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chemical or organic.


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Hello smokers,

I'm in two minds whether to go organic or chemical and I'm afraid chemical is winning...

Is it true that organic yields a lesser amount to organic or is it a myth?

Are the taste differences really apparent?

I've got organic soil and have only fed chem once since repotting, I would rather be told the facts that members have found from their own experiences before carrying on with it cause I wouldn't mind about swapping back to organic now if it was the right thing to do.

What your views growers? B)

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Organic will always taste beter/be less harsh a smoke.

Yeilds depend upon your experience, methods, mediums etc

Normaly hydro will outyeild organic by approx 25%, but this is all dependant on factors.

If your a new grower, get to grips with growing by taking the easiest methods

ie: BnQ compost, perlite for medium and get some bio bizz flowering nutes for flowering.

When i grew, i used this same set (plus the odd feed of Ionic Hydro flowering feed) and aquarium water.

Great results (approx 1.25g per watt), nice taste and only deficiency probs were MG lockout due to me not altering the PH of my tap water.

You have to follow the learning curve to progress....take it

1 step at a time mind :rolleyes:

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hi noddy

i've only ever grown chem/hydro and i suppose i'll stick to it for a bit

but i'm always willing to try different things

i've also heard that chem will give higher yeilds to organic but looking at

some of the organic grows here i see that it don't make much difference

but if i had organic soil i would give it organic feed

all the best jgs

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Hi all

This is a topic very close to my heart, so excuse me if i end up rambling.

organic taste better than hydro/chem.

Not always the case. If a hydro grower flushes properly before harvest, he could end up with some very tasty and smooth smoke. But beofre anyone starts ranting, read on.

It is also down to personal taste.

Sorry to pick you up on this addy, but adding ionic instantly means that what you are growing isnt organic. By adding chemical ferts you are making subtle changes in the structure of the cells, they grow quicker, have thinner walls and hold more water.

You are right though addy, yields depends on the grower basically. Experience (or a good attention to detail and listening to a SUCCESFUL grower) can be a more important determinant of yield.

best peice of advice of heard on here in a while

You have to follow the learning curve to progress....take it

1 step at a time mind

Hydro will yield more if all the basics are done correctly, but if something goes wrong and you dont catch it quick, it can be devestating.

As concerns organic vs chem/hydro, taste is a thought for some people, but there is an over all quality difference. I'm sorry if i start to sound like a right hippy, but it is best to feed a plant something that is living. Subsequently, the 'energy' is passed on. You can also pass energy on with your close attention, the care etc that you give your plants every day.

It is difficult to recreate living soil in a pot, in a cupboard somewhere. This can only really be done outside, in the ground. that is why plants/crops etc, grown in pots cannot be certified as organic!

So, to cut the crap, organic is best, but, when in a cupboard, personally, i think it is best to grow hydro, get maximum yields but flush effectively to get rid of the harsh taste.

Styrange thing is, everything else i do is organic. I eat organic and grow organically outside.

Anyways, sorry for the rant, got loads more to say, but gonna shit up now, honest,


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I used to grow in John Innes with chemical ferts from Chempak.

Now I have been in Bio-Bizz Allmix for a year using their Bio-feeds plus a touch of Epsom Salts.

Yields initially went down, but as I have got to grips with organic, or "Bio" growing so they are returning to what they where.

Like the man said, one step at a time.....

Got to say, though, that the taste in Allmix is way better than that in John Innes, and the plant looks a heck of a lot happier.

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got to agree with arnie biobizz allmix flowered with biobizz bloom and a bit of epsom salts is awesome you cant go wrong

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I used to grow in John Innes with chemical ferts from Chempak.

I still use the chempak cactus and succulent fert. for flowering in perlite & vermiculite mix...

When I used to grow in soil I used miracle grow compost but thats hardly organic! Good though!

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