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Has anyone had a go with one of these yet? Im going to buy one for my mother plant. opting for the 125watt model. Any thoughts? I wander what the light penetration is like on these? Hope its cool for one mother. If it works well, i think i might get one of the smaller ones for cuttings. Is it worth building/buying a standard reflector for this or shall i just mount it onto the roof of my cupboard. Its all matt white, And its not a massive space. Just big enough to house a mother plant for a while i think, so long as i top it out enough, keep it short and bushy!

What do you think?


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Hi jammin,

fraid I can't help you bro but I was wondering where you bought your envirolight as I haven't seen any for sale anywhere.Maybe I look in all the wrong places.Also can you tell me how much it costs.


wee tam.

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  • 1 month later...

Got four of them in my veggie box, 2 blue & 2 red spectrums.

Not sure how much lumens a 70 wat HPS puts out but if you figure a 100 watt HPS puts out roughly 9,500 Lumens then mybe a 70 watt HPS may be some where about 7,500- 8,500 Lumens.

The Envirolights 125 watt blue spectrum puts out 12,000 Lumens and the Red spectrums about 8,900 lumens.

I don't know what the prices are where you live, but here, paid 99.00 usd for one Envirolight and for a 150wat HPS systems and bulb and tax would probbly cost me about 200.00 usd.

The penetration is not too shabby, if you have a box about 2 to three feet high I think you get great penitration.

The heat that is produced is pretty low in comparison to HPS Or hot burning MH.

I run four in My Veggie box, I choose to use Envirolights for the sole purpose of heat control, a 400 watt MH which I use to run puts out ruffly 41,000 Lumen good penetration for a 6 ft high and 40 inch square box, but a hell of a lot of heat.

Four Envirolights mixed spectrum give me ruffly 41,000. lumens equal Lumens at a fraction of the heat, It would of been a little cheaper to stick to a MH system, but to get a light spectrum with blue's and red at the same time one would have to buy a MH and a HPS system and that would of costed a hell of a lot more.

I you vegging you want to use a light with losts of Blues and If your BUdding lost of reds, MH bulbs do have reds in them but not as much as HPS and vis versa.

For me I'm trying to use a full spectrum light band, to veg my plants, kind of like emulating natrural sun light.

But in by bud box I crank a 1000 watt HPS, for super deep saturation and tight ass BUds.

I dont have a very big bud box some I run air cooled hoods and vent the box religiously, noisy as hell, but I guess in the end It always pays off so I really cant complane too much.

Where I live Its pretty warm in general, I didn't want to use another hot burning light in the Vegg box as well and have even more fans and noise going.

So that is my reasons for using these lights to each thier own, if your happy with how your doing things then its the right set up for you. In the end it doesn't matter what your using as long as you got buds.


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:) cheers 2poor, welcome to the grren side :)

not many folk are using them in the uk at the moment, but after reading your report i for 1 will be having a dabble :) just for vegging, got a 400w hps which i am going to get an aircooled reflector for.

bloody hell 1000w for flowering, i bet that produces some superb bud, have you got any pictures ? always love to see piccies. have you a favorite strain ?

hope to see you round the boards

take care


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Hi Jammin,

As you know i use a blue envirolitre in my veg room at the moment and it works a treat.

I have mine mounted in a mini wing reflector (250w type) and it pokes out of the end! You'd proberbly be best building something yourself.

The main advantage i see is the low heat output!!

At the moment I've got two red spectrum envirolites on order for a stealth scrog. I'll be using the blue one and two reds all mounted within a .5 metre square.

This will give me 375w in a .5 metre square that will produce very little heat, and give me a full spectrum of light!!

I'm paying £65 for the reds and then I think the bulb holders are about a fiver each.

The cabinet is almost complete, will post some piccies when its done.

Take It Easy,


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:) sorry vrg, i didnt realise you were using them bud ?!

excellent to hear your getting good results, one thing though what is the life span of them ? will they need to be changed every 12mths ? especially if you arnt growing to sell some on could get a bit pricey !

take care my friend


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Hi Hemlock, No worries matey! :zorro:

I was told "They'll last forever" he he

Think its something like 9000 hours!! So I don't think they'll need replacing annually and i don't think they'll loose brightness with age. I'm pressuming they'll just go out like a standard light bulb.

Can't wait to get my red ones, when i do i'll be sure to let you know how good they are for flowering. Might be here tomorow. :stoned:

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:stoned: nice one cheers vrg ;)

especially as i am loft grower, i think these should perform excellently, my temps got up to 40+ so i have arranged to have velux window in for extra ventilation and i am planning on insulating the roof, bit by bit (as you do) well i do anyway ;)

cant wait to hear if these red 1's do the trick.

keep safe


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Hey Hemloc,

I would show you some Pic's, but I'm not able attach a pic to this message.

I was told that the Enviro last a long time, course a MH of a HPS last longer but Hell even if I do go through 1 light per year it's worth it because I know with every year that passes and more people use the the prices will drop. The harvest it self will pay for the lights, I don't ususally sell my statch but if I need some fund I may let some go to buy equiptment.

Currently I have SilverHaze, Super Silver Haze, Bubbleberry, African white Zombie, Mulgal, and a unknow to me strain call R2.

Hoping to add Northern light big bud, White Rhino, and Reddot to my arsenal today, Not sure where I will have space for them yet, but if push come to shove I'll hang them upside down at the top of the veggy box (:P)

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