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Hiya lets talk rocket fuel, take 1 litre PH6 water and add the following stirring or shaking between each new addition.

1 1/2ml Oxy-plus

2ml Wetting agent

5ml Nitozine

20ml Earth food

5ml Formulex

Mist the entire plant every 2-3 weeks in LOW LIGHT.

Or dillute with 4 ltr water and water root zone

This formulation is used a lot in america.

It is amazing stuff believe me.

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Hi Guys,

PK13/14 also works well to increase overall results. Add to the soluton 3 weeks before flowering to see the calyxes swell in size. 30% more yield can easily be achieved by using this.

Happy Gardening


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hi mate

PK 13/14

is a nutrient based additive containing elevated levels of potassium and phosphorous

to aid in the development of ur buds.

only to be used for a week before u start flushing the plants

the calyxes are ur buds

in other words it fattens ur buds near the end of growing and is widely used in hydro, i've used it but dunno at using at the mo cos i've changed to genesis nutes and these arn't ur normal all in 1 nutes

so ya got me asking now :(

i've got a nearly full bottle, hmmm i feel the need for experiments again all in the name of cannabis science though

all the best jgs

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only to be used for a week before u start flushing the plants

Hi m8e whats flushing? - sorry im still not upto date with 'lingo' :( =]

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hi bud

if ur using hydro then u have to flush with plain water for the last 1/2 weeks

jus to get rid of the chemical taste of the nutes which will be left in the buds


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Hi JollyGoodSmoke,

do you know of any hyrdophonics shockwave presentations or movies on the internet?

many thanks


Edited by [PTJ]Rizla+
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Hi, I’m new. My first reply.

I was watching a cellular biologist on the open university. He stated that a well fed plant, person; fish will die around an average age. An overfed plant, person; fish will die early. A less fed anything will live longer.

Flushing delays ripening and doesn’t affect taste. It’s folk law. You don’t flush the soil of tomatoes to improve there taste after feeding them on allsorts. So why should Cannabis be any different.

I’ve experimented with both (flushing and not flushing) in soil and water and no difference in taste at all.

Rocket fuel, according to the fact sheet that comes with oxy+, is O+; wetting agent and formulex. Ask for a copyof a fact sheet from your grow shop. These fact sheets only come one to a box and are well worth reading. If you ask for one you will more than likely get it, as they are mostly thrown away. The same goes for all feeds and chems you purchase the fact sheet tells you more than the back of the bottle.

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Hi Bend-it

Flushing is used to get rid of the nutes we've crammed into the plants. When growing in hydro you can literally pump nutes into your plants due to the lack of buffering in the medium, and the difference in electrical charge between soil and say clay pebbles, you cannot do this in soil. For the same reason using a low EC nute solution can pull elements out of the plant. There is definitely a difference in taste and how the weed burns if you don't flush - try a blind test on someone else and I think you'll find it's true.

BTW - you don't use anything like the same levels of chemicals with Toms, and you don't smoke them either, or maybe you do :ouch:



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you don't use anything like the same levels of chemicals with Toms, and you don't smoke them either, or maybe you do

You can smoke tommies? What strain is best?


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IMO, most growers use far too much nutrients. The plants grow in spite of high dosages, not because of it. If the excess isn't there in the first place, there's no need to get rid of it later.

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I have done the tests on my Ginny Pigs (all volunteered willingly) and to my satisfaction, I am correct. I don’t run full strength for the last few days but I don’t feel the need to flush. It’s only my opinion though and thanks for the welcome, BTW.

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