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first grow, north england


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Hi, I’m about to start growing for the first time, and as I don’t have space indoors I’m growing mostly outdoors (I live in north Lancashire). I’m going to keep the budget low as I don’t want to take risks the first time, buying 5 Early Girl seeds, 10 Holland’s Hoop, and 15 kc33. From what I’ve read this seems a good mix considering my main concerns are a high yield and strains that will survive my northernish climate and my inexperience. I’m incubating about 10 plants at a time for 2 weeks at a time starting mid April through to the end of may, or probably sooner ending because I reckon some might die indoors. I’m probably using a reptile tank light thing for £30, and make something using foil to increase the growth rate. Then I’m going to plant them outdoors, watering them daily and feeding nutrients of some kind (I haven’ thought that far ahead yet!). I thought of the idea of putting up wooden poles around the plants and putting plastic sheeting over them to prevent drowning and lessen chances of bugs and mould getting them, is that a silly idea? I’ll harvest the Hoop in early September, Kc33 late September, and the Early Girl in October. Does that sound a good plan? Are those the best varieties and are they quite nice smokes, or is it worth risking more money for something like Stonehedge, Chronic or Stuporsonic? Is it true that growing them indoors then out is likely to stop them from growing, or should I grow them for longer indoors to get them to a better size (though space is limited, 3ft high at most methinks). Should I treat them a bit harshly indoors to ready them for the outside? Finally, is 30 seeds too much for a first grow, I’m only getting so much because I reckon all but 2 or 3 will die!

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You dont specify how far north you are mate, but im in yorkshire about to start on some dutch passion Purple #1. Only got 10 seeds but they are feminised and a good name so expect 7-10 to germinate, starting mine in small pots (maybe compost and vermiculite) then transfer to outside when they are a bit bigger.

Will have to get some good fencing to keep them waskly 'wabbits at bay.

Think this year will be graet for outdoor cannabis growing, grew a couple of stash seeds last year indoors and out on the better days B) . Saw some nice gains when outside, the sheeting should'nt be an issue i think mate (unless we get LOADS of rain :)

Having that full spectum of intense light and some good fresh breezes, they love it :D

What is the site like? Overlooked?

Which part of the site receives most light?

May put some of mine in V.Large buckets so can bring 'em in early into a dark shelter and reap the rewards! :)

Good luck with it.



Duh..sorry man missed that, north lincs, just come back from a long weekend in skeg, still feeling blunted.

Edited by mashedonhash
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cheers for help! i aint chosen a site yet, tho i have a few places in mind. i reckon i'll grow each kind of seed in a different place, to increase chances of success. i

im gonna have a go at guerrila growing, and the best site so far is in this place out in the country near me where there's huge gorse bushes, im gonna chop a secret path into one of the bigger patches of them and hollow out a space. thats the most secret way of growing i can think of, will keep out most beasties. the cover idea would work with black plastic too, i cant really bring em inside but that would work methinks.

the site needs more inspection, but seems well lit. dunno bout the other 2 sites, maybe in clumps of bush or big nettles. dunno where else i could grow! the rest of the plan seem ok? like the seed kinds? and how long ya reckon they need indoors before ready to go outside? i was hoping for 2 weeks under 200W of bulb, may get more than that to speed it up or get a better light. what light you gonna use inside?

im in a damn dry spell, drug busts mean there's hardly anything around! hope to get half bar of trout in the next few days and maybe some white widow though....

cheers again, bauds

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Just gonna grow mine on window cill untill 4-7 inches high then transfer to outdoors, i could use some flourescents on 24/7 but can't really be arsed and the plants will start to make their bigger gains after this when i transfer them outdoors.

Not too sure about your choice of seeds, other peeps on the board will have more idea than me, sound like good well established strains.

Like the idea of guerilla growing, im sure your gonna get some sweet smoke at the end of it.

Two weeks might be a bit short before going outdoors, then again they grow from seeds naturally outdoors, so dont worry about it that much.

Anyway man, good luck with the grow, you can't beat the buzz of growin' your own 'erb. ;)



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