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My lighting Problem


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hi i have read vertually all the posts in the forum and i still havent a clue on what type of floro im supposed to use.

is it just any flouro? or a specific 1?

i found this page here on bullbs but i dunno wheather this is the right 1 to buy..

i am using an aquatic light at the moment i dont know what wattage it is or enythin but i have it set up. ( only after reading on here that you could use them)

if anyone could help me i would be most greatful.

p.s im in the UK. around the liverpool area so any shops that i could buy them from would be a treat

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me thinks im ok now..

i went out an bought 2x120mm 2500lm dayglow osram bulbs erm 1x60mm 1150lm white osram bulb and i have kept my aquarium light on i think its 1000lm tbh though this 1 looks the brightest of em all.

The only prob i have now is the food and nutrients .. i simply have no idea on what food to give my plants or nutrients. Im hoping all you fellow Bud Smokers will help me out..

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hello marley

you could try using canna terra vega+ terra flores if your using soil its suposed to b pretty good its what im tryin at the mo its about 22 quid for both parts or 1 of my mates uses maxicrop seaweed extract and he gets nice buds but it only costs about 3-4 quid and its organic

hope this helps all the best

chalkedup :wassnnme:

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Are you growing soil or hydro DJM

i am growing in soil im gunna try hydro next time.

you could try using canna terra vega+ terra flores if your using soil its suposed to b pretty good its what im tryin at the mo its about 22 quid for both parts or 1 of my mates uses maxicrop seaweed extract and he gets nice buds but it only costs about 3-4 quid and its organic

any ideas where i can buy these foods from..

all info is welcomed :P

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hiya i got the canna nutes from proper grow shop or you can get maxicrop from b&q or most places like that i got mine from waitrose coz its only round the corner waitrose costs a bit more but the girls on the till r a bit fitter lmol B)

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DJMarley, a good scouser could smoke a flouro grow in one night, and still be looking for more. For real results, you need space and light. Fastlight do 400w HPS lights at a good price, order a MH bulb as well and you're sorted for a while.

If that's out of the question right now, you're growing for experience, which is always valuable, but it's just about all you're going to get.

It's a riot where I live, we might be neighbours. :P

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omg love the feed back on this site :woot:


you know that pic there which 1 i that an how much do i expect to pay for 1 of those.. Am pretty gutted right now considering i spent £45 on lights. an their the wrong ones.


you from liverpool lad. :smoke:

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DJMarley, I live close to the posh end of muggers alley. (Tokky) :wassnnme:

One of the things I wasted money on was a used 250w HPS security light, minus bulb. (got it from Quiggans.)

It's got a few years on it, and I've never tried it, but the guy said he'd seen it working.

Yours if you want it, but don't shout at me if you spring for a bulb and it's a crock. btw it's heavy.

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