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Superior People

Father McPot

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It is said that we are all born free and equal, which made me think. Is there such thing as a superior person?

Example: Person A lives modestly. A Cares for the family, helps others when they need it, even giving money to charity, being as selfless as possible. Now, Person B acts only for him/her self. B aims to get rich by any means necessary and will hurt or manipulate anyone in the way.

Now, since we are all born equal, does that mean that through life our "equality" can change? If so, is there a superior person in the example above?


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I think we are all equal and you should regard others as exactly such, now if thier is a disparity in thier behaviour I think it is karma that is supposed to sort that out, not us.

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Superior in this case would be a subjective issue for the invididuals in the example.

Unless you have a platonic idea of what the perfect/superior person is.

I like bloke A more though, I think I met bloke B the other day....

with my practiced vitriol I called him a anthropomorphic personification of hubris in a letter to his solicitor.

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Superior in this case would be a subjective issue for the invididuals in the example.

Unless you have a platonic idea of what the perfect/superior person is.

I like bloke A more though, I think I met bloke B the other day....

with my practiced vitriol I called him a anthropomorphic personification of hubris in a letter to his solicitor.

What did he make you do, swallow a dictionary?

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What did he make you do, swallow a dictionary?

I just though that his oh so expensive lawyer would appreciate it.

plus it's a far better description than 'tosser'

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Maybe it would be better to say that some people have superior morals. Rather than say they are superior, which alone can mean many different things.

su·pe·ri·or (sʊ-pîr'ē-ər)


Higher than another in rank, station, or authority: a superior officer.

Of a higher nature or kind.

Of great value or excellence; extraordinary.

Greater in number or amount than another: an army defeated by superior numbers of enemy troops.

Affecting an attitude of disdain or conceit; haughty and supercilious.

Above being affected or influenced; indifferent or immune: “Trust magnates were superior to law” (Gustavus Myers).

Located higher than another; upper.

Botany. Inserted or situated above the perianth. Used of an ovary.

Printing. Set above the main line of type.

Logic. Of wider or more comprehensive application; generic. Used of a term or proposition.


One that surpasses another in rank or quality.

Ecclesiastical. The head of a religious community, such as a monastery, abbey, or convent.

Printing. A superior character, as the number 2 in x2.

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I have read that the path to enlightenment, which if you believe in it is what we are here for, can take a high moral ground, low moral ground and somewhere in between. Apparently the low moral ground route is quickest because you attract a lot of shit which teaches you all of the unpleasant things in life in a few lifetimes rather than many (again if you believe in this stuff).

Superiority - that's relative too - but I think that people who seem to have the patience of a saint might have been around a few lifetimes more the the person who's a dickhead.

I also think that everyone is capable of genius and that it comes in the form of divine inspiration through links with the cosmic consciousness - this very reason alone is why cannabis and some hallucinogens should be legal as tools to explore these ideas. :yep:

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Someone I met who is a Wiccan told me that their use of cannabis and hallucinogens was to facilitate entering altered states of consciousness and astral workings (magic) and they'd probably be part of our culture now if it hadn't been for the witch hunts.

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if i rememer correctly, Sadhus walk 'round india wearing nothing but a loin cloth smoking weed and looking for Shiva. seems to make them happy. many live a family life first, then just walk off...

I heard that bad rye bread had a bit to do with witch hunts, that and religious zelots.

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Guest dr rockster
if i rememer correctly, Sadhus walk 'round india wearing nothing but a loin cloth smoking weed and looking for Shiva. seems to make them happy. many live a family life first, then just walk off...

I heard that bad rye bread had a bit to do with witch hunts, that and religious zelots.

Ergot poisoning from a fungal growth on rye bread.

I think they called it St Anthony's fire,the madness that is.

Summink like that.

It's obvious back then that peeps thought folk were possesed when in fact they were tripping their nadgers off and did'nt know it either!

Edited by dr rockster
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