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Battleground God

Father McPot

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Can your beliefs about religion make it across our intellectual battleground?

In this activity you’ll be asked a series of 17 questions about God and religion. In each case, apart from Question 1, you need to answer True or False. The aim of the activity is not to judge whether these answers are correct or not. Our battleground is that of rational consistency. This means to get across without taking any hits, you’ll need to answer in a way which is rationally consistent. What this means is you need to avoid choosing answers which contradict each other. If you answer in a way which is rationally consistent but which has strange or unpalatable implications, you’ll be forced to bite a bullet.

Battleground God


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thanks for posting this i just took the test and scored:

You have been awarded the TPM medal of distinction! This is our second highest award for outstanding service on the intellectual battleground.

0 hits and i bit 1 bullet


Edited by water
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I had a semantic problem with the word justifiable, I was clean sailing after biting one bullet but then I took 4 direct hits towards the end :headpain:

I wasn't sure on the perspective of the question, the things that the people done were obviously justifiable enough to themselves to carry out their convictions. I personally didn't think it was justifiable but that seemed irrelevant in the context of the question. :headpain:

plus I wasn't judging other peoples right to believe in a God without any evidence as I've got no evidence to disprove it however unlikely it seems, another bullet taken ;)

Being Agnostic, I thought I would have done better :headpain:

Edited by ChrystalFarmer
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You have been awarded the TPM service medal! This is our third highest award for outstanding service on the intellectual battleground.

The fact that you progressed through this activity without suffering any direct hits indicates that your beliefs about God are very consistent. I dont believe it /god

However, you have bitten a number of bullets, which suggests that some of your beliefs will be considered strange, incredible or unpalatable by many people. At the bottom of this page, we have reproduced the analyses of the bitten bullets.

Despite the bullets that you bit, the fact that you did not suffer any hits means that you qualify for our third highest award. Well done!


You have been awarded the TPM service medal! This is our third highest award for outstanding service on the intellectual battleground.

The fact that you progressed through this activity without suffering any direct hits indicates that your beliefs about God are very consistent.

However, you have bitten a number of bullets, which suggests that some of your beliefs will be considered strange, incredible or unpalatable by many people. At the bottom of this page, we have reproduced the analyses of the bitten bullets.

Despite the bullets that you bit, the fact that you did not suffer any hits means that you qualify for our third highest award. Well done!

Edited by maryjane
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man, "is it justifyable to base your belief in god on a deep inner conviction with no external proof" got me, in its various forms, they first asked if it was "rational to base a belief in god on a deep inner conviction, with no outside proof", now id say "justifyable" and "rational" are not the same things, it may be irrational to believe in a theory with no evidence, just cause ya feel like it, but its definitely justifyable to do so(ya can just say "i beleive that cause it makes me feel nice").

anyhow, as ya can see im bitter cause i scored badly, two hits and one bullet bitten.

seems like you and me had the same problem, chrystalfarmer!

Edited by kilgore trout
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:wink: Did yours? You haven't told us your score ....

I'm not an anal type...

But seriously, I haven't played in months. I was playing this, which can be a bit of a bastard. Anyway, I'll play the other game tomorrow when I'm not tired :yinyang:

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I'm not an anal type...

No neither am I, I'm an anal virgin myself, I bet it makes your ass well sore, no way lol

But seriously, I haven't played in months. I was playing this, which can be a bit of a bastard. Anyway, I'll play the other game tomorrow when I'm not tired :)

lol The thing that caught me out was 'the all loving god'.

The fact that if God exists, why does he have to be 'all loving'?

I was thinking that if a god is not all loving then I would renounce him and not call him a God, another bullet taken lol

I'll redo the test as well tomorrow, it is a lot more intricate than I initially thought, I'll try to consider the questions more effectively. :yinyang:

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Battleground Analysis


You have been awarded the TPM medal of honour! This is our highest award for outstanding service on the intellectual battleground.

The fact that you progressed through this activity neither being hit nor biting a bullet suggests that your beliefs about God are internally consistent and very well thought out.

A direct hit would have occurred had you answered in a way that implied a logical contradiction. You would have bitten bullets had you responded in ways that required that you held views that most people would have found strange, incredible or unpalatable. However, you avoided both these fates - and in doing so qualify for our highest award. A fine achievement!

Edited by Sitting Buddha
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:yinyang: I got well shot down, I've got that many bullets in me I can't even reach the phone to dial an ambulance ffs ....

Fucking dictionary caught me out :)

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Guest budassbud

just took a hit on Q14 contradiction lochness monster, ps did you spot the spelling mistake word for world?

anyway i answerd the question wrong, i do think anthism is a belief not a whatever.

bollox just been hit again, Peter Sutcliffe question, im gonna go to bed and connect with my own personal god, what the fucks he playing at :clapping: more to the point whats his fucking score


You have reached the end!

Congratulations! You have made it to the end of this activity.

You took 2 direct hits and you have bitten zero bullets. The average player of this activity to date takes 1.39 hits and bites 1.11 bullets. 389720 people have so far undertaken this activity.

Click the link below for further analysis of your performance and to see if you've won an award.

You have been awarded the TPM service medal! This is our third highest award for outstanding service on the intellectual battleground.
How did you do compared to other people?

389720 people have completed this activity to date.

You suffered 2 direct hits and bit zero bullets.

This compares with the average player of this activity to date who takes 1.39 hits and bites 1.11 bullets.

38.40% of the people who have completed this activity have, like you, been awarded the TPM Service Medal.

7.67% of the people who have completed this activity emerged unscathed with the TPM Medal of Honour.

45.72% of the people who have completed this activity took very little damage and were awarded the TPM Medal of Distinction.

Id like to see some religious bods take this, and man o man wud I like to be standing over their shoulder, the Pope both the dead one and the next one inline, the couple of famous bishops we see on TV when someone famous dies or its Christmas, the Queen, and a whole load of other people too. Mwah ha ha ha ha Tony Blair n George bush wud ave been a right laugh when they both came out n pretty much said God told me to do it.

Edited by budassbud
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Battleground Analysis


You have been awarded the TPM medal of honour! This is our highest award for outstanding service on the intellectual battleground.

The fact that you progressed through this activity neither being hit nor biting a bullet suggests that your beliefs about God are internally consistent and very well thought out.

A direct hit would have occurred had you answered in a way that implied a logical contradiction. You would have bitten bullets had you responded in ways that required that you held views that most people would have found strange, incredible or unpalatable. However, you avoided both these fates - and in doing so qualify for our highest award. A fine achievement!

What kind of God is that!?

The metaphysical engineers are happy to report that, to the best of their knowledge, the God you conceive is internally consistent and could exist in our universe. But they are less sure that what you have described deserves the name of God. She is not, for example, all-powerful. A God which knows everything or is totally benign may be a wonderful ideal, but is she really a God unless she has ultimate power?

We suspect that your God is not the traditional God of the Christian, Jewish or Muslim faiths.


That is the end of the metaphysical engineers' report. As we said at the beginning, we are not sure that the problems they identify are insuperable. But we do hope that by thinking about them you may come to understand what you mean by God more deeply, and perhaps even revise your former beliefs.

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