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Does Anyone Here Have Religous Beliefs

Guest shrooms

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Yeah when you are at peace with everyone around you and are being nice to people and you have some arsehole giving you crap and you have a few cans hopefully grab an un opened can and smash it across the arseholes nose use the can from the top the base should hit the target and then he wont piss with you again dont use that self defence in your house because the blood sprays everywhere if anyone has a can of unopened beer at home pick it up and drop the base on it the force is amazing it is a serious non lethal weapon.They should teach it in self defence it is grossly affective

Nice! :wink:

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  • Boojum


  • Canabizbob


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I too am a Cantheist.

Basically, for those that are not aware, Canthiests are calm self aware individuals who relate with nature in our own way with the aid of our sacremental herb. No bible bashing, respect for fellow human beings & nature.

We all have a high respect for Paul, our Cantheist Minister. He is going out of his way, taking a huge risk to help prove it is our human right to use our sacremental cannabis.

In my opinion, everyone who grows & uses cannabis & appreciates it's wonder as a plant with nature, is in theory a Cantheist :wink:

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Were I to subscribe to any one system, I would have to consider myself an eclectic Kitchen Witch. While I tend to primarily follow the Celtic tradition, I do draw on certain aspects of different backgrounds and pantheons. I also practice yoga, which I find to be not only good exercise, but also a deeply spiritual experience. But for the most part, cooking is my religion, and the kitchen in my temple.

And yes, feel free to come over for cookies ^^

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Cantheists are calm self aware individuals who relate with nature in our own way with the aid of our sacremental herb. No bible bashing, respect for fellow human beings & nature.

With respect, Cantheists are those who use cannabis spiritually. The remainder of your description may apply to yourself, or even to those Cantheists you know, but you cannot say 'Cantheists are ..' anything other than spiritual users of cannabis, although I'm sure many could think of a few more descriptive terms they might add after 'Cantheists are ..' :unsure: My opinion of Christianity bares no relation whatsoever to the one put forward in this thread by a stated Cantheist but both opinions are equally valid and neither makes it's holder any less or more Cantheist.


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Guest river king

My neighbours are full bore christian spiritualists (mediums).When we talk about meditation The state of mind cannabis sometimes puts me in is very similar to when my neighbours open their chakras. Some of the stuff they have told me over the fence about my deceased friends and relatives is very accurate. I now have no doubt that life continues after death. All religions are probably different forms of the same one which is in itself some sort of spiritual awakening which might have been origionally brought about by the use of cannabis or other substances as Cannabizbob says. HYpnosis techniques are very similar to opening the chakras. I have dabbled with it and have to say had to quit before I opened up fully,because got very scary.There's certainly another plane to our existance.


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As above i have none i might put down shamanism on the next census.Not a religion to me personally just a mind exploration.The mind is it what most religion call god or the devil what is this mind and all its uncharted terrortories that goverments are so scared of us exploring

Im quite partial to Shamanism, especially the ritual aspect of altering consciousness through altered states which is largely down to the ritual aspect of shamanism, not to mention the drugs lol.

Although technically I do not have a religion as such, I basically dabble in various aspects of many religions and magickal systems ranging from Ceremonial magick, Enochian Magick, Chaos magick, Shamanism, Paganism, Goetia magick and anything else that takes my fancy :cheers:. Although we do summon or rather evoke various Gods from many pantheons, sometimes the Goetia demons from the book of Solomon, Lesser Key, Greater Keys of Solomon.

It is basically as spiritual as you could possibly get in my opinion, the altered state achieved by Ritual involvement and enviroment, robes, candles and many others gives many the feeling of communicating with god, which in paganism and many magickal systems can lead to thousands upon thousands of Gods for specific purposes depending on the person and who they want to work with if any.

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There are many ways to alter ones state,but throughout human history

phychedelic plants and mushrooms have generally been used when available.

Humans love to get off the nut,allways have allways will,It's instinctive,

some say it was ingesting drugs that gave us an evolutionary advantage,

even kick starting our brains to create language,and art,the missing link?

who knows?But we must accept our phychedelic past and and recognise

our desire to explore conciousness,cannot be sated with alcohol,nicotein

and caffein.I'me convinced if we had organised regular,open,safe consumption of

certain drugs it could only help to bond communities,stear away from distructive

drugs and open minds past the current level of dumbed down,self image obsessed,

materialistic,unthinking,uncaring,manipulated sheep that the masses of the western world are.

But who wants the masses thinking,thats why we are just allowed the shit drugs

that perpetuate,what Terrence Mckenna called,the dominater society.

Sorry,going a bit conspiracy there.

So,what I basically beleive,is we can all have a mystical,god like experience

using the same tools our ancesters did for millenia,long before Bibles and Korans.

The original religion,experiencing enlighted states through consumption of

fungis,cactus,various plants,and one special weed. :wink:


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the bible says belief in jesus christ will garuntee access to heaven. so on that basis alone i believe that jesus lived, died, then lived again, then went to heaven. i hope to meet him one day as him and his dad have alot to answer for.

Edited by notts.pots
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Due to my Aikido training I have spent a fair bit of time in Japan, and after visiting several times for 2-3 months, I spent 8 months there after I left the Army and became a Shinto Priest ( minzoku-shintō). I also consider myself to be an energy channeler and an elemental Shaman, which really just means that I a practicing Pagan.

CPU :unsure: :wink:

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The way I see it is that religion is just a mass mind control so people behave the way they want


You do realise that the yin yang symbol represents one of the central principles of taoism, don't you ? And while taoism has no God and is in essence a philosophy, it still comes under the heading of a religion ;)


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Nope never have never will, my opinion is that religion of any sort pray on the weak mind who don't have a clear vision for themselves..........

Every single thing on this earth is man made apart from nature, religion is man made........

I always wondered why schools have to be run around religion its so they can brain wash them at a young age!!!

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I think a lot of people confuse dogma with religion, what is being described isn't a product of genuine religious or spiritual belief, it's a product of dogma.

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For what it's worth, I agree with Boojum. A lot of people make snap judgments without bothering to learn all the facts. This leads to unnecessary animosity and resentment, and these are both extremely destructive.

CPU :toot::toot:

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