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worn bulb


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does annyone know what happens if you use a worn out bulb?

I would have thought plant growth would just slow down, but coud it be more serious some how making the plants deficient? could the spectrum some how change?

I ask because i only have probs when i move plants from flouros to 250 hps even though i keep the hieght at least 3 ft,

I could not say at all how many hours i used the light but i`m pretty sure it`s quite old.

surely a worn out bulb would just promote slow growth & not cause defiencys or am i way of with this presumption?

all the best gg

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Hi Greengrass

The intensity output drops as the bulb gets older , a hps lamp should really be renewed every 12 months You said your light is at least 3 ft above your plants , i think thats way too high for a 250w, you could drop that by at least 18 inchs maybe even 2 ft and your plants would definately thank you for it :magic:


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If the back of your hand under the bulb isn't uncomfortably warm after a full minute, that distance is OK for the plants.

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