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Super bud


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Alright everyone ?? Just been browsing the growell library of stuff to tease stoners, and came accross this new stuff called super bud. They rave about it, but then they would! lol Just wandered if what they say is true, does this stuff actually kick your plants straight into flowering? Without all the waiting around for the buds to start? I mean i dont expect them to just appear, but if really speeds up the transfer from veg to flower, and minimizes stretch, it could be very useful in many situations. And so it should be 98££ per litre!!!!!!!!!! ;)

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does this stuff actually kick your plants straight into flowering? Without all the waiting around for the buds to start?

sounds a bit frankenstienish................

it's got to effect the plant's genetic's..............?????

i'm sure there's a tread about it somewhere..........


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:yep:, knew i'd seen it somewhere............



;),..vek's seen that forum already.............

Edited by sittingrelaxing
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a buddy of mine has just cropped after using s/bud,its definitely affected the way the plants have grown.

they stopped stretching and budded outwards,and the buds looked very different.

however...he has less bud than without s/b and the smell and taste has been affected,and he seems to think the hit is not as potent!!!

but..i have to say this may be more to do with getting used to s/bud,because it has such a dramatic effect on the way the plant grows he may have to revise some of his tried and tested growing methods.

me, i'm going to wait until i've seen this stuff used more before i part with £100.perhaps dutch master are getting their R&D done for free by us , if this is the case then the retail price is way ott

c f

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hi all, a have got some super bud :yep: ....and my clones started 2 show signs off budding on the 3rd day of useing it, however the the clones are twisting and turning a bit, they look stressed out, allso i used 2mill per litre not the recamended 3mill per litre, i used only 2mill because i am growing sog i thought 3 might be 2 much 4 clones so young. this stuff deffinetly brings on the buds. i will get back 2 you on this in one week . :afro:

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A mate of mine has used superbud during the first week of flowering,and at the end of the day the results were amazing!

The yeild was meant to be 20/30% more and I would say it was more double that amount,very nice tasting and a very pleasent stone indeed,the strain was Pot Of Gold,so definatly recomend as for the price you pay for what you get at the end of the day.

Peace Oblio. :afro:

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you pay for what you get at the end of the day.

you get what you pay for, at the end of the day .......surely

sr :mashed:

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Ive just started using superbud, and it seems to do what it says on the tin. After a few days of 12/12 hairs started appearing on the females, which normally takes at least 2 weeks.

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;) Cheers for picking that up s.r I may have been stoned but surely this is a good thing,cheers again bud.

Peace Oblio.

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