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Windows Media Player 9


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The final version has been released on Windows Update, but I'm none too sure about it. :(

Looking around it appears to include a unique player ID, specific to your machine. The only purpose I can think of for that is copyright protection - i.e. it reports back what you've played, and whether or not you have the appropriate licence. Not good if you're into DL'ing MP3s etc..

Also, the software is reportedly un-uninstallable, on XP and 2000 OS's anyway. (Reverting the system to a point prior to installation would do the trick, but it'd also wipe out all other changes - documents and such - made after the original installation). So if you discover you don't like it, you're stuck with it.

Anyone any thoughts?

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I am still using 6.4 ( I run XP) and I honestly dont see any reason to upgrade. Version 7 has a horrific interface and is slower to launch, I don't know if its got better but unless it can offer me something fantastic I am sticking with 6.4 :zorro:

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  • 3 weeks later...

yea i ive read a few bits and pieces about it and its not good! aparently they r tryin 2 bring out a new media type its gonna b on home dvd players and everything its suposed 2 stop ya being able 2 play any music that u havnt payed for. what a bumma man! also theres a new site for dl music legaly but u have 2 pay a tenna a month to join but all the the music can only be played on the pc u dl it on<if u stop payind the subscription all the music youve payed for will stop workin? ferkin aholes i know i definately aint gonna b joining

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Ive got version 8 on my comp simply because it installs with XP, this version also likes to report back to microsoft quite regularly, but if youve got a firewall on your comp such as zone alarm, you can either totally block media players access to the internet or have it ask for authorisation before allowing it to connect.



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