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Yeah! Organic.


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Hi Folks,

Gathering pace for another of my legendary Gaffposts. Shouldn't embarass myself TOO badly with this one - I hope ;)

So I've decided to go the organic root (see what I did there?) and have nice, natural, chemical free green. I want to experience the other side of draw from the bitter factory bud that we always seem to get round these parts.

What I wanted to ask is:

I have repotted 5 bagseed plants into 10" round pots full of BioBizz All-Miz, and all seem to be going great guns - Healthy lush dark green big leaves, dense growth (though obviously Sativas, they're bushing up nicely which is a pleasant surprise) plenty o' shoots and branches with sturdy thick stems. Do I need to add anything or is the idea of the all-mix that I just need to water them?

This brings me to my second question...

If the above is true and All Mix holds everything the plant needs, why do I see adverts for all sorts of Bloom and flowering nutrients all over the place? Also the Bio-Bizz bloom says it cannot be described as organic as is ingredients have been scientifically tweaked - would you guys certify this as satisfactory in an organic grow or can you recommend a fully organic alternative???

Also to sneak in a quick third question - Is rooting hormone organic? I have some Roota at the moment but want to be 100% natural...

Many thanks,


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Allmix will not have enough residual nutrient reserve to last a whole grow. So some supplementary feed will be needed. How much depends on how big the pot and how big the plant.

Flowering formulations tend to have less of the nutrients that plants need for strong growth and more of the things that plants need for flowering. I don’t know where you got the info that Biobizz grow is not organic from. It is true its registered with the soil association in the uk. But it is approved with the Dutch equivalent to the soil association. This is what Biobizz say about it.

BIO-BLOOM is a complete, liquid, organic fertiliser. It can easily be dosed automatically by means of sprinklers. BIO-BLOOM contains a small dose of nitrogen and enough phosphorus and potassium to ensure exuberant flowering. In order to improve the process in the plant itself, BIO-BLOOM contains various trace elements and hormones of vegetable origin. In order to improve the process in the soil and to ensure exuberant flowering, enzymes and amino acids were added.

The soil association, the main uk organic registration body. Have some pretty narrow ideas about what is organic growing. ie they say any crop grown in a pot or container for a final product is not organic. Neither are they if grown under artificial lights.

They do certify compost, so a herb plant can be grown for sale as organically produced for planting out into organic soil. Cut the herb from the pot and its not organic cut it once its growing in soil its an organic herb. At some point I am going to write to them and ask how they will classify cannabis.

There is no organic rooting hormone in the uk that I know of. The amount of roota you are going to use is tiny. So any residual at cropping time would not be measurable.

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Hi OT1

You Really do know everything! Which is useful for proles like me :med:

I got the info about BB from Growell who state that:

Bio Bizz Grow and Bloom nutrients are true Bio nutrients. This means that they are from organic sources however they have been refined for speedier plant uptake and growth. In practise this means that they can't be called 'organic' but are in fact called 'Bio' or 'Biological'.

Was just interested to find out exactly what that meant...

As for the rooting hormone, I suppose If I wanted to do everything 100% naturally then seeds everytiume would be the only way to go ...

Also, whilst you are here, what is the difference b/w BB Bloom - flowering nutrient - and BB Alg - a flowering stimulant...

Thanks and respect!


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I don’t know what they mean by that either, I will ask Biobizz.

You could make your own rooting solution from willow stalks.

The Bloom is a compleate balanced fertiliser. Alg is a seaweed extract, I personally don’t like it and several frinds have caused nutrient inbalances useing it.

I usually use a mix of both the bloom and grow, take a look through 48 baby cuts if you have not seen it it will tell you a bit about how I grow Link!

Hope this helps you in your quest..

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hi ot1 softboy,

I to have tried to go organic, and have followed all your posts ot1 with great interest, much respect,

and over the last 12 months , you have got me out of the preverbial s t,,

just by studying the posts ,you have replied to someone else previously, and pms thanks,

I tried to follow your organic mix for 50 litres,, and checked out availability at our local g/c,, not really available in quantaties i needed,and I could not calculate, litres into kilos ,, as all the boxes in the g/c were marked up in kg,and your recipie was in litres,,

any how gone back to the g/c mix ,, special, used it before with just water to good results ,, well better than the last ,, always,, but i have got hold of some bio bizz grow and bloom that i will be experimenting with this time ,,, personally I think half or most of my previous problems were with feeding, over or under,

I am in for major surgery tomorrow and have spent the last four days cleaning and getting the new lot in, so all i got to do is watch them grow,, see you all in a couple of weeks,,, george,

you lot have been a godsend ,,, love and best wishes to all, my internet friend ,, the bonziwhite rhinos are fine, always better than the last,,

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George luck go with you for your surgery tomorrow!

It doesn't matter whether you buy your ingredients in kilos, hundred weights or sacs.

The litre is a measure of volume like a pint is. All you need to measure the ingredients is a builders bucket with litre graduated measurements marked in the bucket.

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Reply from BioBizz.

Subject:   RE: Info please!

Date:   Thu, 22 May 2003 01:55:49 -0700


Dear Ot1,

About your comments, we are finalizing the papers for the soil

association certification limited in Bristol.

About the comment of Growell; here in holland you have two terms: organic and biological, organic means in Hollland derrived from organic materials.

Biological means that it  will not damage the envirement and can be resolved in the envirement.

So to answer your


Biobizz products are 100% organic guaranteed derrived from organic

materials (such as Ascophyllum nodosum and molasses) and there are no bio minerals added. So I understand it is a little bit confusing and for that we appologise.

Hope this helps you!

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