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inducing early flowering?

the german

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Hey all,

i'm looking for a bit of advice on whether to grow outdoors:

basically, I need my plants smokeable by early august, can i do this growing outdoors?

i've grown indoors last year, but CO2 and humidity are a problem as there's little air flow, and i'm on a very tight budget.

However, the [energy saving] lights in my kitchen shine into the garden and are visible from the greenhouse, will this cause a problem if they're on at night during flowering?

Also, the greenhouse is quite visible and the neighbours might suspect something, how much sht will i get into if PC plod comes knocking at my door and i've got 4 fat plants in the garden?

If I do grow outdoors, when do i need to start germinating and can I germinate inside the greenhouse or should I do that under some fluoros?

At a push i could grow indoors, but i've only got a 150w sodium so i can only have 2/3 smallish plants, what should i do?

Appreciate the help, if it weren't for this excellent site i'd never have gone through with my first grow :)

The German...

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Possibly contruct a small box to go over your plants as they grow, then have a removable top to monitor the hours of sunlight your beauty will get??? Just a suggestion!

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still can't decide about whether to grow indoors or out. Anyone know where i can get a 75w sodium? Building a box over 3 plants in a greenhouse isn't gonna be easy, specially when they get big and bushy innit =(

The German...

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I would definitly grow outside...if you have a green house that would be good....and I would start your seed in the green house too.. if your not using a green house start them under flouresent....but your plant in a 2.5gal pal so when it gets too cold in late fall you can finnish them in your house.....ie in your window or with a light..

Me personaly myself I make a crop mid summer and the fall too....good luck! there are plenty of people and posts here that will steer you in the right direction..

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hi german,

How are ya? ;)

The only way you'll get a crop outside anytime in Aug...early or late....is by covering the plants for a regular period of dark everyday at the same time e.g. coverup at 7pm uncover at 7am EVERYDAY for 7/8 weeks. Not gonna be easy ;)

I'd suggest going indoors even if it is only with 150W, a nice little SCROG would do well under it B)

take it easy bud & think carefully before commiting to a highly labour intensive outdoor grow.....

p.s. Blinds inside the greenhouse might be an idea though...:ninja:lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Mr Benn/BotanyProfessor,

thanks for all the advice, the covering idea seems like more effort than i can be arsed with... :stoned: i'll just wait till oktober i think... i'm probably going to grow them in pots on my patio till september, then put them in the greenhouse to finish them off, cos some sparrows have nested in the overgrowth ontop of it :)

The German...

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