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water qaulity


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Hi all bin looking into to my water

the ppm reading i get from a straight glass of my tap water is 560ppm.EC=0.8,CF=8

I think this is high if i have understood the faqs properly which seems to say water of over 200ppm should be looked into

Any one else think this is high?could i be fighting a uphill battle with water like this? whats everyone elses water like?(apart from wet)

all the best gg

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hi there mate i think u can get nutrients which are for use with hard water maybe somebody will confirm this.

yeah ur waters gat a high cf ,my water dosnt even register on my cf pen hopfully somebody with more expierance will be able to guide u in the right direction

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Hi there GG

Yup that's about what mine is in London - EC 0.6 PH 7.9. Do you calibrate/check your pens now and then? good eye deer two. Best thing is an RO filter but they costalot, so use HW nutes (I use GenHydro), try using Nitric instead of Phosphoric acid as PH down during vegging, dump your tank every week - and no cheating - check the PH at every top up, and you will be fine.



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Hi old Dave, sounds like we have similar water mate i`m was just trying to establish if mine is exeptionaly high or on par with others,which you have helped me with many thanks.

:) should have said i`m growing ( or trying too ;) ) in organics, but thanks for the advice which is spot on for hydro.

all the best and thanks gg :)

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my water is the same as well. :)

i know canna is good for hard water and i use that with hydro, but at the minute i am growing in soil using bio bloom. what food is good for soil with hard water ? cheers son..

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Hi sonic i think earthjuice is spoosed to be the best organic feed to use with high ph, hard water, brings the ph down better than others because it`s the most acidic

have you had any probs sonic?

all the best gg :)

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i wanna try earthjuice heard ot mention it as well. maybe the next grow :blushing: . not that i have had major problems but who know's...

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Hi all

My water here reads 0.6 and pH 6.6 and at a previous place water didnt register and the pH was 6.

Using ionic nutes, i found that in the area where the water reaches 0.6, i had to use stronger nute mixes for my hydro set up, so i would increase the strength by 0.4 to get the same growth rate.

Maybe it would be easier if i just got the hard water nute mix ;)

Chip :wassnnme:

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Hmmm sounds like my water is not unique, but due to its hardness and ec levels i`m sure this is not helping with my grow

Any one get any good sugestions of a alternative water source, is bottled spring water any good? any one use it ?

can`t afford a ro unit and if i could i would want to make damm sure it`s` not something i`m doin wrong,rather than water before i did

Thanks all gg :sorry:

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Hi there GG,

Could you get enough water from a filter jug? how about one of those plumbed in water filters? Bottled water would soon get expensive. What problems are you having with your grow that you think might be water related, as I don't think I've ever had a problem that was down to just the water - apart from lime scale which is just a pain lol



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Cheers for the input OldDave,turned out i was barking up the wrong tree there mate,my probs were caused by the ply or mdf i had used in my growroom given of noxius chemicals too the plants

got it sorted now cheers anyway :puke:

all the best gg

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