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Baba Ku

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Way back in 1983, I got my first flat. It was a council flat in a town outside Edinburgh. The day I got the keys, I went straight up there with my brother and two friends. We each took a sleeping bag, and one of the guys brought two Camping Gaz stoves, and a gas lamp, because I hadn't had the electricity turned on yet, with some camping pots and stuff. We sat around the gas lamp in the empty sitting room, smoking joint after joint and getting ripped. We were boiling water with one of the stoves for tea, and we discovered that the other stove was faulty, so we didn't use it.

After a couple of hours, the gas ran out of the working stove, right in the middle of boiling a pan of water for tea. John, the guy who's stoves and stuff it was, came up with the brilliant idea of using the full canister on the faulty stove in the working one. "Great", I said, but pointed out that the canister in the faulty stove had been pierced.

"Not a problem", says he, and tells us how he has done this before while camping, and we will lose a bit of gas, but at least we'll get our cup of tea. So I go into the kitchen, which is just off the living room, to prepare the cups for the tea, as the other three organise themselves to unscrew the canister from the faulty stove and swiftly pass it to guy who will screw it in to the good stove, this guy being my friend Vince.

So I'm just walking from the kitchen about to go into the living room as John unscrews the canister, which starts hissing as the gas escapes, and passes it to Vince to put into the other stove. Of course we're so incredibly stoned no one thought about the fact that all this was being done by the light of a gas lamp with a naked flame. Boom! The gas caught light, and this massive orange fireball just mushroomed out and enveloped all three guys. John and my brother both had the presence of mind to roll backwards, but Vince was in the middle of the fireball, and his sleeve was on fire. I fucking flipped out! I grabbed a towel we had brought, and started running around the living room screaming. The gas canister was in the middle of the floor, still alight, with a flame coming out of the hole in the top about four inches high. Vince was flapping his arm to try to put out the flames, but it wasn't working. John grabbed Vince and put his arm out, and my brother tripped me up, which calmed me down and straightened me out. We chucked the still burning canister out on to the balcony of the flat, were is stayed for months, though it went out later that night, and we got cold drinks from the chip shop to satisfy our thirst. Vince's arm was fine, but none of us will ever mess around with camping stoves again!

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Nice one! - I could see that conclusion unravelling before me - there's nothing like a 'boom' to get the heart racing.


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:), i imagine you get quite a lot of stoner stories like this. when i was in 'dam this summer my friend and i were completely unprepared for the deadly threat which cyclists pose to stoners. staggering back to our hotel late at night and severely stoned we were almost run down countless times as we strayed into the cycle lane. it's probably so common that the dutch ambulance service have a special code for it....like y'know "ve have a 420 here guys"......"oh no those bloody stoners again, they always get knocked down"......


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yeah - done that too...

What about a near-miss with a tram! silently they come out of nowhere and whoosh! fly by with no warning.... :oldtoker:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah the bikes & trams are a nightmare - but add in me, at 21, first trip to the Dam, country-boy, driving on the wrong side of the road in a big city, stoned on the best gear i had ever had, with roads split down the sides of canal, billions of bikes everywhere - and trams coming at you from nowhere!

Bloody nightmare!

Don't think I could have handled it straight!


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What about a near-miss with a tram! silently they come out of nowhere and whoosh! fly by with no warning.... :stoned:

and on the wrong blood side of the road.. :mad:  :oldtoker:


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