 L. 54,00

CANNA Cogr Flores A+B 2 x 10 L. 89,00

CANNA Cogr Agent tampon 1 L. info 19,00

BN Nutrinova A+B 2 x 5 L. 49,50

BN Supermix hydro 1 L. 14,50

BN Supermix hydro 5 L. 60,00

B'CUZZ hydro A+B 2 x 1 L. 20,00

B'CUZZ hydro A+B 2 x 5 L. 59,00

B'CUZZ hydro A+B 2 x 10 L. 89,00

B'CUZZ booster hydro Sku 1 L. 38,00

B'CUZZ booster hydro Sku 5 L. 159,00

B'CUZZ booster hydro Indi 1 L. 38,00

B'CUZZ booster hydro Indi 5 L. 159,00

B'CUZZ booster hydro T44 1 L. 38,00

B'CUZZ booster hydro T44 5 L. 159,00

CO2 pastilles

Now for my apologies : Sorry this is so HUGE, but I am very short on time (tis June innit), and I need answers (any even partial is great) sorta soonish. I start germing these new seeds when I think it's good idea or not. I thank you in advance and I'm sorry for the poor english level but it isn;t my native tongue. cheers.

Detoxed :woot::):smoke:

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Oh yea sorry part of the list is in french but my shop only deals with french customers =P, also I realyl need to grow sumit, so even if the seeds seem unworthy of germin outdoor I need a solution to replace them or sumit Tnx again


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hey detoxed,

I'm not sure about what to do on the seed front, take a look round the strain base part of the forum and see what others have said, the members budshots [outdoor] may also provide further information.

I find that the paper towel works fine for me, you should re-wet it once every 12 hours to stop it drying out. i don't think that if it dries out they'll die, although i'm not really sure, i'm just assuming.

I wouldn't recomend evian, its expensive, and probably not as good as tap water. saying that, they do put all sorts of sh!t in tapwater, so ideally you want rain water. personally, i find that tap water works fine.

The bio-bizz all soil mix sounds the best to me, altho i'd wait for an expert to advise you before making any purchases. i think you'll find that canna coco is the one that contains coconut.

digging the hole and then putting the plant in the next day should be ok, but if possible put the plants in the same day, altho i should think it'll take you a while to dig the hole; and if you're going to dig several holes, maybe you should dig all the holes on day, and fill them the next.

As for nutrient, i find that bio-bizz works a charm, i shouldn't think you'll need any nurtients during veg growth, and [i think] you'll only need to water them with some bio-bizz bloom once, at the start of flowering. i got a 0.5L bottle and i've hardly used any of it...

Don't take my word for it tho, hopefully an expert will be along with some answers soon...

The German

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I thought it was legal to grow small amounts of weed in switzerland.....

or has that all changed?

and the swiss soil is supposed to be very good for growing weed.

GH :smoke:

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yea thanx a lot. The soil in swiss is damn fine but the patch i spotted is a recent clearing done crudely with machines and the soil went from beatiful dark to the tainted yellow. Now the reason for this is because there's a LOT of sun light from morning till night, which I thought be perect as more is better right ? Anyway I'll start germin but like for the seeds, I don't know wether it's the right choice. Oh well What hav I got to lose.

Regards, Detoxed

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Oh yea and meant to clearify. In swiss it is legal to posses weed but not to deal it althou u cannot posses it because then u might be suspected of dealin and it is illegal to grow or obtain weed, but u are allowed to posses some. But if u get caught that means u obtained it or grew it in other words, don't trust those devious laws.


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hi detox,

cant you buy clones in switzerland??????


Edited by sittingrelaxing
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Well to be honest I haven't found anyone who sells clones but I hav a friend who his giving me a white widow plant that is already done its vegging stage =). The only thing is that's one plant, and I need more in case it fails and because not enough toke :yinyang: .

Well nah can't buy clones and just cruious, what made u come up with that notion ? Mind u i dont live in the high alps or near Zurich (abondance of warehouse grows and coffeshops) but in Geneva which isn't full of large scale growers or coffeshops.


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if u got em, germinate em. u might aswel, chances are they will grow outdoors, just not aswel as they will indoors. its still a plant u know and plants naturally grow outdoors.

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i have :) and i'v used the papaer towel methode adn now it seems to be ok (ie not dryin out so often). It's just thought of havin no quality weed (so many crap dealers around :furious: ) makes me shiver. I hope it turns well considering its not really outdoors strain and that I'm germing in June (shudder :ouch: ). Anyway hope all works.

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B) i found that germinating in a j cloth worked fine for me ! waited until the tap root was about half an inch long before planting into moist compost i used water

from the kettle / distilled water this has the effect of boiling out the chlorine content found in tap water. moisten the media as well as moisten the j cloth with this method me plants 4 weeks on and growing well :ninja:

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Hrrrrrrrrm, couldnt be arsed to kettle, used britta filters isntead. Prob is that I've germed before like twice before, but this time I wanted to use some real seeds (High quality Afghani Hindu Kush -- only thing that suited me budget and needs). I started friday and today is tuesday and still nuffin. They might of puffed a bit, but still never had to wait more than 3-4 dayz. Yet still no tap root sprouts :(


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