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Its all going to pot...

the german

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hey all,

i've got some plants outdoors [2 hempstars fem and 2 Swiss-xT] and theyre in force flowering, but i'm having several problems:

Firstly, i have aphids munching on them, and every time i spray the plants and they die, more seem to take their place, how can i rid myself of them permanatly? could it be caused by plants around mine spreading them?

Secondly, i have green/blackflies on them, and again, after every spray, they come right back.

Thirdly, i keep finding holes in the middle of the leaves, i don't think they're slug or snail holes, because they appear in the middle of the leaf. Any ideas whats munching on them?

Fourthly, some of the leaves seem to be curling down at right angles half way down the leaf, any idea why?

And fithly, some of the leaves are getting yellow/green patches [i think [colourblind :smoke: ]] on them. why why why?

I'll try and get some pictures soon,

any help is greatly appreciated, so much effort has gone into them i'd hate to loose them now...

Oh, and another question, is topping only done to the top growth spurt, or can it be done to other shoots too? [don't worry i'm not intending on doing it at this stage, its for fututre reeference]

Thanx again,

The German.

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Ah, ze german :D

I'm not the guy to answer your bug problems, but I reckon an expert will be on the way shortly to tell you what you need to do. In any case, it sounds horrific. Good luck.

As for the topping (I presume you are talking about pruning the top of the plant to get two or more heads), you can prune anywhere on the plant, but I'm not sure why you'd want to. More colas mean more buds, but the general feeling is that they will be smaller and maybe not as potent as a single big bud.

I personally have no idea as to the real pros and cons of topping, but until I get the main single cola growing down perfect I won't be doing it to my plants...well, not on purpose anyway ;)

Sorry - edited to say that the plant leaves growing down was something I have experienced, and was solved by giving the plants a proper fertilizer program. No idea exactly what it was, only that it is gone now - oh, and try the problem solver faq found at the top of the site.

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Thanks for the info, unit, yea i was talking about topping/FIMing, i'd better not do it to the hempstars then, i grew indoors last year [sadly thats no longer an option :( ] and the buds were impressively un-compact, to the point where what looked like an 1/4th weighed 1/8th, altho this is probably my own fault... also they do pong quite nastily for some reason specially during veg, again probably my own fault, and the taste of the smoke does take some getting used to, altho once u get used to it, its quite nice, bit like dr pepper crossed with some exotic fruit, VERY sticky tho, my fingers would get glued togther.

Ok so i've slagged it off, but really i quite like it... and couldn't afford anything else [until about a week ago, when i got some purple #1 fem from dutch passion [if anyone has grown this train i wouldn't mind knowing what you thought of it]

anyway what i wanted to say is i was looking at the the plants, and noticed so TINY black spots on them [like 0.5mm], only the were moving, could these be causing the holes in the leaves?

Oh yea, edited to ask: i remember reading somewhere about "poached egg plant" [at least i think thats what its called [i remember someone once telling me that eggplant was aubergine, same thing?]] to keep aphids away. Any ideas where can i get some, might i have some in my garden already, and does it really work?

The German

PS sorry about the rambling, this is my first spliff in two weeks and its quite chronified me rather it has... :ouch:

Also, i love all the new smilies :(

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Dont worry 'bout it too much!!

the little holes are usually caterpillars, weve had some of the little buggers on our 5 babies, the best thing you can do is be vigilant, keep checking and removing the catterpillars. try to keep your plants well away from any which are prone to being munched on.

you can plant other species to distract the catterpillars/snails/slugs - marigolds, lettuce and other large leafy plants will help.

dont go killing all you find tho, some of these pests are usefull elswhere in the garden.

we get the little yellowing patches to, not too sure about this one, but it doesn't seem to be affecting our plants at all!! just pick off any dead or dying leaves, theres no use the plants wasting energy on knackered leaves.

as for the aphids, there are several solutions other than spraying, the best bet is to introduce some ladybirds into the greenhouse/growroom. either collect some from nearby and keep introducing them to the greenhouse, or you can order the larvae from several places.

dont spray anything that leaves a residue, it will block essential light to the leaves. also dont spray the plants at the beginning of a hot day, they will burn (possible cause of many of the yellow patches we get !!)

dont know exactly what the curling is caused by, but our tend to scrunch up if its too cold. this can also be a sign of poor health, try re-potting in larger pots, lay off the spraying, move them indoors for a while and keep an eye on them or, and ours seem to love this, wait till a nice hot, humid rainy day and put your plants outside, let the rain get 'em.

remember, the best rule to go by is this: if its natural environment can be recreated as closly as possible, then the plants are going to be at their best. what most people fail to appreciate is just how much can be achieved by just following your instincts and watching the plants reactions, 9 times out of 10 your plants will let you know exactly what they like best.

we've got 5 nice 2 foot high plants in our greenhouse and 13 clones coming on nicely. these are in the bath at the momment but well move them outside with the others as soon as possible. get them used to the conditions early and you wont have any problems.

(ive attached a piccy of our 5)

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Thanks for the diagnosis quickdip, any idea what i can doo to get rid of them, or are my babies doomed?

Unit, i don't think its spider mites, i recognise the aphids [as being aphids], and i don't think the other things are spider mites, theres none of that cobwebby stuff, and theres only one or two of them..

i'm trying to get some pictures, hopefully i'll have them by tonight...

The German

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thanks for the info sensei... my plants are already outdoors and have been for a while, they're in 6L pots [i think], i'm hoping it'll sort itself out, but i'm still not sure that the holes are caused by chatterpillers, because i force flower them and haven't seen any chaterpillars in the vicinity...

And i know a lot of people here do it, but does no one else worry about the neighbours noticing whats in your greenhouse? has any one ever had a neighbour call old bill on them?

i worry...

The German

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The catterpillars we think are causin the holes are real small, they're the larvae of small veined white butterflies (which usually like cabbage). dont know if this is whats causin your probs, but we've only found one on the plants so far, its caused about 20 small patches of holes, like bitemarks!! little buggers. will try to get a photo of one on the pictures boards. it may or may not be the cause of the holes on your plants but at least you'll know what they look like!!! (just in case!) :)

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Ok - I now have some small holes in MY seedling leaves! I'm blaming you the german - until you posted this I had none :yinyang:

However - I did find a green bug on the leaf with the holes in (looked a bit like a tiny bright green grasshopper) and a distinct lack of catapillars...is the unidentified green bug a possible suspect? Leafcutter?

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