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Old Halogen Chestnut


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I'm about to ask a question i've seen before and i can hear the answers already. HAS ANYONE TRIED TO GROW UNDER HALOGEN? I've been looking at a lot of articles on t'internet recently and other non herbal gardners report growing lots of things (suculents, african violet, lily) under halogen with good results. I've checked out the spectrum papers i could find and i see the major output peak at 650nM (red is approx 660nm). I realsie that heat would be an issue but if i vented/aircooled the buggers i think i could get away with it. I have lumen figures of between 30 an 40 per watt for tungsten halogen. I ask cos Aldi have 500W halogen worklites at £7.99 this week so for £25 i could have 1500 watts (or if correct 52500 lumens) of easily suspendable contained lites for another box (which sure beats my £110 HPS setup for ease of hanging and initial purchase cost). Any input appreciated, and if OT1 tells me to can it i will.


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That sounds like a plan if it works 1500w for £25 - cant go wrong there!

ive got a sneaky feeling they wont work otherwise people would have caught on a long time ago and not bothered with HPS and MH. to get 1500w in HPS would cost a shed load of cash , would be nice tho hurry up OT1! hehe :stoned:

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They are useless....

My first indoor grow ever was under halogens....

A 6 foot plant in about 10 days from seed......no branching at all, and about 4 leaves up th who;e stem......

If you planning your Christmas panto, then a halogen will be useful......

Otherwise look round for cheap MH/HPS......


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I had a quick search..................

From lots of places, they all seem to have the same text.

Other lamps such as standard household bulbs or halogen spotlights are just not up to the job of growing cannabis. They convert most of the power they consume into heat not light or produce a light spectrum that won`t support good plant growth.

Lamp Lumens per Watt (approx.)

High Pressure Sodium (HPS) 130

Metal Halide (MH) 100

Fluorescent (Standard) 83

Mercury-vapor 50

Quartz-halogen 21

Incandescent (Regular Bulb) 15


There are a number of sources of artificial lighting. Cultivators rarely use incandescent or quartz halogen lights. They convert only about 10% of the energy they use to light and are considered inefficient.


Halogen arc lamps generate too much heat and not very much light for the wattage they use, and are also not recommened, even though the light spectrum is suitable for decent growth.

So it would seem that you would need 4000W halogen to equal a 400W HPS


Oh, i did find someone who thought halogens were good for growing, :stoned:

The DEA!!


What a bunch of fuckin monkeys (no offence Mono)

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Cheers Wilbur. I had a look at the DEA site and i quote

On June 16, 1997, Putnam County Sheriff s Office deputies seized approximately 5,95 8 cannabis plants discovered about 100 yards from a residence in Crescent City, Florida. The owner of the house stated that he had given permission to others to grow the plants, in exchange for receiving a percentage of the profits.

Fuck me thats a big field.

I think i might "waste" the 25 bar and give it a go. I've got plenty room and my venting is industrial grade aircon so moving the air to keep the heat down wont be a problem. I can see the point of reducing 'leky bills but efficiency of my grow isnt a big deal for me. I'll let you all know what happens.


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If i were you id spend the £25 ontop of what you were going to pay for seeds and get some quality genetics in there! or put it towards something thats actually going to work like a hps or mh =]

cheers keep us informed + pics if u got a camera even if they dont form, so we can see how it went =]


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Wintermute DON't do it....

it's not just a little bit of lost efficiency, it's a fuckin recipe for disaster and at best the tiniest straggliest non crystally buds you ever saw, if you get to that stage.....

It's the shitty light spectrum that's the real problem, not the heat generated....

Trust me on this one.......


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I'd love to mono but lets be honest.

Would you trust a dancing monkey?

The annuls of history aint exactly replete with examples of dancin monkeys givving good advice. In fact the only good monkey i can remember are the two nice ones from planet of the apes and Clyde out of the Clint Eastwood flicks all other monkeys have been evil. Admittedly none has been quite as Funkadelic as you but there you go. Uncovered as a monkey bigot. :stoned:


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hey i own a dancing monkey! :stoned:

wintermute, this is a forum to help people not kill weed !

you've turned to the dark side :D

riz =]

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hi wm

i'd get the hps/mh if i were u

it will be around 3 months hard work for nothing

but if u insist all the best with your grow ;)

all the best jgs ^_^

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Hi WM,

Just to add another reply from a non dancing monkey - you will grow better weed under 55w of Fluro than you will with that halogen - it's the colour of the light. Have you seen the infra-red lights under security cameras? They give no or hardly any visible light, but light up the scene like day for the camera. That's cos the camera 'sees' in a different range of light from the human eye - same with plants, your blinding bright halogen will look like a very dim light to the plants and the radiant heat onto the plant tops will be lethal.

As Wilbur pointed out you get 21 Lumen/watt from QH and 130 L/W from HPS, so multiply your QH wattage by 8.7 to get the same overall light output. According to Cervantes a QH gives 15% of it's light in the plants range so you need to multiple your new figure by 6.7 giving a grand total of 24,000 watts to equal a 400w HPS. Alternatively you will get the equivalant of 25w of usable light from your 1500w QH. You might have amazing aircon but it won't stop infra-red radiation and your plants will surely fry, but as has been pointed out, it's your grow old son. ;)



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The dotted line represents phtosynthetical activity at different wavelengths


See it peak around blue for veg and red for flowering.


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I've too much time on my hands obviously.

Breakdown of light spectrum and effect on plant growth:

200 - 280 nm UVC ultraviolet range which is extremely harmful to plants because it is highly toxic.

280 - 315 nm Includes harmful UVB ultraviolet light which causes plants colors to fade.

315 - 380 nm Range of UVA ultraviolet light which is neither harmful nor beneficial to plant growth.

380 - 400 nm Start of visible light spectrum. Process of chlorophyll absorption begins. UV protected plastics ideally block out any light below this range.

400 - 520 nm This range includes violet, blue, and green bands. Peak absorption by chlorophyll occurs, and a strong influence on photosynthesis. (promotes vegetative growth)

520 - 610 nm This range includes the green, yellow, and orange bands and has less absorption by pigments.

610 - 720 nm This is the red band. Large amount of absorption by chlorophyll occurs, and most significant influence on photosynthesis. (promotes flowering and budding)

720 - 1000 nm There is little absorption by chlorophyll here. Flowering and germination is influenced. At the high end of the band is infrared, which is heat.

1000+ nm Totally infrared range. All energy absorbed at this point is converted to heat.

While my information is limited to generalisms the spectrum i can find for QHalogen shows most activity between 600 and 850 nm. This is the reason for asking if anyone had actually tried Halogen. The physics seems to say that the spectrum would be ok especially for flowering. As you can see Dave there is a difference between red and infrared and halogen does not have a huge IR component (As far as my info goes) :oldtoker:

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