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Beasties From The Garden


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Here are a few pic of some creepies and crawlies and a couple of flappy things I found in the garden. The flying beasties where 'gathered' by the cat...


post-11933-1169662703_thumb.jpg - Yes it was that green!


Edited by Bambi72
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and a couple more...



It did survive the cat assault, and took off a little bit later. I think she struck again though 'cos I found its head outside the back door the next day.


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Oh by the way, if anyone wants a REAL simple image resizer program, I think I have found one of the best.

Its a tiny file you plonk in your images folder, and you just drag and drop images onto it and it resizes them and saves them with the origonal filename appended with the image size. You get a DOS box appear while its doing its work and then a prompt to hit enter to finish.

You pick the image size by renaming the file.

For example, the file is called PhotoResize1024, any file you drop onto it will get converted so its largest length is 1024 pixels, and the shorter length is scaled to fit and saved as bla-bla1024.jpg

If you changed the file to PhotoResize800 you would get 800x... pixel images bla-bla-800.jpg

You can also use it to convert 100's of pictures at a time.

You can even have 3 or 4 copies of the file each named with a different size.

Thats all there is to it, it runs from any folder. Its virus free, as far as I know, (been using it for over a year with a daily virus scanner and nothing.....)

Not sure if I am allowed to post files, it is a FREEWARE program,

oh bugger

you know when you spend ages typing a load of crap and then find a link that does it way better......


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