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Bugs...How to avoid them?


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I put 3 plants outside about a 3 weeks ago. Two of them are looking good, however the third is gone and the two look like some bugs have gotten to them. Any ideas on bug repellant or killer i can spray on them to avoid this problem?

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Sevin is safe and kills most pests you did not say what the pest problem looks like so this is a cover all and is safe in garden veggies etc .it comes in liquid concentrate and powder.

Edited by quickdip
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Depends on what you call safe, it has been banned in europe for some time.

keep this in mind.

10. Toxicity: Moderate acute mammalian toxicity. Acute

oral LD50 rats (mg/kg) = (540). Although carbaryl is toxic to

honey bees, Sevin XLR and XLR-Plus have a reduced honey bee

hazard warning; do not apply directly to foraging bees.

11. Precautions, First Aid: Can be absorbed through the

skin. Ensure the residue on the plants is dry before foraging

commences. Protect yourself by reducing skin and eye

exposure. Wear coveralls, brimmed hard hat, goggles,

respirator, unlined nitrile or neoprene gloves, and neoprene

overboots or rubber boots. In addition wear a waterproof

apron when handling the pesticide concentrate. Follow

directions for Cleaning of Clothes and Equipment before

reuse. If in eyes or skin use standard first aid measures.

If swallowed seek medical attention.

Symptoms of poisoning Salivation, tearing, urination,

defication, pinpoint pupils, muscle spasms, general muscular

weakness, nausea, prostration, convulsions.

First aid: If in eyes or on skin use standard first aid

measures. If swallowed seek medical attention.

For physician: Carbaryl insecticide is a moderate,

reversible, cholinesterase inhibitor. Atropine is antidotal.

Do not use 2-PAM opiates, or cholinesterase inhibiting drugs.

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Buzz-Off; it does exactly what it says in the box.

Outdoors of course you can plant other bug eating predator attractor plants; In our garden, for example, we have a few nice Rose bushes, but being very rural we also get tons of Aphids. So we plant "Poached Egg Plant" all around the Rose bases. These pretty little things, attractive in their own right, also attract predators that feed on Aphids! Result? Aphid free Roses with not a chemical in sight.

But Buzz-Off will sort the prob for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Arnold,

I live in Ireland and I can't seem to source "Buzz-Off" here :yep: . Could you tell me if there is an equivalent or will any insect spray do. When do you plant the poached egg plants, is it too late for this year?

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