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stoners language


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When smoking with my mates we always seem to slip into a different language once the first bong hit has taken effect. Words get shortened so you dont have to put as much effort into speaking.

I'm pretty sure other groups of people develop their own stoner language and it would be great to hear a few of the words you use!

Just as an example if you wanted to ask someone if you should bill a spliff we would say "shlablit". or if the spliff is side-burning and the smoker doesn't see it someone yells out "bliffurgy" derrived from bliff and surgery.

Maybe i'm just crazy  :(

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  • 1 month later...

yeah, i mumble a lot, and most sobre people can't understand a word i'm saying, but all the stoners understand

eg.         munchies=mnys

stoner - ah, your right, i'm hungry too

sobre - god you drug taking losers, you can't even talk right (ok, very mean sobre person)

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equally to my last comment, i usually can't be arsed to listen to sobre people, so i don't hear them either

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A few I can think of...

Flick'majig. - Ashtray

S'ndz... - Could someone please put some music on.

When we smoke, it tends to lead to some coherent but ridiculous outbursts.

Smoke some weed and ponder, if you will...

"Acoustic Metal." (My girlfriend wondering why metal bands don't play acoustic guitars.)

"A Mechanical Assjack." (Somebody who doesn't smoke at ALL sat between me and my best smoking buddy while we were in a 6 hour smoking session)

"A lead candle, dripping sideways onto a wall." (Someone's dream they saw fit to impart to us.

"Driveby Assjackings" & "Gang-related Assjackings" (same as the second one)


The duck billed platypus, just generally.



Stoned utterance of the day - "Y'know, when you really think about it, aren't hot-rocks a lot like life?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's a couple... :sarcasm:

"Bay" - I would like my bong, nothing but large. "Pull me a bay-un..."(Big)

"Smo" - I'm feeling a tad fucked, just do me a smo-un... (Small)

"TTO!" - Im too stoned and I the jungle has ended. (Turn Tape Over!)

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S'up Jontz?  Was wicked meeting ya and getting stoned, so so stoned  :P;)

We will have to do it again soon, when my months detox innevitably fails!

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I was sound by the time I got home...

My dad came back and we carried on with a load of his mates till about 3.30!

'twas a top session though.. Give us a shout when u'v got a party on.. :satisfied:

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  • 2 weeks later...


we have this thing if theres a long silence when we're monging out someone has to just say innit, then someone else says innit in a lazier voice then you keep repeateing it untill it turns into one long noise.


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