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Is this safe?


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Hi :)

I have to go back to hospital soon for an endoscopy. Its not too bad, but I'd quite like to get very stoned first as I'm quite nervy about the procedure. (camera down throat :woot: )

I know they will use some anasetic (sp? Im ;) on ak47 at mo :)) so I'm wondering will it be safe to do this?

Over to my elders.......

Tibs B)

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Bloody 'ell Tibs! What did you have to go and say that for? That's one procedure that makes me weak at the very thought - hands gone all sweaty now!!!!

Can't see no probs with the weed though.... had quite a few procedures done stoned, never made any probs. But me no medical man....

you brave person you

Last time they wanted to shove one down my throat I gave them a very clear alternative ;)

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Well i would say don't get stoned first.

I remember a trip to the dentist. I'd had a tooth snapped from a flying elbow (playing footy) and thought a j would help when having the root dug out.

BIG MISTAKE. i think cannabis enhances the thoughts or worries you have, by the time i got there i was well spaced. When the dentist started to pull i felt the whole thing, not pain just the extraction process, there was a big slurp and i felt my gum kind of open.

Just my thoughts, hope it didnt make you puke.

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There are different ways they could do this.

No anaesthetic and ask you to swallow a tube with a camera and light on it. You are awake. They may give you a mild tranquillizer to relax you. It would probably be best not to be stoned. ;)

Or they put you to sleep with a general anaesthetic , do the business and wake you up. If they are giving you a general anaesthetic they will tell you not to eat or drink anything from about midnight. (Its very important to obey this)

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no weeed

there is a risk of rupture in the troat vessels; as weed dilates vessels not a good idea

also some light aneasthetics are conra-indicative and the use of cannabis (muscle relaxant) can exacerbate ...causing problems .

like compromised breathing ....

no good telling em if anything goes wrong yer on weed...best not do it ...

take it straight old bean .and if its unpleasant throw up on them after the event .;)

good luck ......


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My elders have spoken.......... ;)

Seriously - you all amke very good points. I'll probably take your advice and go with no weed. :)

I shall get absolutely wrecked afterward tho' :geek:

Cheers all

Tibs B)

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