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Fancy A Ramble...

Arnold Layne

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what a fab post, i really felt like i was there :yinyang:

i got out into our local fields yesterday for the first time this year and it was amazing - the shapes, colours and smells and space ... looking at your pics, your descriptions, brought it all back really vividly :rofl:

cheers :rofl:

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And a few more little pics. This is another corner, when the air is still the smell of the Hawthorne is very heavy


Heady smell of Hawthorne thick in the air

I think this is Periwinkle growing alongside nettles and hedge stuff by a water trough. The small deer use it during summer.



And some Speedwell(?) running up the pathway.



Edited by Arnold Layne
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Beautiful shots, Arnold.

Make sure yer doggie doesn't have any ticks on him/her after walking through the long grass.

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Thought this morning we'd walk down the front way. Its a bit busy, as you can tell its Rush Hour.....


0830 Rush Hour

The verges are full of fluffy white Yarrow nestling in amongst the Hawthorne



Whilst further down the Plantain (also known as "White Man's Foot") is flowering abundantly


White Man's Foot, aka Ribwort Plantain

And a sleepy ladybird climbs out of her Buttercup bed, "Morning!"


Sleepy Ladybird

And whilst farmer may try and tame the plants, some just insist on going native, like this wild rape alongside a barley field verge


Wild Rape in a Barley Verge

And so back home for brekkie. C'mon in, there's plenty for all


Cuppa tea and a slice, anyone?

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