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When the trial ends...

Mind Your Head

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I just saw a bit on the regional TV News about a young woman, MS sufferer and mother of two, who is taking part in THC mouth spray trials.

She said words to the effect that; if at the end of the trial she is denied access to the treatment, she will ‘go elsewhere’ to get the medicine she needs.

The test is a blind THC verses placebo clinical trial. She started off on the placebo and then later was given the THC. Her quality of life has improved so much that she is 100% determined to continue the treatment even after the trial is finished, self-medicating if there is no other way. Lets hope she does'nt have to go that route, under present law it would make her a criminal ;)


GW Pharmaceuticals, are world leaders in medicine research and one day they will make Britain very proud of them. They have top-level researchers and scientists on board. I trust that they will be allowed to continue their cutting edge research without the pressure that too much publicity can bring.

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Guest earthgodess

It's a real bummer Mind your Head, a spliff tonight would do me the world of good. :geek:

Availability of Cannabis for medical use is long overdue. The odd spliff keeps me going. Without it i can get pretty down, I can't imagine how frustrating and annoying it must be for pain sufferers.

But what of my latest idea which has just dawned on me:

Why does'nt a medical user take the UK to the European Court of Human Rights on the grounds that being denied their medicine is breaching their rights to be safe and to live without unnecessary suffering?

Perhaps one of the more legal peeps on the site could comment ;) .

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Earthgodess, you are right about chronic pain peeps! I would hate to run out of weed. It would result in a huge upswing in class A analgesic use, and I would lose a lot of mobility and what little sleep I get.

Why not go the Euro Human Rights?

Money. Strength. Patience.

With the NHS as it is, most of us lack all the above!


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Guest earthgodess

Worth looking into though, one could do it on legal aid and with huge support from us all in the movement.

Someone will be needful enough, angry enough and determined enough. Human rights has always thrown up great heroes.

I salute all the heroes and heroines of Cannabis, and theres a few on this site as we know ;)

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the only problem with human rights is you have to be arrested

"right's infringed" first to have your day in human right court......

i donate regular to gw research it's on my charity list....

out of each grow i donate £100 to a charity (2 local hospice's, and gw)

and now uk420 server appeal.....

you get a membership card,badge and newsletters from gw pharm's

i keep all the records to show i'm no dealer,

and i feel better putting something back in........

sittingrelaxing ;)

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Guest earthgodess

Actually sr you dont have to be arrested, just refused cannabis by the medical profession, but one of our legal eagles' will no doubt post some expert opinion. ;)

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wasn't thinking of medical refusel, ;) thnks

i thought doc's can refuse treatment and hide behind "there are legal drugs that work better"

will look into it, might be interesting.......



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  • 1 month later...

just thought i would put my twopennith in . i had an interview with a solicitor, two weeks after my wife was told there was nothing the med proffesion could do for pain control , the conversation was terminated by the legal beagle who said if i continued to talk about intending to break the law she would be duty bound to report me to the police, i asked if i could be put in touch with a more enlightened member of her proffesion and was told the conversation was over goodbye. at least she didnt charge me for her time!

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hi pesky

believe me when i say there are many professionals from consultants, G.P's and Legal eagles all silently support the likes of your wife myself and many more , who after repeated failiures and ending up at the thin end of the pointy stik turn a natural herbal remedy....

keep it healthy and green


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