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Growing out the halloween freebies, Fast Bud and Speed Devil #2 !&


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Hello everyone! I was gifted some auto fem Sweet Seeds from the Attitude/Sweet Seeds Halloween promo giveaway. None of my vegging plants had clones ready when my flower tent was so I figured what the heck, lets pop 'em into some hempy buckets! Seeds were germ'd in moist coffee filters inside of ziplock baggies until tap roots showed and then planted into 16 ounce party cups. "Veg" was under 6 bulb 4 foot T-8 floro fixture. Sours are behind the Sweet Seeds pair by about two weeks I think.

Speed Devil #2, about 38 days from seed


Fast Bud, ~38 days


Sour 60 male, the sour 60s are about 25 days now


Sour 60 female


Sour 60 unknown as of yet ;)


veg for round 2 getting ready, no autos here sorry!


If I need to remove pics of the non-sweets let me know and I won't do it again!

Setup is a 400 watt HPS in a Secret Jardin DR120 II. I really need a 600 in this tent however. Growing in hempy buckets for now and using Lucas formula at low light levels (0-5-10ml per gallon instead of 0-8-16ml per). This works well since my tap is already 125-150ppm, so after nutes I am around 800-900 usually.

I'll be keeping my eyes on the sweet seeds 2010/11 competition sub forum, looks like all the crazies are over there and I'll fit right in!

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Hi mate! Welcome to the subforum and thanks for posting!

No problem about the non-sweets, hehehe :stoned: But share some pics of the sweets over here when they start flowering ;)

Keep it sweet! :skin_up:


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I will most certainly post some more pictures when there is some more excitement to see! Thanks for the welcome Tommy, keep up the good work.

Everyone must be over in the competition diaries and too busy to check out this thread hahaha :)

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Everyone must be over in the competition diaries and too busy to check out this thread hahaha :)

Guilty as charged headseed :wassnnme:

Glad I stumbled upon this thread though, I've got 2 Speed Devil #2's and a Fast Bud at 52 days at the moment, so I'll be interested to see how you get on, read good things about the Sour 60 as well, btw how tall are your Fast Bud & Speed Devil #2's?

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The fast bud and speed devil 2 are both about 10.5 to 11 inches in those pictures. They have since gone to about 12-12.5 maybe more, starting to stretch. I hope they go to 2 feet or so, since I have a 400 on them.

I am also excited about the sour 60, I have to take a new pic of the male to get some feedback from more experienced people, etc. Either way I'll have some new pictures up in a few days. May as well let them give us something to see first!

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Just been back through my diary (my memory isn't what it used to be!) and mine stopped 'stretching' around the 37/38 day and all 3 are now over 3 foot, took me a bit by surprise to be honest as I was expecting them to be around 2 foot so I had to supercrop and do a bit of bondage to stop them touching my light! Now yours are under 400 watts, they might have a final growth spurt & I'll keep an eye on this thread to see how you get on :D

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I hope I get some more stretch, they seem sort of small for me if yield is going to be good. Lots of bud sites, don't get me wrong!Just too short still. Maybe because they are in hempy and under a 400 they are taking a little longer. Fine with me if that's the case! A zip per plant would be ideal but barely enough meds to get me through until next crop. More would be nice but I'm not holding my breath.

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Quick update! Speed devil was thirsty but I snapped pics anyways! Don't worry she got a nice soaking minutes later :D

fast bud:


speed devil #2:


the two autos hanging out with the two sour 60 girls:


Yes, you heard me correct! I am 99% sure the last unknown of the three is a girl! So for three beans popped one boy and two girls is great, and pretty much exactly what I wanted, provided the male was passable/exceptional to bother with making seeds.

Here he is:


All lonely in the other room's closet with two 26 watt spiral CFLs on.

Thanks for checking it out everyone and good luck in the competition! Too bad my two sweet seed autos won't get me entry to the contest. I'm on the wrong side of the water.

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To anyone else familiar with hempy buckets: Have you experienced any drooping (looks like needs water) mid way through the day? I water usually around 6pm and I have a 4 hour lights out from noon until 4pm. Its about 10 right now and both the flowering autos look fairly knackered. Pots seem moist still, so I am letting the plants figure out what to do.

Someone told me that over watering can sometimes mimic under watering as far as visual cues. Any truth to this? If we need pictures for this let me know!

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Ok well I'll just keep poastin don't ever stop poastin! Even if I'm the only one that reads the thread, it is still useful as a log book of sorts for me to look at next grow! :dj:

this is right at lights on, I was hoping to get them before the yellow of the sodium but that bitch gets bright fast.




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They're looking good mate!

When are you going to remove the male? Is it a Sour 60 male?

Good luck, keep it sweet!


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They're looking good mate!

When are you going to remove the male? Is it a Sour 60 male?

Good luck, keep it sweet!


Male has been removed, so I ended up with 2 sour 60 females (in the tent with the sweets!), and one male, and he has been banished to a closet by himself.

I plan to try to cellect pollen but I don't think the two sweets will have enough flowering time left to fully mature some seeds without the plant going too long. I hope that made sense! :alien2:

Perhaps I can make some sour 60 seeds though. Would I call that F1s? it all depends when he drops his load! :wink:

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Well some bad news. The memory card for my ancient (2002ish) camera died, and will not reformat. I cannot fond the small spare one that it came with. The memory card type is obsolete and it will literally be cheaper to buy a new camera than to buy another memory card for my old 3MP camera. I hate to do this and contribute to a "throw-away" society.

Needless to say no pictures until I solve this social dilemma I face. The two sweet seed autos have just started to sparkle up! :yahoo: The two Sour 60 are really going for it as well. One is about 14 inches already. The other is a bushier looking type. The bushier one was also slower to show sex than the tall one, and even now still really only has pre-flowers showing while the taller faster one has pistil packed bud sites all over the place. :bong:

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Great news everyone (serpent and tommy so far lol!)

Doing a little light housecleaning today and found the original 16MB memory card for the camera!! Once the sun comes up on the ladies I'll have some new pictures! Maybe earlier since they're autos I could drag them out now for a photo op.

Stay tuned, I'll need some feedback on how these are doing and estimates on time left before chop.

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