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Does Anyone Here Have Religous Beliefs

Guest shrooms

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i still think we're all gods

In a sense we all are, in some religions or rather practices we achieve what we desire, everybody on this planet can manipulate there desire or can influence the world, few desire to do so just by way of daily routine or not being aware.

Every single person alive can muster or control the outcome and lifestyle they want to lead, every conscious thought effects each day, programming, we live the lives we lead not through choice, more through ignorance of being able to control it. Largely due to being elsewhere, involved with daily routines, life.

Our past history touched upon this, we didn't have five senses, we had more like 15-20, as humanity went on we had little need for some, hence most of us are unable to use them, with the exception of a few.

Shame, the subconscious is able to shake and break boundries which in fairness we are not able to comprehend, the mind and how we program it effects each and every waking minute, we are to a degree victims of our own mind, which can be retified with programming.

Im waffling true, from my own experiancee though, we control every aspect of our lives, we bring demise when we seek it by thought, constant thinking, the subconscious mind is in effect at present is unable to be probed by anyone, tried and tested. It is basically impossible, we effect each day by thinking patterns and thought.

An example, should you hate your job try saying to yourself over and over for a few times a day before work, today will be great, everything will go ok, no problems, will have a great day at work, 9/10 you will. You have preset the day and the energy which some people call Kai, Kabbalah energies, Reiki, all is controlled by the subconscious mind and will change patterns of the day.

People knew this thousands of years ago hence the Shamans, witches, pagans, before religion was even considered, and I might add largely mixed with Dogma, ewwww, they knew then what mankind is slowly understanding, some of which science doesn't understand, no change there then.

Thought effects reality, no doubt about it, even studies in American cities show the same, one hundred people got together and used the power of thought to decrease crime, end result crime was the lowest in 27 years, decreasing by 29 percent, no accident, collective will power using energy.

Call me nuts, various people harness the power of energy from Kabbalah, Reiki, Yoga, Karate, magicians, occultists, spirtual healers, list is endless.

Im waffling but this is a passion of mine, long time, if in doubt try the above, pre plan your day by thought before you end up doing it, visualise it, see it, act it out, within reason it will manifest. You will not win the lottery granted as the collective will of several million people is hard to beat, but mundane events are possible, infact realtity daily with practice, you are how you think, for most unfortunatly :ninja:

Now where did i put my grass :ouch:.

Edited by potsmoker93
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For what it's worth, I agree with Boojum. A lot of people make snap judgments without bothering to learn all the facts. This leads to unnecessary animosity and resentment, and these are both extremely destructive.

Very true! People are always ready to knock that which they have failed utterly to understand! A very human failure, though.

Am I religious? Well, I am ordained into the Christian ministry, although I resigned quite some time ago. But I suppose I would call myself a liberal Christian with existential shading. I believe in a sort of shamanic creation-mythology too. But I am also somewhat pantheist, and like many I see all religions as repositories of truth, truth that is usually held in Mythic form that requires some serious demythologisation before the virtue shines forth. Truth is not be confused with the Myths that enshrine it. But seek, and you shall find. Try Rudolph Bultmann, he may enlighten you :yep:

Religion and dogma are related but not essentially. One can be religious without being ridden by dogma. And one can be religious without either being controlled or seeking to control.

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Guest shrooms
Yeah when you are at peace with everyone around you and are being nice to people and you have some arsehole giving you crap and you have a few cans hopefully grab an un opened can and smash it across the arseholes nose use the can from the top the base should hit the target and then he wont piss with you again dont use that self defence in your house because the blood sprays everywhere if anyone has a can of unopened beer at home pick it up and drop the base on it the force is amazing it is a serious non lethal weapon.They should teach it in self defence it is grossly affective


Very spiritual of you. I'd more likely have expected someone to extol the virtues of turning the other cheek in the Theology forum, but I guess when you don't put an intelligence test on the door, anyone can get in....

What so you are trying to say if someone is threating you with a knife or with violence turn the other cheek i live in the real world dont no where you are coming from or where you live but my saying is if someone slaps you once slap them twice.With some people violence is all they understand.
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What so you are trying to say if someone is threating you with a knife or with violence turn the other cheek i live in the real world dont no where you are coming from or where you live but my saying is if someone slaps you once slap them twice.With some people violence is all they understand.

Turning the other cheek is no new idea. Moreover, as Ghandi pointed out "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind".

But it would seem you only understand the way of violence yourself? Then that is what you will reap.

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Thing is I don't consider myself a religious man. But I've been faced with violence. I've got battered. I've been faced with a knife a couple of times. I ran. I'm lucky, I'm a fast runner. I'm a pacifist. I live in the real world. I live in a world of alcoholics & smackheads, I've lived on the streets, but i've always been a pacifist and I always will be. If that means I get battered or stabbed, so be it. My life isn't worth more than my belief that violence is wrong. If I have to lose my life because of that belief, I'll do so. I've been near it (I've been VERY badly battered), but I will never fight back. Got nothing to do with religion for me, I just cannot bring myself to hurt another human being.

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Guest shrooms
I believe all spirituality evolved from drug taking.Tripping is the original religion,the rest are just talking about it.


I tottaly agree no not agree it is fact there are thousands of plants that produce outworldly sensations worldwide.These substances for primative man searching for his food would have no doubt been a springboard for primitive mans imagination.I love psychedelic plants but have recently come to believe that the alkoloids they contain have been a disaster by introducing this strange ape species to god like states.But strange as it may seem some of these sacrements should be used again by intelligent non violent man to induce empathy and possibly stop us from going into armagheedon
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Guest shrooms
Thing is I don't consider myself a religious man. But I've been faced with violence. I've got battered. I've been faced with a knife a couple of times. I ran. I'm lucky, I'm a fast runner. I'm a pacifist. I live in the real world. I live in a world of alcoholics & smackheads, I've lived on the streets, but i've always been a pacifist and I always will be. If that means I get battered or stabbed, so be it. My life isn't worth more than my belief that violence is wrong. If I have to lose my life because of that belief, I'll do so. I've been near it (I've been VERY badly battered), but I will never fight back. Got nothing to do with religion for me, I just cannot bring myself to hurt another human being.

Yeah right.

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But strange as it may seem some of these sacrements should be used again by intelligent non violent man to induce empathy and possibly stop us from going into armagheedon

I take you'll be ruling yourself out from taking these hallucinatory plants then Shrooms?

but my saying is if someone slaps you once slap them twice.

There are not a few subtil references to hallucinatory plants in the Old Testament, which would seem to suggest that their use does indeed lie behind a great deal of spiritual thought.

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Guest shrooms
What so you are trying to say if someone is threating you with a knife or with violence turn the other cheek i live in the real world dont no where you are coming from or where you live but my saying is if someone slaps you once slap them twice.With some people violence is all they understand.

Turning the other cheek is no new idea. Moreover, as Ghandi pointed out "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind".

But it would seem you only understand the way of violence yourself? Then that is what you will reap.

Yeah mate so if someone was hurting your child in front of you or your wife you would say that is ok i will turn the other cheek.A bloke is beating the shit out of you thats ok i will turn the other cheek enter the real world there are evil people out there that dont give a fuck how much weed have you used thet comment is bullshit with a capital B what fantasy island do you live on because i want to move there.
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Thing is I don't consider myself a religious man. But I've been faced with violence. I've got battered. I've been faced with a knife a couple of times. I ran. I'm lucky, I'm a fast runner. I'm a pacifist. I live in the real world. I live in a world of alcoholics & smackheads, I've lived on the streets, but i've always been a pacifist and I always will be. If that means I get battered or stabbed, so be it. My life isn't worth more than my belief that violence is wrong. If I have to lose my life because of that belief, I'll do so. I've been near it (I've been VERY badly battered), but I will never fight back. Got nothing to do with religion for me, I just cannot bring myself to hurt another human being.

Yeah right.

What does that mean ?

Are you calling me a liar ?

Come and say that to my face. And I'll........

Do nothing. You still don't understand do you ?

But I can show you the scars where I've been battered if you want.

It really doesn't matter either way, I don't do it to impress. I couldn't give a fuck what you think. You live in your little bubble of "I'm so hard." I'll live in my little bubble of I don't care.

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Yeah mate so if someone was hurting your child in front of you or your wife you would say that is ok i will turn the other cheek.A bloke is beating the shit out of you thats ok i will turn the other cheek enter the real world there are evil people out there that dont give a fuck how much weed have you used thet comment is bullshit with a capital B what fantasy island do you live on because i want to move there.

I am not living on a fantasy island at all Shrooms. I've been a pacifist for some 40 years now, and have taken a few beatings for it. Try doing a spell away (in my case, a Borstal sentence in 1970's) when everyone knows you'll turn the other cheek! But I refuse to enter into violence, as it gets nowhere. Your words about children are irrelevent, it has never happened and my children are both now safely entering their thirties.

And I'll thank you to keep a civil tongue in your head. Pacifism is not Bullshit, or even dependent on dope smoking. And I certainly would not want a man of violence living on my island, trust me.

I am well aware of what people are like too. I spent my entire professional life dealing with them in all their human warts and glory.

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Yeah mate so if someone was hurting your child in front of you or your wife you would say that is ok i will turn the other cheek.A bloke is beating the shit out of you thats ok i will turn the other cheek enter the real world there are evil people out there that dont give a fuck how much weed have you used thet comment is bullshit with a capital B what fantasy island do you live on because i want to move there.

I am not living on a fantasy island at all Shrooms. I've been a pacifist for some 40 years now, and have taken a few beatings for it. Try doing a spell away (in my case, a Borstal sentence in 1970's) when everyone knows you'll turn the other cheek! But I refuse to enter into violence, as it gets nowhere. Your words about children are irrelevent, it has never happened and my children are both now safely entering their thirties.

And I'll thank you to keep a civil tongue in your head. Pacifism is not Bullshit, or even dependent on dope smoking. And I certainly would not want a man of violence living on my island, trust me.

I am well aware of what people are like too. I spent my entire professional life dealing with them in all their human warts and glory.

Too right.

Pacisifsm isn't a philosophy, it's a way of life. And if you choose it, it's the ONLY way of life.

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Guest shrooms

Mate dont be funny with me on plants i have done more plants and psychedelic chems than you have hot dinners my brain is psychedelic tourettes.No joke i am t.s traited

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:) You haven't done anywhere near the plants, drugs or anything that I've done. You're the one that keeps asking about things. I've been there, done it and worn the T shirt. Don't try to play one up with me, cos I've done it and come out the other side. Don't try to play me boy, cos I've played games you don't even know the rules to. Trust me.
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