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Planting Outside


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If i slapped 12 plants (8" tall atm) outside and left the mt ofend for themselves in a dry area with some shade and no problems with watering (very close to pond) would they be capable of fending for themselves?


Sith (on IRC) :woot:

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Don't see why not. They've got every chance. Tis a weed after all.

I'm gonna go and spread a big bag of seeds I've got ( from a fcuked up grow I did last year) down the side of a local river bank in the next few days. :)

See if i can get a wild population going :nuke:



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  • 1 month later...

here how did those plants get on wild?

im headin off for the summer, so im just gonna plant it in the middle of no where to fend for itself

did they get robbed?

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i think every1 should try start a wild population. start a big campaign. if weed grows wild in the uk the government wont be able to get rid of it all and we'l all have sumthing to smoke.

imagine just walkin down to the woods and picking a basket of grass.

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Hi Sith,

A few precautions to ensure they don't succumb to natural predators,especially when young -ie slugs, snails, rabbits, deer (slugs 'n snails .. F*@%'ing B###std things, I hate em all!) :furious:

But once they're a decent size they should stand up to most things nature can throw at them.

Dog /cat /human hair clippings will keep the bigger critters away and then you can drop in to see them growing around once every couple of weeks unitl the Autumn harvest time.

Location can be tricky, you need a very quiet spot where the local kids are unlikely to pass through, otherwise they'll all be gone the week before you cut them. Preset "traps" will indicate if you've had unwelcome 2 legged visitors.

Beyond that though there should be no problems at all.



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im thinking abt producing a shitload of seeds for next year from my indoor grow, just cross a few early strains & then spread the seeds around a lot, gonna try & make a ring of weed round my city :headpain:

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