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CANNA use it!


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This is my first grow in soil-perlite mix under a 400hps

I am doing SOG,and the plants are about 20-30cm high,

into their 5th week at the moment im only feeding with water and Bio Bcuzz soil.The soil mix is from a good grow shop in Holland.(The plants are lovely and green at the moment)

The problem is i also bought Terra Vega and Terra Flowers from Canna but the instructions are in Dutch.(NO TIME TO LEARN YET ANOTHER LANGUAGE!!).

My 1Q is How do i use them

2Q When do i use them


As an ex squaddie living in Boxhead land only a stones throw from Holland Id truely say this is THE TOP SITE 4 GROWING.


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Alright ekky? Ive got some canna vega and flores. Ill give you the specs on the dosage, and id say feed at just under the recomended maybe two/three times a week, depending on how strong you choose to mix it. Then do a week of plain water to flush excess. If they dont like the strength, drop it a bit lower and feed twice a week, with water between feeds.

Dosage: (flores)

25ml concentrate with 5litres of water. (1:200)

EC 0.9 - 1,6 mS/cm (=EC of the nutriend and EC of the water).

If grownig intensive use regulary

Use 1 -3 times a week in furtile soil

If less furtile use daily

Advisable to grow in well aeriated soil, water regulary.

Dosage : (vega)

25ml concentrate to 5litres water (1:200)

EC will be 1.0 - 1,7 mS/cm (=EX of the nutrient and EC of the water).




Straight off the back of the bottle mate! :blub:

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Cheers for the Info,Jammin :)

Any ideas when to start feeding? (NO PH METER!)

Ive read after about 6 weeks is good enough

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:) me neither mate! Ive got one but have the wrong calibration fluid! I think i start feeding mine after they have about 5 sets of fan leaves. I dont keep records im afraid and have to rely on my shoddy memory!
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