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Home made bongs


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Hi. Anyone any ideas for how to make a good bong?

I've seen a few strange ones but we're always looking for new ideas... Here's some we use (sorry if the descriptions are a little vague in places and detailed in others... I'm a little dissasociated from reality right now. [read: stoned])

Pringles Bong:

Take an empty Pringles tube. Remove the lid, cut 2 holes in it, one for the bowl, one for a tube to toke on. Insert bowl, attatch plastic tube down into the body. Fill with water to a reasonable level, attatch tube to toke on, seal with something (tape works), put in gauze and start smoking.


It's a bong made with a similar technique except made out of a 2' green cup shaped like an alien. It's got a tube through the plastic lid and the rubber tube bit you get for certain old taps sticking out the forehead to toke on.

The Fan-Assisted Cyber Bong

Take a large-ish water bottle (square ones work best), cut it in half. At the bottom of one half, attatch a computer processor fan (you may have to pad it). Make sure the wires are free to attatch to something. Then seal the bottle with tape, attatch the bottom half and seal that too. Attatch a tube to toke on (we use a 2' length of plastic tube so you're not too close to the bottle). Put the gauze on the top of the bottle, plug in the fan (you'll probably need an adaptor), put the tube in your mouth and just breathe.

We further adapted this one by cutting up another water bottle to make a mouthpiece that covers your mouth. This kinda helps.

It may be possible to add a second chamber to this one containing water. We haven't tested this as it'd depend on the power of the fan.

Emergency bowls: We noticed that the sockets from a socket set are almost the right shape. The small (1 inch or so) metal bits usually have a lip to put your gauze on where it changes from the bit that you put on the bolt to the bit that you put on the handle.  :(

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Emergency bowls: We noticed that the sockets from a socket set are almost the right shape. The small (1 inch or so) metal bits usually have a lip to put your gauze on where it changes from the bit that you put on the bolt to the bit that you put on the handle.

metal thimbles work well too :(

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  • 2 months later...

The bay lung.

Right... Y'now a normal lung?? Here's a big 1.

What ya need

2litre AND

3Litre Empty Bottles.

2 thin (market style) carrier bags.


Screw-on bottle top gause/bowl (if u dont know how 2 make ask...)

Take the 3 litre bottle, and chop the top (just as it starts to curve in) and bottom to leave a straight tube.

Gently lighter round the edges to take off sharp points.

Chop the bottom from your 2 litre. (Lighter that too)

Carefully cut along the bottom seam on one of your bags. Cut the bottom off to leave a kind of carrier bag "tube"...

Tape one end of this "tube" to the bottom of your 2litre. The other end to the top of your 3 litre.

Tape the other bag to the bottom of your 3 litre.

This should leave you with (top-to-bottom); 2 litre --> Plastic BagTube (Space inside) --> 3Litre tube --> Plastic bag.


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To pull, collapse the whole thing by pushing the 2L inside the 3L and pushing the bottom bag inside. Bowl on the bottle top (on the 2L) and light...

Start by pulling out the bottom bag (to filll it up). Once that one is out (hold on to it) and pull the 2L bottle out of the 3L sleeve to fill the space between the 2.

Hope this is clear... It's confusing me! :oldtoker:

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Dude....Wicked Pic....*:oldtoker:*


I recently made a triple chamber bong....That was sweet...

3 Bottles...Small, Medium and large...

1.Put the bowl(Place where you will put the weed) into the small bottle ensuring the end of the tube is underwater .

2.Run a tube from above the water in the small bottle (the tube you would toke on) and run that to the Large bottle as if it were straight from the bowl (Ie Under the water level).

3. Then take the toke tube out of there and into the Medium bottle under the water level. Finaly take the toke tube out of the medium bottle....

As long as all your ins and outs are air tight you'll have a working bong.

I'd do the "Here's one I prepared eairlier bit" but I don't have a camera!!

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Is that double or triple water bubbled???

Sounds nice - I'm gonna go to the hardware shop on my way home and get some silicon sealant and tubing....



Smoke on people - :satisfied:

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Don't drill glass!  The method I know involves long and pain-staking tapping on the glass with a sharp dart!  The noise bugs the hell outta ya quickly, but you get nice, uniform holes with little chance of breakage.

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what u need 4 a big bong is

1 x office water fuckin despenser 19.5 liters

1 x 1.5 inch metal tube 4 the center

1 x rubber tube whatever size makes u happy

fill container 1/3 full = 6ltrs

stick metal tube down the center add gauze

cut hole in top 4 rubber tube and stick it in

after all this u get 13 ltrs of smooth smooth smoke man :)  :hump:  :dj:  :(

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Hey, Mr. Benn -- I've never known anyone else who was clued into the beauty of a metal thimble as a bowl!!  And the great thing is, you just poke a few holes in the bottom, and you never need a screen -- works great!!  :mad:  :rock:  :(

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I've got access to one of those water dispenser bottles!

I been thinking about it for ages now but I reckon it'll be a bit suspect walking out of work with it...


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Do the dutiful thing and take the empty cooler out to the bins....Then drop it in your car!!!

It was triple bubble that bong...Very nice but damn hard work...I used plastic to get round the problem of drilling glass!!

I work for a Pneumatic company too so I had loads of interesting valves and adaptors on it....

In fact I can adapt it for 4 people to toke at once....

Would be perfect for that Water cooler bong!!! Let me know if you get one Jontz...See if I can swipe an adaptor if you want...

Just think where each tube is going and as long as everything is airtight the sky is the limit!!


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to drill glass youd need a very slow speed drill, and probably a special bit and a steady hand. put masking tape over where you want to drill to prevent the drill from skating all over the glass, otherwise use a bench drill ( I think thats what they're called, the ones where you pull the handle down) or try a local glazier to see if they can do it

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:oldtoker:  Cheers Mr-j.... I might have a go one day when im bored..

I usually use plastic but I want something that doesn't look quite so 'homemade'... I'm gonna spend some time one day. Glass tokers last months or years..

Slillicon Sealant is top stuff for glass and plastic, I try to use it on all of my little projects...

Our newest member (Nev) will vouch for some of my creations.. Put ya out a couple of times ey chief??!!

Ha! smokeon ron.


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Here's a thought that occured to me after overhearing a conversation on the bus... A lung with two bags on the bottom of a pringles tube, one at either side. That's what people were talking about and I was wondering exactly how you'd go about making that (and if anyone's tried it and had any luck).

On the cutting glass front, I'm sure there's a way to do it. A friend bought a bong that appears to be made out of a budweiser bottle with a hole drilled in the side for the bowl. This sort of thing seems like it would be really cool to make if I but knew how.

Aaand... What are the basic features that would make a pipe as smooth as possible? In the ones I've made and/or tried, there seems to be a certain 'X-factor'.



Stoned Utterance of the day - "Heheh. Monkey."

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One of the key factors for smoothness is what happens to the smoke between the bowl and the mouthpiece... If you run it down a long tube (coiled inside the bong) then it has to travel further before filling up, therefore cooling the smoke.

A recent one I've just made has the bowl completely external to the bong with a 3 foot tube coiling around inside.. Try to get hold of a 4L Robinsons Orange bottle... My tube goes from a glass (chemistry set) bowl type thing, around the outside a couple of times, into the top, down the handle (this bit looks cool) then coiled at the bottom.

If you bubble through water the smoke is always gorgeous, so my tube comes out of the coil right at the bottom of the bottle... I can shove a load of ice in the bottom and a pint of water to bubble through...

Just experiment.. Get mashed up and get creative.

One lesson I have learnt though, if you're using tape as a sealant. TAKE YOUR TIME. USE LOTS and DO A GOOD JOB. by the time it comes to christen your new masterpiece, the biggest letdown is a leak and very thin smoke...

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