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Hey this is my first time ever growing marijuana. I ordered 10 seeds of white widow. Now I was thinking if I could plant the seeds outdoor? I was going to put them into a pot and place them outdoors. That way I can move it and keeps the rodents away. Do I really need one of those special lights for my plants? Or could I just place the weed outside for sunshine and bring indoors during the night time?

Sorry im new at this!

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sounds like you will do okay just do a bit more reading on this site its great its how we all learn.if youve got sunshine and a shed your well away ,read up on vegetation period and if all feminine seeds you can flower anytime just lift them in and out daily for flowering period dont worry be happy regards twinkle :cat:

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Guest smokeymacpot

hey welcome to growing this is likea tutorial read it all!!!

im ganna help you out the best i can you dont have to buy one of those 400 dollar lightsif your jsut ganna grow outside but you will need some floros to start them out b/c you cant just place themoutside or they will die ether from cold little bugs .. ect ect first how cold does it get there at night . b/c if your ganna grow outsdie they have to have the most oflight as possible for warmth and growing ..

1: first thing your ganna have to do is germinate your seeds.. since you ordered some im guessing there ganna be good seeds. there are several ways you can germinate seeds my favoriote is simple but yet it works jsut put themin dirt with water and give them heat and humidity .. hehe simple write

2: when they finally do pop there little weed heads outa the ground your ganna have to ahve them under lights (floresence for vegetive growth) (the time when the get big)

youll need 2 or 3 40 watt floresent lights that you can hang form somewere to wee there always aout 3 inches from the top of the plants alot of people like groing in there closets

they have to go into a lighting schedule try to get a timer .. and set it were he plants get 18 hours of light and 6 ours of dark .. for example my timers turn on at 7:00 in the morning and go off at 1:00 at night this occors for about 4 to 5 weeks ...

3: ok now your ready for you flowering stage this is when all your juicy little buds start to form in this stage you switch your lighting schedule to 12 hours of dark and 12 hours of light .. during the dark stage there can be NO!!! light leaks on the plant.. after a week or so you plant will start to show its sex . im not good on this part os i wont try but i do know female good male bad and you dont want to mix them unless you want seeds :cat: this goes on for about 32 to 50 or even 6-0 days depending on wat strain ......

please this is not my best part im not the best at this

4: harvesting im not here yet so i will be askign for help in the future

so i hope this helped some but wats the weather like there how colds it get so on so on

oh and some freindly advice dont do anyhtign to your plants ur unsure of just ask us here b/c there is tons of stuff dealing wiht growing ;):sorry:

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I dont know a much about out-door growing but I would think that Southern CA would be ideal and WW will do fine.

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Guest smokeymacpot
:cat: in the amont of time it took me to type that alot of ppl wrote in :sorry: well scali heh you wont have a problem wiht temps i know that much Edited by smokeymacpot
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Thanks a lot guys or all your help! So I could plant them outside in pots? And for nightime ill bring them inside and put them into complete darkness?

Also were can I buy these special lights? I dont want anything expensive either! Wouldnt having these lights cost a lot in terms of energy usuage?


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Guest smokeymacpot

you coiuld go to alocal fish shop and look for floros ..?? jsut curios did you read mine did it help any..b/c first time i wrot somethignlike it

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you coiuld go to alocal fish shop and look for floros ..?? jsut curios did you read mine did it help any..b/c first time i wrot somethignlike it

Yeah actualy it helped a lot, thanks! So a fish store would have them? How much would that cost a month for electricity? Is that better than planting outdoors? Or do you just give it that light for a couple weeks then move it outdoors? Or completely indoors? Im confused. :cat:

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Guest smokeymacpot

im doing wat i told you my setup is in a small closet with 2 40 watt floros (brand new )yeee i love them and a small circular fan .. i do this for about 2 1/2 weeks and then just find a good spot outdoors and put them outdoors and yeah the fish store would have sopmeill give you somelink in my next post .. i gotta look for some sites for ya

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Obsessed 1, have a good read in the outdoors forum M8; most of your questions are already answered there. :cat:

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