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1st grow 4 use with MS


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Hi, I'm totally new to this but this seems to be the best place to get advice.

I have MS.

The terrific people at thc4ms pointed me here. Mark suggested that it was a good place 4 advice. I'm planning to try to grow outside (by neccessity), this season to try to get somw weed in the autumn to make our own Cannachoc. Mark & Lezley are doing an amazing job but they are being swamped and those of us that are able should help ourselves.

I'd welcome any advice on the best seeds to use for outside and perhaps where to get them.

Any other advice welcome--I've spent quite a bit of time getting info from the Web so I think I know the basics but I'm trying to ensure that it works!



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Some info that would help us help you.

The county you are in would help to see if its viable.

Are you thinking of growing in a garden, also whether in soil or maybe in pots.

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Higha stix, welcome to UK420.

Seedbanks are producing ever more strains by the year, so choice one has aplenty.

There are the traditional early bloomers {and that is what you will need over here in the UK} like Durban and Early Durban and Early Girl. No doubt others will chip in with suggestions.

One thing I do every year is a small outdoor crop of all my indoor plants. As I am at home every day, it is no great prob to put them into the dark garage each day at the right time, thus I can have them in flower all summer.

Hope this helps

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:rolleyes: hiya stix, i trust all is well for you and yours ??

i have been doing a lot a searching for specific med strains and so far the main one for ms is NL5, not sure wether we stock her or not but if you pm joolz i am sure he will try and get em for you, or at least point you in the right direction to get em from :woot:

keep us posted on the grow

take care


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;) Thanks for the good wishes.

Old Git, county is Cambridgeshire. Venue is in a plastic enclosure, south-facing in the garden

Any advice gratefully received, thanks,


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Sorry for the Q's Stix, are we talking a polytunnel and if so how big?

Take a read of this Thread! It covers the use of a big polytunnel pretty well.

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Old Timer,

Thanks for reply. The thread was interesting but the guy with 2 x 50ft tunnels is in a slightly different league!! Hopefully, he can spare some for thc4MS.

I'm hoping to put a 6'x 6' plastic lean-to onto my logshed. 2 or 3 plants would be useful and,if they grow as they should, might provide enough grass to keep 2 of us limping along til' the next crop. This time of year seems about right to start so I'm trying to get best advice on variety and where to seek them out etc. Someone who knows what they are at mentioned a var called Ruderalis. Good idea

By the way, why won't the PM button work on this group? In fact, does it stand for Post Message or am I being dim?

Regards, Stix.

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Stix I have had experience with helping with MS, this is one area where sativa dominant varieties can really help a lot more than indicas especially with some of the later problems like muscle torsion and spasms. Personally I don’t think much of the product produced by either of the Ruderalis hybrids I would not recommend them.

I don’t know how much mobility you have and what you can do.

But if you could either move the plants to a dark area so they only get light for 12 hrs a day, then you could initiate flowering earlier while the sun still has some quality to its light. Or a blind sort of setup to initiate a black out would also do. With either of these, a very good quality product can be produced. It also means you can choose from a wider range of varieties.

Are you thinking of growing in pots or direct in the ground. Please understand its better to work out in advance how you are going to grow.

If you are making the lean to remember you will need ventilation. Pref a roof light and a Louvre or open door at low level.

Re:- PM’s.

We have had people come here who joined and tried to scam members by contacting them through the PM system and never posting, one person particularly targeted med users to rip them off. So now the board is set so the PM system does not work for new members until they have been here a while, it gives us time to suss out each member, it is automatic so keep posting and after a while your account will update to full member that opens the PM’s for you. I’m sorry if it is a little inconvenient, but its the best we can do without involving a lot of the moderators time.

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Stix to demonstrate what can be achieved by darkening the plants daily and explain the principle have a read of these threads. Unfortunately we lost the pictures of the first thread when we upgraded the board software but read it anyway. I’m pointing you to these threads so you can get an idea of what can be done.








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Thank you for your time, all advice can only help. I'm reading averything that I can find so that, hopefully, I will get a result.

My plan was to grow in potting compost in moveable pots. I suppose that I could move plants from plastic lean-to into the logshed which I could make light-tight, but only if the little darlings don't grow too tall! Are there shrub varieties?!

How old or large should the plants be when you do the restriction of hours of light?


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Look Stix there is no hurry take your time and read a little. I just sent you an email, I assume your signup one still works.

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I'd recommend KC brains Mango or Nirvana Afghani special (or any of those two seed banks' outdoor varieties) for good outdoor yields in England, also a friend of mine has MS and these are his preffered smokes. www.potseeds.co.uk have the whole range, they're cheap and nice guys.

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Use fairly large pots, you don't want to restrict root growth. If you pinch the top of the plant when it's getting to your desired hieght (or a bit shorter than) the plant will bush out and grow two main colas insteads of one. Indica varieties are shorter, bushier and have bigger outdoor yields in our climate I'd say.

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