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Wooden Boxes


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Hope this gets to the right people....

I am looking for someone, who is capable with wood. I am a marquetarian and like to decorate bowls and boxes. My problem is that the gentleman who does my main woodwork is a greedy person and not a member of 420, so therefore doesn't understand the concept of doing something for the fun of it or because you enjoy it....

I need boxes made, that can either be covered with veneer or made out of good wood with nice grain and pattern, with a 1/2 mm rebate on the top to inlay the veneers.

The boxes would hopefully then be donated to 420 as stash pots, either raffled or given as prize?

All monies to be donated to 420... so I am looking for someone with a heart and talent that they are willing to share. I have a thread in 420 free for all under the title of Marquetry, if you wish to see the sort of work I do.

So if you are that agile fingered woodsman that Im looking for let me know?

Because Im fed up with being messed around by money grabbing fools without a heart! :blub:

And need a professional person to donate what I need.......without them sitting there and saying " I'll do it, but it'll cost.... people dont realise whats involved!" This is for a cause, and makes it different.

I understand that wood costs money, dont get me wrong. So does veneer.

But a couple of packets of fags would maybe cover the basic cost of a chunk of nice wood.. I'll leave it with you all to ponder?

Thank you Ms Powerband :yep:

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would love to help but i dont know anything about woodwork myself and i think your stuffs too good to just give away, isnt there a market for it? the reason i replied was i've never had a go at marquerty and i was wondering how you learned to do it, are you self taught, is it easy to do and what sort of tools do you need. another thing is the japanese have traditionally made puzzle boxes and zougans [pictures for hanging] using marquetry and i was wondering if you know of this.

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Guest dr rockster

Little boxes

little boxes

little boxes full full of sticky icky..

and oh I am

oh I am

oh I am getting my coat! lol

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Many thanks TB :yep:

Delta, I taught myself basically. Someone was throwing out a kit so I picked it up and had a go....

Just didn't like the idea of kits, prefer creativity and imagination :rofl:

All you need is sharp scalpels, glue and veneer to start. A kit would be a good idea as they give you everything you need without splashing out too much wonga!

And Dr Rockster what a delicious thought... :doh: But still struggling on the little boxes, and the sticky wicky wont be ready till Autumn ;)

Ms Powerband :doh:

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If you are looking for motivation to make some pieces then I would take a box from you at a friendly price or trade? I've seen your stuff and its very nice :guitar:

Donating a box to joolz is cool too. He could put a few seeds in and raffle for 420.

Did you see the wolf stash boxes? With a space for grinder, skins & roaches, stash, and finally a 'V' shaped gulley to skin up on?

I was thinking bout buying one of those. :headpain: Is that what you were thinking of? And then making your own mark on the wood?

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  • 1 month later...
Little boxes

little boxes

little boxes full full of sticky icky..

and oh I am

oh I am

oh I am getting my coat! :yahoo:

That was wonderful, Doc, perhaps we should get ourselves a poetry forum?!

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Well Ive finally found some boxes! :wink: Just simple boxes made out of limewood, but suitable to be veneered....would you believe I found them in a craft catalogue lol

My woodsman has already passed comment on how they are not as good as his, but as I said to him....I cant wait forever for you to pull yer finger out!

As I have never completely covered a new box this is gonna be a new "hexperience" for me, and late last nite a simple design came to mind to decorate the top.... So time to start work methinks?

Well as soon as the plants are chopped down, cos I just cant work in the light that HPS bulbs throw off :wacko: Affects colour etc and it just gets too hot and sticky :rofl:


Ms Powerband :rofl:

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Also forgot to add.... would appreciate some input here....

I'm looking for words that signify Weed, words for example that bring fat spliffs to mind.... lol Old fashioned words, modern words, anything so long as when you read the word you think of hazy dayz! :wacko:

Thank you

Ms Powerband :wink:

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C'mon you lot! :toot: Need some input, then when you see a word that you suggested on a piece of my work , you'll know it was your input that put it there! :yinyang:

Hazy words and hazy evenings :spliff: and big fat joints :rofl:

Ms Powerband :nea:

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Hi Ms Powerband, I've started making boxes out of cheap wood although I'm not sure I could manufacture many I could certainly try to make a couple. I made one recently through sheer boredom for my papers and other bits and pieces, I'll post a pic later-cameras outa batteries. As for inspirational words that relate to weed and smoking how about: Greenbox(maybe with a green theme?), bluntbox, head box, 1620....., err I'm really bad at this inspiration thing right now due to the fat joint in my hand. I'll have a think (and another smoke) and post some more ideas later. Hh :toldya:

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I'll have to get my coping saw out and practice my dovetail joints. I may also have a few designs you could use.

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  • 2 months later...

post-12580-1193301960_thumb.jpgWell here is my first attempt at complete veneering, and actually my first piece of canna art! :unsure: A completely new "hexperience" for me, but am chuffed and wondering where it may end up? :unsure:

Ms Powerband ;)

Edited by powerband
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