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Graffiti: Free Speech Or Vandalism?


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And vandalism is up there with rape and murder!

This just in:

Man (22) has been sentenced to 7 years for spray painting a willy on a wall


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Guest dr rockster

This just in:

Man (22) has been sentenced to 7 years for spray painting a willy on a wall


What,Kim Il Jongs palace wall? :smoke:

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  • 1 month later...

Also, ich habe jetzt die Sortierung geändert. Als alter Abheftspezialist finde ich es schöner wenn man das neueste immer vorne hat. So habe ich es jetzt gemacht: Die Bilder sind jetzt in der Reihenfolge wie ich sie upgeloadet habe, hinten die alten, vorne die neuen. Also sortiert nach Datum, absteigend. Klickt man also eine Kategorie an, hat man die neusten Fotos ohne weitere Klicks. Die Bezeichnung "neu" habe ich jetzt auf 14 Tage gesetzt bis das "neu" verschwindet. Aber wie ihr seht ist ja alles neu!



I've heard it all now

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  • 3 weeks later...

It' definately art imo.

I am a graffiti artist and it is most definitely art. It has meaning, foundations and all the right aspects to make it a generally proper art form. The only problem is, since it is an illegal activity, the word "graffiti" has been misappropriated to carry negative connotations; much in the same way the Marijuana Tax Act, in linking that special herb to Mexico, supposed images of squalor and crime in the minds of Americans.

i agre with this.. i'm too stoned to explain. :(

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  • 1 month later...

i used to graff

yes its art, if there is creative input (that includes creative handwriting)

yes its vandalism if its on someone elses property

i love graffiti, its a shame they spend so much money getting rid of it

And vandalism is up there with rape and murder!

i know people who have been murdered and i know people who have raped, to say graffiti writers are like them is just bullshit, how old are you?????????????????? :doh::soap::soap:

i know people who actively do illegal graffiti still, some of them are the niced people you'll ever meet, just cos they write on dirty train track walls doesnt make them bad human beings

i know other people who hate vandals and some of them are the most violent horrible people you'll ever meet

ive gone off topic a bit but i had to get that off my chest :guitar:

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Some of these guys work is amazing.

Scottish Graffiti

But quite rightly as Boojum says :

Defacing someone else's property, whether with art or with scribble, is still vandalism. You wanna create art, do it on your own property, not someone else's.

But i must say some of it looks great some shite.

God i cant remember posting in this thread before :doh:

I have binned the paint program you`ll be glad to hear and the German lessons. :soap:

And chilled with the high octane intake :soap:

Still paint at home sometimes but not in a long time now.

If its good i like it, Bad i class no better than litter.


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Pair in £100,000 graffiti rampage

Two teenage vandals responsible for graffiti damage put at £100,000 of across the south east of the UK have been ordered to be detained.

James Buckett, 19 and Luc Hunter, 18, attacked trains, trams and railway bridges in Croydon and Orpington, Kent.

The pair pleaded guilty to criminal damage at Guildhall Crown Court.

Buckett, from Warlingham, Surrey, was given two years in a young offenders institution. Hunter, of Crystal Palace, south London, was given 18 months.

Proud pictures

Their spree - between January 2004 and early this year - involved spraying graffiti for nine hours a night, week after week.

The court heard how they were so proud of what they were doing that they could not resist taking a host of incriminating pictures of themselves wielding an array of spray cans and leaving their so-called "tags".

But it was these pictures that led to their arrest after staff at a photo development company gave police the lead they needed.

This helped them identify James Buckett who was found to have further images of the damage on his computer when police searched his home in Church Lane, Warlingham.

Although he went on the run after suspecting police could be closing in, one of the pictures also helped officers catch Hunter, of Waldegrave Road, Crystal Palace.

'Such an obsession'

In one incident, they targeted four trains at Orpington railway depot in Kent. It took 1,200 man hours at a cost of £19,000 to clean off the paint.

Seven of the carriages had to be taken out of service while the work was done.

Passing sentence, Judge Paul Worsley, QC, said the graffiti campaign "became such an obsession you spent three nights a week from 10 in the evening until seven in the morning going about your so-called work".

Buckett pleaded guilty to 10 charges of criminal damage and asked for 62 similar offences to be taken into consideration.

Hunter admitted eight criminal damage counts and asked for 14 others to be considered.

1st sep


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graffiti art is art ,there is more than one type of graffiti ,it matures as the artist does as someones mentioned before check www.riskdesigns.com stuff the FT lads are havin it ,i nicked the pic off his site ,this is in freehand spraypaint only.....FREEHAND SPRAYPAINT ONLY

my hat goes off to all graff artists but they need to have dedicated places to paint like selly oak park in birmingham


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i love to look at Graffiti, coming into kings cross station is amazing theres some gigantic Graffiti some around 15ft high and its none of that scribble shit either.

Unlucky about those two chavs, i wouldnt argue with there sentance, thats alot of damage costs there :yinyang:




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