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Amnesia's Sweet Seeds 2011/12 Grow Diary.


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DaChunky1, dodgee5, bushmaster82 and Atomic Haze, Welcome to the show fellow growers. This is certainly turning out to be a fantastic grow, no problems throughout and now the proper buds are here they look awesome. :wub: Delicious smells and with today being exactly 7 weeks into flowering there is not that long to go now either, one of the strains is turning real fast but i will tell you more in the update later on.

I also cannot forget that these girls actually won me my dream prize of the digital Volcano :yahoo:

Hope you can all take a look later for the update. :spliff:

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Can i have 3 volunteer's please?, Amnesia was full of hope and got 3 t-shirts at size (Medium) lol . Grab a corner each guy's we'll pull this bugger on him by hook or by crook lol. Come'on Amnesia! Breath in eh!

Messin aside great prize you picked man :guitar:

Can't not mention the budshot,,,,, That's one Foxy Lady :yes:

peace :hippy:

p.s Hitting the Volcano,,,,nice,,,,see you in a few days m8 lol

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Hi Amnesia!

Congrats once again for your prize :yep:

Nice to see that you enjoyed everything that Sweet Seeds sent you :stoned:

Also great to see that your ladies are producing very well and with buds that look like quality buds for sure. So thanks for all the wonderful pics ;)

I'm thinking of starting off on 175c on the digi, sound okay? maybe 180c. I'm sure i will go all through the range at some point in the future, up to 220c anyhow.

All the best everyone and i hope you all have a very merry Christmas, I certainly will if i can remember it afterwards! Thanks to Sweet Seeds. :realcool:

I also have the Volcano Digital, so let me share a few tips...

Normally I use 0,2-0,3gr so all my comments are based in this kind of charge.

You could start with 175º but it seems too low for me. For example, if you use more weed than I first mentioned, like if you use half a gram, I don't doubt that you can get visible vapor with 175º, but if you use the quantity I use you should start at least with 185º.

This is what I do:

1. Turn on the Volcano.

2. Set it to 182º.

3. Grind a small ammount of flowers.

4. Put the veggies in the bowl.

5. Enough is when the net gets all covered with veggies, more than that is too much.

6. I put the bowl in the Volcano, which by this time should already be in 182º.

7. I leave it there for a little while, like one minute.

8. Then I set temperature to 188º.

9. And when the temperature gets to 187º I push the green button and the bag starts to fill. I do this because if you have the temperature set to a higher temp than the actual temp, the Volcano will keep heating while it fills the bag and this allows for a better quality vapor. Sometimes I also make a stop with a half bag filled. Stopping for 10 or 15 seconds allows the Volcano to recover a bit and it will get a better vapor out of the weed. If you pay attention, when you end up filling a bag, if you shut down the Volcano immediatly after you take the bag off of it, the temperature goes down 3 to 6º immediatly. It means that the machine was not holding on with the temperature you selected. For example, you set it to 190º, it fills the bag in 190º, but when you shut it down it goes down to 186º in a couple of seconds. The volcano has a heating element in the inside, the heating element was really on 190º, but when the air pump started to blow air through the heating element, it cools it down a bit, that's why it sometimes can't hold the temps and that's why sometimes doing a 10-15 seconds pause when the bag is half filled can do wonders. Actually, in the summer you'll see that it changes a bit, because the air in your home is hotter than it is now, in December, and the Volcano uses the air in your house to fill its bags, obviously, hehehe ;)

10. Then I make good use of the vapor inside the bag :stoned: I usually take 10 to 25 minutes to empty a bag. I like to have it with me and do a couple of splifs every 3 or 4 minutes, so it lasts for 10-25 minutes. Anyway I should add that I have the solid valve option, so I "cut" my own bags and choose the size of the bags. And I usually do them with 75cm, so I'm talking about big bags, I think the easy valve bags are 60cm long, aren't they? And also... a easy valve bowl needs a bit more of weed to get the net completly covered, maybe 0,3-0,4gr instead of the 0,2-0,3gr that I usually use. And, as a consequence of this, I think that in your case it is good to fill one more bag than in my case, like I will explain next.

11. I only fill 2 bags. As I said maybe you should fill 3, because your bag is smaller and you use more weed than I do. I only fill 2 bags but I know that I could fill a third ;) I did it many times and there's something left in there, that's for sure. But I don't like the taste very much and I usually have enough "fuel" to fulfill my needs and so I throw it away after filling the second bag. For a while I used to save the weed after the 2 bags, I got it all together in a jar and I used it to make space cookies. Effect of the cookies came very much from the high CBD content of vaporized weed, but it was a cool effect. I just don't do it anymore because I'm lazy... or, if you prefer, because I'm a very busy person and I have no spare time to use in the kitchen, hehehe... which is true anyway...

12. For the second bag I set the machine to 194º and then I take the weed out of the bowl, get it in the palm of my left hand, rub the fingers of my right hand on her ;) to get her more cracked apart, but not too much because we don't want it in powder, and then I throw her back into the bowl, give it a little shake so it covers back the net again, get it trapped inside and the bowl goes back into the Volcano's "mouth". I leave it there for a while (like one minute), than I set it to 199º and when it gets to 197º I push the green button.

And that's it, more or less. You need to get used to it by yourself and only after some good weeks of use you'll start to take the most out of it. You'll see ;)

Don't use more than 0,4-0,5gr. If you use more than that it will have a negative effect and just part of the weed will be properly vaporized. Sometimes it is a lot easier to get a bag filled with good visible vapor with a small ammount of weed than with more than 0,5gr. Enough to cover the net is enough :yes:

That's all I can remember now. If you have any specific question let me know. Sweet vapes my friend!


Edited by Sweet Seeds
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uncle festa Come on in, there's some lovely sweet smelling Cream Caramel in the jars, Volcano on the table (close to me!)and some nice bud porn coming up so get yourself comfy mate.

BongMonkee Good of you to stop by, The Volcano is my new best friend and regarding the T-shirts i may need the help after christmas getting them on! lol

All the best.

Sweet Seeds Nice to see you tommy. :yep: The Volcano has not left my side pretty much while i'm at home! Excellent piece of kit and the high's i'm getting from it is something i've not experienced in 30+ years of smoking, pure spliffs which even with the nicest weed can be a bit harsh in taste and not too good for the lungs either but with the Volcano it is so fresh and you get the true taste of the herb. :wub: The high is a proper happy clear head high at 185c i find, at 195c the high is still proper way up there but after around half an hour you get that warm body buzz rolling through your body, no monginess though which is what i really love about this machine, I have nnot yet been over 195c but i think this evening i might crank it up to 200c. :stoned:

Thankyou for the advice on the Volcano and some good points there you mentioned there about the element and such too. I've been throwing the waste away but as you say the CBD content should still be quite high so absolutely perfect for cannabutter and so on. I think i might save it from now on and try the cookie thing, the thing is i need to find a recipe for some nice biscuits as i hate the taste of it!, I've read using fresh ginger for ginger biscuits is good as i've heard it really masks the cannabutter taste.

I think i have been putting too much bud in the Volcano because i've been filling the bowl about half-way and as you say you only need to cover the screen really, there again i have been getting 5 bags after a couple of stirs.

I plan to try your exact method with the Volcano later on using the same temps, Can i ask what your normal highest temperature you have?

Anyhow thanks for taking the time out and advising me on my new found love, very much appreciated mate. Nice collection of vapes there, i take it you like a vape now and again? :wink: And thankyou again for all your corrrespondence regarding the competition and for organising everything, also the rest of the Sweet Seeds team your are fantastic bunch and i will never forget your generosity and goodwill. I wish you all a merry Christmas and a very prosperous new year. :santa:

As you can guess i was letting the Volcano entertain me yesterday when the update was due and i seem to have lost track of time lol All the pics were took yesterday at Day 49 into flowering so finally the update is coming right up. :applause:

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As said in the previous post all the pics were took yesterday as the vape took me to other places last night! :stoned:

7 weeks then into flower and some of the girls are doing the final run by the look of things, some pistils already starting to brown on a couple and if its not frosty outside then it certainly looks frosty in the growroom looking at all those trichs! Deliciously strong lemony scent as soon as you open the door, its one or more of the Jack 47's that really stink citrusy and overwhelming all the other fine smells in there.

The Bloom has now been lowered on all the girls, the J47#1 and J47#2 don't like the drop much with slight yellowing but i do like the plants to use up most of the nutrients before harvest-time even though i know there is no need to when using organic, just something i do.

Anyhow lots of pics coming up so i will let the buds do the talking.

First up the canopy from above, a full room for sure!.>


Sideview, look at the size of those leaves on the S.A.D at the front! :thisbig:>


A bit closer.>


Standby for bud pics of each strain.>

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The Ice Cool look as though they may go to the 10 weeks, could be 9 as they are turning so fast now.

IC#1 is absolutely massive being 7cm taller than IC#2 and IC#3 but the main thing is the buds look twice as fat. IC#2 and IC#3 look similar phenos being much more stocky and candle like buds. Very frosty but i cannot get to smell them as they are right at the back of the room!

IC#1 pic first.>


A mixture of bud pics from IC#2 and IC#3.>





Jack 47's coming up.>

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billbud Cheers for the good words mate, the girls have done it all by themselves and a complete pleasure to grow. Its all about genetics, remember my last years Sweet Cheese competition grow, again very vigorous and massive plants at the finish. Of course the environment needs to be dialled in but after that its down to what they are made of. I'm sure you will hear more about my escapades with the Volcano, this really is a quality piece of kit and i'm in love with it. Still don't think i'm worthy of this dream prize with such fine grows on here and what a great christmas this is courtesy of Sweet Seeds generosity and all the voters. :notworthy:

All the best. :yep:

On with the Jack 47's, Looking at them i think they are similar phenos, lovely compact calaxys and i must say EXTREMELY FROSTY! Some foxtailing starting to happen too.

One or two pistils starting to brown off, but could go to maybe 10 weeks i think.

J47#3 the twin is still going strong and the little sister has budded up nicely, slightly behind the big sister buds just a bit smaller. It is so difficult to get a pic of the little bud with the s.a.d in the way but i promise as soon as the s.a.d is down you will get full pictures of her.

The purpling is down to the oscillating fan i reckon at lights off, temps never below 20c but must be the windchill.>




And finally the S.A.D next.

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gunner99 They smell even better than they look, all the best with yours too. :yinyang:

Now the s.a.d's are the most advanced out of all the strains, all have some sort of foxtailing going on but S.A.D#1 is finishing very quickly and there is a calayx explosion on her! :eek: Covered in trichs and looking a real beauty. :wub: >



The others.>





I will get a few pics of just S.A.D#1's buds tomorrow as she looks superb with the foxtailing.

Have a very Green Christmas everyone! :smokin:

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I will get a few pics of just S.A.D#1's buds tomorrow as she looks superb with the foxtailing.

Have you seen what you've done Tommy?

Amnesia as let it slip twice in as many days now, I'm shocked. :rofl:

They all look excellent in your hands, as ever pal. :D

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Atomic Haze and Budelaire. I promise in future the vape will only come out AFTER the update is done! lol.

And tommy if you are reading this your instructions about the Volcano certainly hit the spot as i found yesterday evening. :yep:

Only 0.3g of herb was used and i got the three bags from it, leaving the chamber on top for a little while is good advice as it certainly makes sense to preheat the bud first before filling the bag.

Ist bag was 188c, crumbled the bud in my hands further then one at 199c, the last bag at 205c totally wasted me as i drifted off into the film i was watching, became part of the film in my dreamy sleep and i've had the most peacefull and content nights sleep in a long while waking up refreshed with lungs feeling much fresher and fitter than they normally do after a session. I looked at the cano this morning and was tempted to have a little one at 185c but thought i will save it for later because once you start on this beauty its hard to stop! :bong: Its definitely adds another higher level to your bud. :wub: And with only 0.3g of bud used all evening i can see these being very efficient too.

A couple of pics later when lights come on of that sweet looking girl S.A.D#1 :D

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